The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's incredibly bizarre. Mensch is just a strange one in general - it's like she's realised no one likes or cares about her and is now trying to appear both relevant and likable to a certain base.

Greenwald is entirely right in what he's saying though, he's basically saying it's ludicrous how she's being heralded as one of the leaders of the so called #Resistance against Trump. He echoed what I said the other night that she's trying to reinvent herself and start a new career over in the States and trying to stay relevant. He's hitting her quite hard and quoting an awful lot of UK papers who have been saying the same thing. I don't read any papers anymore so haven't seen the coverage. She's just being quite juvenile with her continued "u mad bro" replies instead of actually answering him properly. I gave her some credit recently on the back of other respected people saying she was on to something and had some insider knowledge of the Russian connections, but after her Brexit boasting today she can go feck herself.

But she has linked a decent BBC story here...

If millions of consumers opt for smaller footprints, it goes a very long way.

I agree but this is where education is the key and needs to be improved everywhere. With Trump cutting the education budget I can't see that happening in the USA anytime soon. :( We have to hope and rely on social media to get the message across. There's an environment march planned in April, I think it's going to be a worldwide one. Hopefully that will help as after Trumps actions recently I can see it gaining a lot more attention than it previously would have. I'm certainly going to go to the ones planned near me.
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I agree but this is where education is the key and needs to be improved everywhere. With Trump cutting the education budget I can't see that happening in the USA anytime soon. :( We have to hope and rely on social media to get the message across. There's an environment march planned in April, I think it's going to be a worldwide one. Hopefully that will help as after Trumps actions recently I can see it gaining a lot more attention than it previously would have. I'm certainly going to go to the ones planned near me.
I haven't heard about these marches, will see if there's one nearby; thanks for bringing it up. But a cut to education budgets is IMHO no excuse for us adults, regardless of our country of residence, to not inform ourselves about the impact of our choices and pass that knowledge on to our children by example.
If there's anything positive about Trump's environmental changes it'll be that a lot of states might resist on an individual level, with certain policies they can pass on their own etc. Not exactly a positive as such...but a help at least, I guess.

No doubt the small government, states' rights Republican party will be happy to see states taking action on climate change...yeah, maybe not.
It's nice when irony flies in their faces
I'll admit, I was shocked at how expensive it is over there.

Yeah, it sucks. Mind you i'm glad I gave up smoking because a pack of 20 will now cost you £10 which is fecking insane! It would have cost me over £600 a month if I still smoked. I really can't get my head around that at all. :wenger:

Just had to put this here :lol: The headline made me spit tea over my keyboard.
Expect Twitler tweet highlighting Napolitano in the next couple of hours.

Yeah, it sucks. Mind you i'm glad I gave up smoking because a pack of 20 will now cost you £10 which is fecking insane! It would have cost me over £600 a month if I still smoked. I really can't get my head around that at all. :wenger:

Just had to put this here :lol: The headline made me spit tea over my keyboard.
1) pricing people out of a bad habit is interesting.

Y'all have some cheap, good little sandwiches in your grocery stores though. £1 a piece.. I stocked up on them for snacks in the hotel.

2) bahahahaha that's a great headline
1) pricing people out of a bad habit is interesting.

Yeah it is, but it just means only the rich smoke ciggies now, or people go without other things to smoke them. Most people have switched to vaping or rolling tobacco instead or cheap imported ciggies or baccy that is really dangerous and full of toxic shit (as if tobacco wasn't bad enough for you) but apparently some of the Chinese stuff has over 3000 more banned chemicals in it. It's insane! Anyway, off topic, but would make for an interesting thread.

We do have some nice cheap stuff though and you're right you can get some amazingly cheap sarnies in some places. And yeah, it's an amazing headline, probably one of my favourites this year.

Expect Twitler tweet highlighting Napolitano in the next couple of hours.

For fecks sake, he just doesn't learn does he? How long do we all give him before he's banned indefinitely again?
Yeah it is, but it just means only the rich smoke ciggies now, or people go without other things to smoke them. Most people have switched to vaping or rolling tobacco instead or cheap imported ciggies or baccy that is really dangerous and full of toxic shit (as if tobacco wasn't bad enough for you) but apparently some of the Chinese stuff has over 3000 more banned chemicals in it. It's insane! Anyway, off topic, but would make for an interesting thread.

We do have some nice cheap stuff though and you're right you can get some amazingly cheap sarnies in some places. And yeah, it's an amazing headline, probably one of my favourites this year.

For fecks sake, he just doesn't learn does he? How long do we all give him before he's banned indefinitely again?

They r learning from the esteemed leader Trump. Double down knowing that there little down side
I think the climate change stuff has just beaten people into submission.

The US is such a ridiculously money=power driven country that the big oil and other fossil fuel companies hold way too much sway over everything.

Add in easily bought politicians and a cynical and stupid population that refuses to change their ways because climate change MIGHT be a hoax (it's plainly not but they've bought into it now so we're screwed) and you're never gonna get anywhere.

It actually sickens me thinking that the US is the most powerful country in the world because it's a cesspit politically and the last thing we need when we're trying to sort out our impact on the planet is a cesspit of cnuts looking for a quick buck at the expense of the human race.

If it can take six years to finally get people to agree to start (and it must be emphasized that it's barely a start) to curb emissions and deal with the climate problems ahead of us and then some despicable orange cnut completely ruins that because he's thick as pigshit, corrupt as feck and completely out of his depth then what's the point in even fighting to save ourselves?

Honestly I thought that the Presidency would go about as bad as humanly possible and in reality my assumptions would be a bit exaggerated but Trump is smashing through each expectation every damn day.

How are there not riots outside of congress over Nunes and the indescribably obvious misconduct he's committing? Seriously how the feck does he get to be in charge of the investigation into the very person he helped put into the White House? The fact that it's happened should tell you everything you need to know about the chances of the investigation revealing anything. How does he get away with accessing intel on his own, running off to the White House to warn them about it and then refuse to tell his fellow investigators on the committee about what it was or where it came from?

How are there not riots outside Mar-a-Lago over Trump constantly golfing and clearly benefitting his own resort by drawing attention there and therefore new customers? Every time he goes down there it costs the taxpayer millions, the Secret Service can't afford it. Each and every time he's down there it makes the news so people are constantly thinking and talking about a Trump brand location giving him free publicity and more revenue which he's not supposed to have as President.

How are there not riots even from his own supporters over the proposed health care and budget reforms that are literally going to kill millions of at risk people? It'd be a lot worse if a substantial portion of those at risk individuals weren't the fecking idiots that voted for him in the first place but I'm having a hard time giving sympathy to them.

It's just the most impossible thing to imagine that it's happening and yet it really is happening. An utter nightmare that you can't wake up from.

Each day something new comes to light that makes you laugh because it's so obvious and everyone on the planet knows exactly what is going on and yet the prospect of him and everyone around him getting pulled up on it is less than 0% likely.
You can't see it but right now I'm standing and applauding. Top post.
Yep, he's throwing a baseball like it's a football.

It's the facial expressions mate, seriously that's the funniest thing I think I've seen for a while. We know he absolutely hates unflattering pictures of himself, well I think that one is probably the worst I've ever seen. I think it should be posted at every given opportunity because I bet he fecking despises it. I also reckon when he released the ball in that throw it came back around and twatted him in the back of the swede. :lol:
Yep, he's throwing a baseball like it's a football.

He probably was confused about rounders and baseball. He was pretty good at rounders and so assumed that he would be great at baseball - see his patterns today. Biggest words, brains, fingers etc.
Either that his gigantic manboobs are in the way of his throwing action.

The GOP are simply rotten to the fecking core. I bet it's a case of they don't want to know what's in them and are shit scared, so it's better nobody knows. Hopefully the Dems don't give up and they keep on until they get their way.

I can't believe, that Anonymous or someone else haven't hacked their way to it yet. IRS can't be that hard, can it?
Yeah, it sucks. Mind you i'm glad I gave up smoking because a pack of 20 will now cost you £10 which is fecking insane! It would have cost me over £600 a month if I still smoked. I really can't get my head around that at all. :wenger:

Just had to put this here :lol: The headline made me spit tea over my keyboard.


If the Steele dossier is heavily dependent on information gleaned second-hand (at best) from this guy, then I don't think Trump has much to worry about.
I can't believe, that Anonymous or someone else haven't hacked their way to it yet. IRS can't be that hard, can it?

There was talk about this on some news show not too long ago, can't recall which one, but they said that the IRS is about as safe as it gets when it comes to hacking. Unfortunately.
If the Steele dossier is heavily dependent on information gleaned second-hand (at best) from this guy, then I don't think Trump has much to worry about.

You shouldn't underestimate Steele's credentials.

Steele was the head of MI6's Russia desk, so the guy will have well established and well connected sources who he can trust and who he has used a lot in the past.

Also the guy has a proven track record and supplied the FBI with information on the FIFA corruption scandal which led to criminal action against a lot of FIFA officials and led to Blatter's resignation.
I can't believe, that Anonymous or someone else haven't hacked their way to it yet. IRS can't be that hard, can it?
I wonder if they want to. Anonymous is made up of a lot of libertarians and anarchists. They want to see the system collapse. Trump is so inept he could conceivably make that happen. If they go after him and he got impeached or was so damaged he could no longer do anything, something like normal service would resume. So for a lot of people who are fervently anti-establishment it makes sense to leave him alone.

Obviously not everyone in the movement would feel that way, there would be a short term pain vs long term gain trade off and people would take a different view. Some with a more Robin Hood perspective would primarily see him as a crony capitalist trying to deprive poor people of health care while lining the pockets of the rich, and himself. Others take the view that you cant make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
What have Anonymous ever actually done?
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