The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I think McMaster tried to get rid of her the moment he took the job, but was rebuffed by Trump, presumably to buy time to find her another job.
Wasn't that one of the sticking points to filling that vacancy, having to keep her on and candidates not wanting to?
Wasn't that one of the sticking points to filling that vacancy, having to keep her on and candidates not wanting to?

Yep, oddly enough Harward and Petraeus wanted the same and were told they couldn't have it. I suppose Trump didn't want to have to perpetually say no so he relented when McMaster came on. McMaster is a very strong personality so its quite likely he will get his way with all his staffing.
So all the POTUS had to do was fire off some cruise missiles and the media got all googly eyed and drooled all over themselves and have completely forgotten about the potential treason scandal
Something like that. North Korea is next.
Silly -- wants to start wars on multiple fronts.

EADS or Airbus can take Boeing to court too for their 'subsidies'.
I doubt that these measures will achieve much anyway. IMHO it's another empty promise.
President Trump's Mar-a-Lago hosting with Chinese President Xi Jinping appears to be bearing some fruit, per the FT, which says China has offered the following concessions on trade:

  1. A drop on China's ban on U.S. beef, which has been in place since a Mad Cow Disease scare in 2003.
  2. Foreign investors will be allowed to hold majority stakes in Chinese investment and securities companies. This concept was discussed during the Obama administration, and a Chinese official told the FT it would have gone through had Obama had a few more months in office.
Why it matters: Trump needs concrete wins on trade, particularly for his heartland voters, and China wants to lock in a bilateral trade deal with the U.S., which it isn't eager to fight in a Trumpian trade war.
Will be interesting to see how this will play out, given that the Koch brothers threatened to defund many GOP candidates if they don't deliver to their liking.

Kochs run new ad attacking Ryan's border adjustment tax
Americans for Prosperity, the biggest group within the Koch brothers' network, is up Tuesday with a new ad urging members of Congress to oppose the border adjustment tax (BAT).

AFP is spending six-figures on the cable TV buy, which runs nationwide for a week and tells consumers they'll see higher prices if the BAT comes in. The ad follows a report the Koch network produced last week predicting disaster for state economies.

Why this matters: House Republican leaders — chiefly Paul Ryan and Kevin Brady, who heads the tax-writing committee — view the hike on imports as a crucial part of their tax plan. They say they need the $1.2 trillion in expected new revenue over 10 years to pay for cuts to corporate and individual tax rates. But they're facing forbidding headwinds: a Republican Senate that's almost universally hostile to the idea and well-funded outside groups like Americans for Prosperity prepared to spend big against it.
Drip - drip - drip ... :D


More than 30 Trump staffers piled into a conference room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building adjoining the White House, according to a half-dozen attendees who described the Tuesday meeting.

Mike Dubke, Trump’s communications director, and his deputy, Jessica Ditto, kicked off the discussion of how to package Trump’s tumultuous first 100 days by pitching the need for a “rebranding” to get Trump back on track.

“I think the president’s head would explode if he heard that,” one of the White House officials present said.

Staffers, including counselor Kellyanne Conway, were broken into three groups, complete with whiteboards, markers and giant butcher-block-type paper to brainstorm lists of early successes. One group worked in the hallway.

“It made me feel like I was back in 5th grade,” complained another White House aide who was there. “That’s the best way I could describe it.”


As for the rebranding remark, Dubke said that had been misinterpreted. “There is not a need for a rebranding but there is a need to brand the first 100 days,” Dubke said. “Because if we don’t do it the media is going to do it. That’s what our job is.”


Though the White House continues to push for progress on stalled health care legislation, there are only five legislative days remaining once Congress returns from a two-week spring break. Plus, another deadline looms: Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress must still pass a bill before April 28 to keep the government running.

If they fail, a shutdown would begin on Trump’s 100th day in office.
Yeah, not really reliable. Trump would be mad to do such a thing.
I can totally envision that he asked about the possibility, in the same way he asked during the campaign 'why don't we use nukes if we have them'?
However, I can't envision that anybody with a clear mind around him seriously considers taking Kim out a valid option. This would quickly turn into WWIII.
Decent read on the Dem's take on nuclear option

Why Democrats have no regrets after McConnell's ‘nuclear’ blast
They were convinced the GOP would kill the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, if not now, then in the future.

McConnell shrugged off a question on Friday about whether Democrats' attempt to derail Gorsuch’s nomination portends an even bigger battle over a second Trump high court pick.

"We don't have another seat right now," he told reporters, adding that he hopes to see the chamber recover "some semblance of normalcy" after the coming two-week recess.

The absolute cheek of it, 'I got mine, now sit down, shut up and pretend everything's fine and dandy'.
- Filibuster blown up, check

-Gorsuch getting sworn in as we speak, check

- Another conservative justice to retire this summer with no filibuster, check

Another brilliant strategy that is already paying massive dividends.
The absolute cheek of it, 'I got mine, now sit down, shut up and pretend everything's fine and dandy'.
Definitely the kind of guy that would've been shamed into backing down on the filibuster in a few years time. Totally that kind of personality.
Definitely the kind of guy that would've been shamed into backing down on the filibuster in a few years time. Totally that kind of personality.

Yeap. A man who executed the filibuster of 79 court nominees by a single president, more than the whole in the history of the republic combined, and led an unprecedented obstruction to appointing a new SC judge for nearly 15 months, that guy :rolleyes:.

I do hope when the Dems get the House, Senate and presidency back, they will pack the court with 3-4 new liberal justices vetted by TYT for shits and giggles.
As for the rebranding remark, Dubke said that had been misinterpreted. “There is not a need for a rebranding but there is a need to brand the first 100 days”
The 100 Days of Sod 'em?
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