The Art of Bore
Meh ivanka will only take over anyway... the empire will continueUnless the CIA gets him first
Meh ivanka will only take over anyway... the empire will continueUnless the CIA gets him first
Apologies if this has been posted already. Good stuff!
Apologies if this has been posted already. Good stuff!
Yeah Gavin is the real deal. Reminds me a bit of Bill Clinton circa 1992. He needs to seal the deal and get his Gov election taken care of then start the ball rolling immediately for 2020.
Yeah Gavin is the real deal. Reminds me a bit of Bill Clinton circa 1992. He needs to seal the deal and get his Gov election taken care of then start the ball rolling immediately for 2020.
Mortgage, healthcare bills and loss of potentially two jobs. Nowhere near enough!I have had the same conversations many times too, it's just now I can actually speak from experience of the NHS literally saving my life. I've had a few comments from some American friends who really don't believe I haven't paid a penny, or then accuse me of going private, but most I have told just get quite bewildered by it followed by a moment of silence before changing the subject quickly
I'm glad you and your family wont be affected badly, but it really does suck that you are literally one event from losing everything. As above really, I know how quickly and completely unexpectedly something can happen and to think the system of a supposed civilised country, and one that prides itself and tries to tell the world how it is the best, can literally be so cruel to its citizens and how it can punish even the most honest and hard working of them. Good luck with the insurance, and I hope you never ever need it. $1m sounds an awful lot, but again, from experience it really isn't at all when talking in healthcare costs.
He seems a genuine guy.
Talks from his heart.
So long as he remembers the millions who have been left behind for far too long and fights for them, he will find his voice.
Apologies if this has been posted already. Good stuff!
Now that's just sillyMeh ivanka will only take over anyway... the empire will continue
He's knowledgeable and speaks extemporaneously and tends to drown people in facts and details - sort like Bill Clinton used to do in the early 90s. If you asked me 8 years ago, I would've said Gavin is far too young and a bit too far to the left to win (despite Obama's success that year). Now the country has gone signficantly more to the left (healthcare/LGBT/medical weed etc), so I think Gavin is the guy who can galvanize all the sentiment into one candidacy by uniting the Bernie/Liz and Hillary factions into one cohesive voter base.
Yes. The country is moving left and Trump is helping it move further left with his comedy shows.
Gavin or Joe Jennedy III as someone mentioned above will unite the Democrats and Independents.
2018 will be big indication of where the country is.
How about a Newsome & Kennedy ticket in 2020?Yeah Gavin is the real deal. Reminds me a bit of Bill Clinton circa 1992. He needs to seal the deal and get his Gov election taken care of then start the ball rolling immediately for 2020.
Yep, agreed. I think we are going to see a massive wave of younger millenial candidates get involved and run for Congress as the ageing baby boomers get run out of Congress. Definitely good for the Dems
How about a Newsome & Kennedy ticket in 2020?
Former governor (if 2018 goes right) and former congressman
How about a Newsome & Kennedy ticket in 2020?
Former governor (if 2018 goes right) and former congressman
only hope Trumpy has not nuked us all before that.![]()
Two younger candidates would do well agains Drumpf imo. He will be 74 in 2020 and if he hasn't been impeached yet, you can bet the entire country, including half the independents who voted for him last year, will have serious Trump fatigue and will be mobilized to get rid of him.
If the Dems retake either house of Congress next year, you can bet there will be impeachment charges brought up - either for emoluments clause violations or #KremlinGate.
I honestly think Trump wont even seek the nomination....he would have lined his pockets full...and may be in Turkey or Moscow by 2020.
Good speech, but its cringe worthy seeing people calling for him to run for president in 2020 because of this speech.
A charismatic leader counts for a lot more than it should. A strong leader with a weak policy is always more likely to win than a weak leader with a strong one. It's sad, but has always been the case. And something the Corbynista side of the Labour Party have stubbornly refused to acknowledge, to their peril.
Hillary was hugely unpopular. With even a marginally less divisive candidate, the Dems would've likely won comfortably.
The only problem with Lil' Ken is he's cut from a similar dynastic cloth. But at this point, any kind of youthful populist injection is a welcome one.
He's already launching 2020 May of 2017.
That dinasty is largely associated with good 'ol America though, the one were things still went forward. Also, none of them have appeared on the national level for almost 3 decades. It helps he looks more like JFK than his actual grandson does.
And that he has a similar oratory cadence to his grandad...with a bit of Obama thrown in.
Though tbh, if I was in that family, the very last thing I'd do is go into politics. it only seems to end tragically. I'd be the black sheep reprobate Kennedy who had a short and unsuccessful musical career but took a lot of good drugs and shagged my way around the northern hemisphere.
Pence is a complete arsehole...except he seems even more dangerous. If that is possible.
I wish he still had the old Kennedy Trans-Atlantic accentWhy would you limit yourself to the northern hemisphere? As for his oration, I actually thought it came across as very nervous, as if his voice was about to break at any moment but he somehow kept himself on the cusp of it and never quite lost it which I guess made it a little more emotional.
I don't really see any other prominent Dem candidates around right now. I'd imagine Booker might give it a go. Gavin/Booker would make a formidable 1-2 punch.
Why would you limit yourself to the northern hemisphere? As for his oration, I actually thought it came across as very nervous, as if his voice was about to break at any moment but he somehow kept himself on the cusp of it and never quite lost it which I guess made it a little more emotional.
Interesting, I thought he came across well. But then I am judging him largely against our rubbish homegrown politicians. I once read a very good article (that I've since lost all evidence of) that argued the difference in American and British oratorism was all down to our differing religious pulpit cultures. And that the Obamas, Clintons and Kennedys all came from a tradition of charismatic evangelical preaching, whilst ours were the product of bland provincial vicars, or Rowan Atkinson sketches about bumbling clerics. It definitely stands up when you think about it.
Al Franken recently improved his profile and could sell the outsider pretty well.
I'm now bizarrely interested in knowing who Tony Blair's local priest was.Interesting, I thought he came across well. But then I am judging him largely against our rubbish homegrown politicians. I once read a very good article (that I've since lost all evidence of) that argued the difference in American and British oratorism was all down to our differing religious pulpit cultures. And that the Obamas, Clintons and Kennedys all came from a tradition of charismatic evangelical preaching, whilst ours were the product of bland provincial vicars, or Rowan Atkinson sketches about bumbling clerics. It definitely stands up when you think about it.
That dinasty is largely associated with good 'ol America though, the one were things still went forward. Also, none of them have appeared on the national level for almost 3 decades. It helps he looks more like JFK than his actual grandson does.
I'm now bizarrely interested in knowing who Tony Blair's local priest was.
Seems a likely candidate!
On the other hand, stick any of those Americans in a high-intensity Westminster back-and-forth and watch them crumble on the spot.