The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Surely there has to be some? He's exaggerating surely?
Not according to the Chicago Tribune...

Sessions seems "concerned"
"We really need to work hard at that," Sessions said when asked Tuesday about the vacancies as he opened a meeting with federal law enforcement officials. The 93 unfilled U.S. attorney positions are among the hundreds of critical Trump administration jobs that remain open.

Sessions is also without the heads of his top units, including the civil rights, criminal and national security divisions, as he tries to reshape the Justice Department.
Is nobody seriously worried that the entire US Government and judiciary system is running with a skeleton staff? and is nobody worried many of those completely inexperienced, including the leader of them all? It's a fecking joke, and it really is amateur hour all the way. Surely this is all extremely dangerous? Not to mention ridiculous. I think if there was any serious emergency the country could be completely fecked, and you have a headless chicken with a short temper and giant ego running the show. What could possibly go wrong?
Fairly certain Sessions can do just fine without filling up civil rights division. He'd probably prefer it.

Without a doubt, he would love to not have them around, same as Pence would like Planned Parenthood completely abolished. Trump would definitely love to completely remove any trace of the EPA and reverse all its laws, but he couldn't be that obvious so he just cut the budget and put Rick Perry in as energy secretary instead. Bannon want's the removal of everything and the rest of them have all donated heavily to things that make their cabinet positions extremely questionable and make their judgement or handling of the position with unbiased fairness extremely doubtful. Tillerson and his oil and energy companies, Betsy and her private schools etc.

People often throw banana republic around too freely, it's overused as a joke at times, but I really don't think it does this shambles justice. They really do put third world countries to shame and the potential for unrivalled corruption is unparalleled. One of the biggest and richest countries in the world being run by billionaire businessmen and women with a (supposed) billionaire President that still has hotels and golf courses all over the world and his daughter who has a global fashion brand as his confidant and advisor.

Sometimes I really do have to repeat stuff to myself to believe it's true. When I stop and just think about things in context I always come back to the same conclusion and thought and that is usually that either I or the world is completely insane. Just silly things like Trump's video from the bus and "grab em by the pussy" yet he got elected. The comments to the little girl "I'll be dating her in 10 years" yet he got elected. All the women coming out and accusing him of assault, and even his comments to one when he basically said she was too ugly for him to molest. Yet he got elected. It just doesn't make sense how any woman voted for him at all, yet alone with the numbers he actually got, let alone minority voters too, it really is all insane.

To make it all worse now he's elected he literally has no government staff at all. His going back on nearly all his promises, his tweets, his playing golf, his shambles with the Japanese PM at Mar-a-lago. You can literally go on for hours just thinking of things that he's said or done and any single one of the things you think would have sunk any other candidate and they would never be elected. Since he has been elected the things he has said and done would have completely sunk any other President ever, but especially the previous one. Yet Teflon Trump just acts as if none of it ever happened and for some reason, despite over half the country and I would think 70% of the rest of the world all scratching their heads at it all, none of it really seems to matter and it seems as if everyone has just accepted it and is carrying on regardless, just having a little moan about it here and there. I really have lost faith that anything will happen to remove him from office now, I think he's here for the duration, I just hope it's only 4 and not 8.

Outstanding article from the "Failing New York Times" It's a week or so old now, but still relevant and I'm not sure if it's been posted before.

And another one here..

This goes hand in hand with my previous post on the previous page about the potential for unrivalled and unparalleled corruption. It's so blatant it's untrue, yet another head scratching moment. Insanity.

:lol: The list of his brain farts in the past couple of weeks alone would be worrying enough if there wasn't a million other things to hold against him or criticise and attack him for. I will keep saying this ad nauseam, that yet again more head scratching moments that you just really can't believe are happening, and yet again, just imagine Obama doing any of this. He has created a kind of parallel universe where normal laws and rules don't apply to him.
:lol: The list of his brain farts in the past couple of weeks alone would be worrying enough if there wasn't a million other things to hold against him or criticise and attack him for. I will keep saying this ad nauseam, that yet again more head scratching moments that you just really can't believe are happening, and yet again, just imagine Obama doing any of this. He has created a kind of parallel universe where normal laws and rules don't apply to him.
Just imagine HILLARY had been doing any of this!

Important lesson from the Drump universe:

Protectionism by US: GREAT!
Protectionism by others: DISGRACE!

Just imagine HILLARY had been doing any of this!

Yup indeed, or any President for that matter.

Two more countries Trump has insulted and pissed off, admittedly he'd already insulted Merkel and Germany a couple of times previously, but now another close ally in South Korea is added to the list. It's clear Trump hates Merkel, dislikes the Germans and has contempt for the EU and what it stands for. He refused to shake Merkel's hand, gave her a bill for NATO money and she would definitely have known about his Brexit stance and possibly questioned him on it and his opinion of the EU and what their relationship would be like. You could tell from Trumps demeanour and facial expressions he was not happy at all and now he sends Ivanka on a state visit. After a week of firing missiles and dropping bombs you would think he would want to secure all the friends he could.

He's embarrassing himself and his country and he's extremely dangerous, yet again let's add this to the list of head scratching moments, can't believe it's really happening or sure it's real. I guess we should just all wait until he does something though, right?
Secret meeting at Mar-a-Lago raises questions about Colombia peace and Trump

President Donald Trump quietly met a pair of former Colombian presidents last weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, thrusting his administration into an ugly power struggle in Latin America that threatens to undermine the country’s controversial peace agreement with rebel leaders.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos is expected to push Trump to support the peace accord with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia at their first meeting at the White House next month. He wants the Trump administration and Congress to maintain the $450 million in foreign aid promised by former President Barack Obama to implement the plan to end Latin America’s longest armed conflict.

The meeting between Trump and the former presidents, Álvaro Uribe and Andrés Pastrana – Colombia news media have reported it was arranged by an influential U.S. critic of the plan, Republican U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida – was not on the president’s schedule and was not disclosed to reporters who traveled with him to Palm Beach.
Two more countries Trump has insulted and pissed off, admittedly he'd already insulted Merkel and Germany a couple of times previously, but now another close ally in South Korea is added to the list. It's clear Trump hates Merkel, dislikes the Germans and has contempt for the EU and what it stands for. He refused to shake Merkel's hand, gave her a bill for NATO money and she would definitely have known about his Brexit stance and possibly questioned him on it and his opinion of the EU and what their relationship would be like. You could tell from Trumps demeanour and facial expressions he was not happy at all and now he sends Ivanka on a state visit. After a week of firing missiles and dropping bombs you would think he would want to secure all the friends he could.

He's embarrassing himself and his country and he's extremely dangerous, yet again let's add this to the list of head scratching moments, can't believe it's really happening or sure it's real. I guess we should just all wait until he does something though, right?

Eh, normally I´m down for criticising this incompetent clown, but I don´t really see the issue here. Ivanka Trump was personally invited by Merkel for the G20 womens conference (certainly not because of Ivanka´s competence, but more as a positive political gesture on the side of the chancellor) and uses that opportunity to visit the American embassy amongst other places.

Given these circumstances, I understandably have not heard any outrage on the German side, neither from politicans nor my contacts (due to my work) in the embassy (well, they are not super happy about it either as Ivanka has the reputation of being a super spoiled brat). Such visits happen literally all the time and have no political relevance whatsoever.
This is a complete nonstory.

Outstanding article from the "Failing New York Times" It's a week or so old now, but still relevant and I'm not sure if it's been posted before.

And another one here..

This goes hand in hand with my previous post on the previous page about the potential for unrivalled and unparalleled corruption. It's so blatant it's untrue, yet another head scratching moment. Insanity.

People in his country are starving.
If Ivanka's last name wasn't Trump, she'd be your next door milf trying to sell scented candles on etsy.
People in his country are starving.

Yes they are, although not quite sure what that has to do with much really aside from showing the deep corruption on both sides and from both Presidents. It's not unusual

This is a complete nonstory.

Thanks for the insight because that's clearly not how it was reported, or being reported by certain media outlets which is a real shame which means yet again the press aren't doing themselves any favours. Like the shoddy reporting of the New England Patriots visit to the White House yesterday, it's just piss poor journalism and not helping anyone at all because they are just playing in to Trump and his supporters hands. Although I am slightly puzzled why you bolded the sentence you did though because Trump clearly did upset Merkel previously on at least two occasions, one of which when she officially visited the White House. It's no secret that most EU leaders are bewildered and unsure of Trump or how to handle him, and it's been widely reported that Merkel disagrees with Trump on many issues.
I remember during the campaign when Trump was asked if he'd put any women in his Cabinet, and he said he might just throw in his daughter. Which seemed absurd at the time...because like him she', not a politician. Now she's pretty much unofficially playing a senior role. I mean, granted...she's probably better at a governmental role than Trump is himself, but still...
I remember during the campaign when Trump was asked if he'd put any women in his Cabinet, and he said he might just throw in his daughter. Which seemed absurd at the time...because like him she', not a politician. Now she's pretty much unofficially playing a senior role. I mean, granted...she's probably better at a governmental role than Trump is himself, but still...
I'm glad I missed that. IMO if anything, it can improve things a bit between Twitler and Merkel when she invited FDOTUS to this G20 women summit. Not that I expect her to contribute anything meaningful but she wouldn't ruin it either.
I mean, granted...she's probably better at a governmental role than Trump is himself, but still...
I'm glad I missed that. IMO if anything, it can improve things a bit between Twitler and Merkel when she invited FDOTUS to this G20 women summit. Not that I expect her to contribute anything meaningful but she wouldn't ruin it either.

Does US really have any laws against nepotism? After Trump, Jared and Ivanka have the most infulence..even more than Ryan or Pence imo.
Does US really have any laws against nepotism?

Yes, here...

They are also breaking emoluments laws and have huge conflicts of interest. I can't fecking say it enough how it's unbelievable how it's being allowed. Although one would think the USA is ripe for stuff like this, you would always imagine it couldn't happen at the highest level simply because of how it completely goes against everything the USA stands for. It really is what the USA always says it wouldn't ever let happen out in the open even though we all know it's always still there at the very top, but usually behind the scenes, and certainly not to this degree.

Control of the government, judiciary, intelligence services and military like this and the continued attempts to supress or discredit the press like this is the exact type of justification the US would use to attack a country or to try and overthrow a government to implement regime change. Aside from killing or starving his own citizens I should think Trump has ticked nearly every single box of the batshit crazy, lunatic dictator the USA would love to remove scale.
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I should think Trump has ticked nearly every single box of the batshit crazy, lunatic dictator the USA would love to remove scale.

I recall reading a quote from someone which goes "I vote for Trump's policies, not the man himself" which opens up a new dimension on why he won the presidency.

When he says Mexican wall, people think Immigration reform. When he says China/Nafta, people think jobs to US. When he says crooked hillary, people think anti-establishment. Rather than the plasticity of the statement themselves, it is a powerful tool that resonates well with the older and blue collar population and the traditional Republican fan base. His showmanship won him the presidency imo. You can say that the democrats/liberals are out of touch with the common man (coastal states aside).

He's a megalomaniac, but not a dictator. Not a defence by any means, he still is a lunatic nut case who is inept in managing the country, but he's got the problem points correctly identified.
Yes, here...

They are also breaking emoluments laws and have huge conflicts of interest. I can't fecking say it enough how it's unbelievable how it's being allowed. Although one would think the USA is ripe for stuff like this, you would always imagine it couldn't happen at the highest level simply because of how it completely goes against everything the USA stands for. It really is what the USA always says it wouldn't ever let happen out in the open even though we all know it's always still there at the very top, but usually behind the scenes, and certainly not to this degree.

Control of the government, judiciary, intelligence services and military like this and the continued attempts to supress or discredit the press like this is the exact type of justification the US would use to attack a country or to try and overthrow a government to implement regime change. Aside from killing or starving his own citizens I should think Trump has ticked nearly every single box of the batshit crazy, lunatic dictator the USA would love to remove scale.
We used to be an example to the world, and now we're laughed at and ridiculed. For what? 1000 coal job here and few 1000s steel jobs there? Political correctness? Since when we choose the most powerful person in this country just because we don't like political correctness? To stick it to the media? Since when we vote for POTUS just based on that?! We went off the rails. We normalized Trump and Trumpism, and now we are on our way to normalize all of this.
He's a megalomaniac, but not a dictator. Not a defence by any means, he still i a lunatic nut case who is inept in managing the country, but he's got the problem points correctly identified.

Indeed, he most definitely is, nice post. He's like a cross between Lex Luthor and Billy Madison. There are a myriad of reasons why he won the election, his showmanship and the massive amount of coverage he got were definitely a huge part of it all, that and how much the independents and rust belt voters despised Hillary.

We used to be an example to the world, and now we're laughed at and ridiculed. For what? 1000 coal job here and few 1000s steel jobs there? Political correctness? Since when we choose the most powerful person in this country just because we don't like political correctness? To stick it to the media? Since we vote for POTUS just based on that?! We went off the rails. We normalized Trump and Trumpism, and now we are on our way to normalize all of this.

Yeah, spot on. I hate to see it, for so many reasons including selfish fears that the USA's President, and actions are often felt over here in the UK because of our close links and how often we follow the USA. I also hate to see it because although there is a lot I don't like about the USA, there is so much I love, admire and respect. I also think that there is a lot to be grateful to the USA for, and a lot to emulate, and a lot we already have. Of course there is a lot we shouldn't have emulated too, but you take the rough with the smooth. Trump has taken everything the USA stood for from you, that is what he has ruined and is destroying in the eyes of the world. Although he is Mr capitalist he truly represents the worst of everything about the USA.

This may sound a little strange but I hope that the best of the USA and what the rest of the world loves and admires stands up and fights and overcomes all this. The USA and Hollywood love epic good v evil and underdog comeback stories and they love to see the bad guy get his comeuppance and this is what I am hoping for. I have faith that ultimately it will turn out ok in the end and I think there is a huge part of the world hoping and preying the exact same thing.
We used to be an example to the world, and now we're laughed at and ridiculed. For what? 1000 coal job here and few 1000s steel jobs there? Political correctness? Since when we choose the most powerful person in this country just because we don't like political correctness? To stick it to the media? Since when we vote for POTUS just based on that?! We went off the rails. We normalized Trump and Trumpism, and now we are on our way to normalize all of this.
I've just realized that Radiohead song was about America, not a love affair...

"Don't get any big ideas
They're not gonna happen
You paint yourself white
And fill up with noise
There'll be something missing
And now that you found it
It's gone
Now you feel it you don't
You've gone off the rails..."
Although he is Mr capitalist he truly represents the worst of everything about the USA.

I'm always amazed that, for me, he is actually able to collate the sum worst-ness of his entire being into a facial expression

That face is Trump in summary for me.
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