The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I wasn't his biggest fan to begin with but knowing he's a blatant cheat is just going too far. I'd impeach him based purely on that.
He'll get one of these guys to stick at some stage


Says it all really.

Meanwhile Trump is at another of his golf clubs for a long weekend, obviously because he's done so much hard work recently. It seems that some people are literally that dumb and simply do not give a shit that Trump is blatantly treating the Presidency as one great big jolly. It amazes me how he gets away with everything all the time. He really wasn't joking about shooting someone, he just used not losing voters as a euphemism for getting away with murder.

Says it all really.

Meanwhile Trump is at another of his golf clubs for a long weekend, obviously because he's done so much hard work recently. It seems that some people are literally that dumb and simply do not give a shit that Trump is blatantly treating the Presidency as one great big jolly. It amazes me how he gets away with everything all the time. He really wasn't joking about shooting someone, he just used not losing voters as a euphemism for getting away with murder.
Yup, would say it's a bit of an eye opener but it isn't really. Well, hopefully it will be for some...
Yup, would say it's a bit of an eye opener but it isn't really. Well, hopefully it will be for some...

I have been saying it ad nauseam for 18 months now, it's even starting to piss me off how repetitive I have become. I bet there are people who occasionally pop in and out of this thread, and the US election thread before this, and only see my posts when I'm writing "I can't believe Trump gets away with whatever it is he's been up to that day, and think that's all I ever write They would probably be right too. :lol:
Yup, would say it's a bit of an eye opener but it isn't really. Well, hopefully it will be for some...

Most of the Trump supporters on my FB page dont care. They are just glad to be sticking it to the "liberal universally adored legend".
It'll only hit home when this passes and they try to get a C section or suffer from depression and get told those are now preexisting conditions.

They (or their family or friends) need to be hit hard in the wallet and then they might finally come to their senses

He's made that statement a few times, but some mixed messages coming out from congress if they've seen evidence of collusion.

Feinstein said yesterday, she's not seen evidence of collusion.

Schindler says this about Feinstein, so it could be possible she doesn't want to say on camera.

Many Trump voters aren't any more or less persuadable than any other voters - look at Bernie's town halls in Michigan and Virginia for evidence. It took him less than an hour to get the majority of a room full of them to cheer his lines, in a county where Dem party officials voted for Trump.
But that is immensely hard work, and requires someone with Bernie's popularity + national reach (I'm not sure that person exists) to go around the country holding political meetings.

Sorry, missed this reply and it's a good point well made. It definitely is hard work, and it's a huge country too, one hell of a lot of travelling and a hell of a lot of people to convince too. I don't think it will be too hard after the passing of this Trumpcare bill though.
Most of the Trump supporters on my FB page dont care. They are just glad to be sticking it to the "liberal universally adored legend".
It'll only hit home when this passes and they try to get a C section or suffer from depression and get told those are now preexisting conditions.

They (or their family or friends) need to be hit hard in the wallet and then they might finally come to their senses

They'll just go to church more or go to the firing range more and take out their frustrations whilst muttering 'thanks Obama' under their breath.

Trump supporters live up to every stereotype made about them. I though only Scousers did that.
Bernie reckons the new Wealthcare plan doesn't stand a hope in hell of passing the senate. In his words they're going to rip it up amd start from zero.

@Raoul You like to keep your ear on the ground, is there any news on any of the investigations reaching any sort of conclusion any time soon? Any hint of timescale recently? Y
Bernie reckons the new Wealthcare plan doesn't stand a hope in hell of passing the senate. In his words they're going to rip it up amd start from zero.

@Raoul You like to keep your ear on the ground, is there any news on any of the investigations reaching any sort of conclusion any time soon? Any hint of timescale recently? Y

Its impossible to say how long this thing will drag on.
Wow, at this point it's not even about politics anymore, it's just about being as big of an asshole as possible to as many people as possible for no particular reason. It really infuriates me that these people are getting away with this shit. At what point does the American people wake up and start chasing them down the streets with pitchforks?
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This should be the Democrats motto for however long Trump is in office
Was this posted? Unusually blunt.

I saw that on Twitter, many replies summed up my thoughts which were she was exceptionally quick to answer and it was more a defensive response of someone who didn't want to discuss anything, especially on live TV being broadcast to millions. Or I could be completely wrong and she really was being honest, which would contradict many other reports and interviews including comments from Schiff. Personally I think they have all been told to keep quiet and not say a word to the press, that would be the most obvious and logical explanation.
If this healthcare plan goes ahead and gets approved, a lot of people in this country are going to be totally and utterly fecked. They will let insurers determine if rape victims are going to be considered "pre existing condition". People voted a billionaire businessman into the White House thinking he would give a second thought to the middle class. The people of this country need to go through hardship to learn a lesson and appreciate all that Obama did.
Is it time for Western Democracies to start putting pressure on FIFA to pull the World Cup from this Putin cnut. The thoughts of him taking center stage for a major international tournament while murdering his opponents and declaring cyber war against our countries sickens me.
Is it time for Western Democracies to start putting pressure on FIFA to pull the World Cup from this Putin cnut. The thoughts of him taking center stage for a major international tournament while murdering his opponents and declaring cyber war against our countries sickens me.

I agree, but it's far too late for that now. However boycotting the event would be far better and far more embarrassing and damaging as Russia will have spent billions on the event with new stadiums, infrastructure, advertising etc. It was a farce from the beginning and shouldn't have been allowed from the start due to the rumours of bribery and corruption as to how the event was awarded and the same for Qatar in 2022. Let's also not forget that Russia is a hotspot for football violence, especially after what happened in France with the Euros and also the racism and homophobia in Russian football is appalling.

You can guarantee if England had been awarded the 2018 World Cup and we had been responsible for all the violence in France and had the same problems with racism as Russia has, then it would have been taken from us and given to someone else. It's an absolute disgrace that the country that invented football has only hosted the premier event once and that was over 50 years ago. It's also a disgrace that it's looking increasingly likely that we won't get the 2026 or 2030 games either, so it could be 70 years or more by the time it comes round again. Not only that but the USA are in line to get it again meaning they will have hosted the games twice since England had it and will have obviously hosted it more times than the home of football. How is that fair or how does it make any sense? I think it's a fecking farce to be honest. But it's off topic so.......

The people of this country need to go through hardship to learn a lesson and appreciate all that Obama did.

I'm really sorry but I cannot agree with this line of thinking. I completely agree that Trump supporters should get what they deserve, but the trouble with that is unfortunately millions of other people will also suffer too and that just isn't fair at all. You can argue it's like collateral damage but that still doesn't justify it or make it right. I completely understand the anger and bitterness and I truly get the emotions are high but you can't lower yourselves to their standards and you can't punish innocent people for someone else's mistakes. Ironically that is exactly what Trump and Ryan and co are doing, but two wrongs do not make a right and this isn't a game where people learn a moral lesson at the end of it, the lesson they and their families learn is a lot of pain and then death. It truly is life and death and it's despicable.
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I'm really sorry but I cannot agree with this line of thinking. I completely agree that Trump supporters should get what they deserve, but the trouble with that is unfortunately millions of other people will also suffer too and that just isn't fair at all. You can argue it's like collateral damage but that still doesn't justify it or make it right. I completely understand the anger and bitterness and I truly get the emotions are high but you can't lower yourselves to their standards and you can't punish innocent people for someone else's mistakes. Ironically that is exactly what Trump and Ryan and co are doing, but two wrongs do not make a right and this isn't a game where people learn a moral lesson at the end of it, the lesson they and their families learn is a lot of pain and then death. It truly is life and death and it's despicable.

Unfortunately it has to be this way. I am not just referring to the Trump supporters, but people who simply did not bother to go and vote. I have had discussions on here regarding them, but people are making too many excuses for them. Too many people simply could not be bothered to vote, register to vote, or get proper identification to vote. In order to better themselves, people need to take responsibility for their lives and their actions, only then can they improve their situation. It does not matter how sorry we are for them, that's not going to change anything.
In order to better themselves, people need to take responsibility for their lives and their actions, only then can they improve their situation

That sounds like something Paul Ryan would say. Although you are right in a way, it's not really that simple and many people need help in numerous ways, that's really what living in a civilised society means. The USA really does put a price on a human life and that is deplorable. I agree people need to learn a lesson and need to be more informed but I can't agree that people need to die and suffer, although it is increasingly looking more likely that it may be the only way, the trouble is it will be too late for many, and even then I still don't think it will change a lot of peoples minds. More than enough Republicans want a form of UHC now, just not one called ObamaCare. It really shouldn't even be a discussion to be honest, it amazes me how completely uninformed so many US citizens are about healthcare and how selfish some others are. Without trying to use a shitty pun, it actually sickens me to the core.

It does not matter how sorry we are for them, that's not going to change anything.

Of course not but it shows that you are better and a decent person. People who want universal healthcare want it because its morally and ethically the right thing to do. As I said, it's civilised and it's fair. Everyone contributes through tax and if people want to have private care then they can pay for it if they choose to do so. But the main point is that healthcare and medicine is a not for profit system. You shouldn't be able to make money off the sick and needy or choose who lives and who dies depending on if they can afford it or not.

Anyway that's just my opinion on it all and I accept others don't agree, and I am just so thankful I live in a country that has an amazing service called the NHS. I just hope that I get the chance to see my friends and family in the States get a similar equivalent in my lifetime. I thought you all had made progress with ObamaCare although I feel he should have pushed harder and gone for what he really wanted, but it was still a start. Then it was refreshing to hear Bernie talk about it all the time and to see how many loved him for it and to see his crowds, but unfortunately like the Environmental advances under Obama all that hard work is being undone.

So the economy recovering is due to Trump and in no way the inevitable result of the gradual and accelerating recovery under Obama?


:lol: Exactly, the stats were apparently fudged under Obama but suddenly now they are completely accurate. It's pathetic.
Wow, at this point it's not even about politics anymore, it's just about being as big of an asshole as possible to as many people as possible for no particular reason. It really infuriates me that these people are getting away with this shit. At what point does the American people wake up and start chasing them down the streets with pitchforks?

I think you underestimate how asshurt the GOP, not to mention the Orange Overlord himself is about Obama and they want to do anything they can to tear down his legacy. As you said at this point it has feck all to do with governing and its more about one upping the democrats.

I do wonder though, if they deep down know what a bunch of shitstains they really are
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