The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Look growing up. When he was growing up. He was great a sports. He was the best at sports. All the sports. The best at them. His friends. He had lots of friends. Friends who played sports. Friends who just used to come specifically to watch him play. Because he was the best at sports. These friends. Many of them. Gave him a nickname. He had this nickname given to him by friends. It was Boo. Boo was his nickname. So all those people in the room were just his friends from back then calling him by his nickname. The best nickname.
Sarah C, the bastion of impartial and non-biased opinions, on a roll again this week (found time to post an opinion amidst her impartial and non-biased Fox News postings).

--Got to love arguing with a very ignorant, uninformed, liberal Kiwi at 6 in the morning.
Amazing how easily people buy into the false, biased narrative of the media with the election and current governmental affairs. Granted NZ is a very liberal country I've learned the last couple of days. But when he asked if I was a Trump supporter and I said absolutely, it was on! He said, really a woman that supports Trump? Trumps a liar and hates women. Let's just say he got a little lesson on what's ACTUALLY going on the US and was ready to drop me off at the airport!!
Wrong girl, liberal, wrong girl!--

Vishal response -- You can also tell him that if Trump does infact "hate women" then how did Nikki Haley get appointed to the UN? Damned fools!--

Vishal also had this gem after Sarah mentioned something about supporting "Trump, guns, & America." -- Tell him hell yeah on the guns because we don't feel like being subjects! That's how you control your citizens. Also that's how your youth crimes and home invasions get out of control fast.--
Just seen that on Wolf Blitzer. He seemed confident some will go to jail.
Trump will be trying to deport him tomorrow.
Is he a dead duck now too? Twitter says all the advertisers are clamouring to leave faster than the other.

O'Reilly is finished. He'll be picked up by InfoWars or Brietbart straight away though.

That is genuinely excellent. The construction unions (alongwith police) are the most rightwing unions, and the few extra union votes he got helped push him over the line. They also had reason to be happy since some construction unions were supporting Keystone XL and Dakota Access.
If a section of this union is turning on him, he is in deep shit.
The Syrian statement really was absurd. Probably the most succinct way of highlighting his lack of empathy and sense of opportunism.
Is that real? If it is, it is bad news. Extremely bad news.

All over my Twitter feed.

Which of course is no indication it's real. Or Tillerson could be just trying to get fired. Hopefully.
That's what I'm reading from that statement. Should be bipartisan and popular domestically and internationally.

Also, these are great
Please, no.

They'd march in to Pyongyang and have no idea what to do next, after realising the North Koreans weren't as keen to be liberated as they thought.
Please, no.

They'd march in to Pyongyang and have no idea what to do next, after realising the North Koreans weren't as keen to be liberated as they thought.

From the documentaries, it's a little scary how complete the propaganda achievements of the Kim dynasty are.
Please, no.

They'd march in to Pyongyang and have no idea what to do next, after realising the North Koreans weren't as keen to be liberated as they thought.
From the documentaries, it's a little scary how complete the propaganda achievements of the Kim dynasty are.
Ugh, for a large minority perhaps. A lot of North Koreans are busy watching South Korean soap operas when the electricity comes on. There's a fairly large black market for information in NK. A lot of them would be happy enough to get rid of the Kims.

The more obvious problem would be SK and China telling Trump and Friends to feck off. And the amount of Missiles NK unloads on Seoul before they crumble. If even a fraction make that city is fecked.
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