The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Again... China, India they have each country more people than Europe and they pay less than Japan.

Yeah, but you didn't mention them in your original post, right. You could argue India is for large parts a third world country, I think it's normal they don't contribute as much. China is a different story of course.

I actually think Twitler will find it not as easy as he claims to get new, favorable deals, and I also think that he won't will he be able to create as many new jobs for Americans as he suggests. And I'm inclined to think that if he imposes tariffs, customers will feel it.

Dip-shit will soon realise that trade deals are very complex too.

Who knew that?

Its such a fantastic journey for him. Learnt so much -- from discovering Lincoln was a republican to discovering that the healthcare issue is very complex.
On the job training for POTUS.
UN is more corrupt than any country in Central America and I would stop any money going there until they stop denying and actually doing something about it, also I'm a believer we should take care of our household first and stopping giving money to other countries in name of "American interests" bullshit and I bet you we would have the money for universal healthcare and free university- but that will never happen.
Huh? More meetings?

Yep, one in April 2016.

After getting caught lying the first time, Sessions said he met with Kislyak twice and thats what he wrote in his testimony when he had to recuse himself.

Turns out he was at a meeting/gathering with him for a third time, So he lied yet again.
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We pay more than England, Germany, Italy and France together so should you voice your support for UN in your own country?

What's that got to do with the statement you pulled out of your arse?

That's contributions per country, not how the contributions are spent.

The Trump administration is looking to increase military spending and decrease spending on aid while they also plan to limit immigration from the area they are decimating.

If you destroy places where people live you create refugees, if those refugees aren't taken care of they become "terrorists".

You can't moan about these immigrants flooding into the west and then not contribute fairly to handling that situation.
We pay more than England, Germany, Italy and France together so should you voice your support for UN in your own country?

Without knowing much about the point you're trying to make, given the fact the US has more people than England, Germany, Italy and France combined, is it really that outrageous that you pay more than them combined?

Like toilet paper...................... He's on a roll. :rolleyes:

Is he gradually migrating himself over to the POTUS account? Probably just his staff pretending to be him. Consistency of tone and all that.
England, Germany, Italy and France, in that case China and India should be paying 5 times more than US
GDP is probably the fairest way to determine how much goes to the likes of the UN. The US is getting off lightly. What is that $1b/year or about 0.2% of the amount we spend on the military?
Is he gradually migrating himself over to the POTUS account? Probably just his staff pretending to be him. Consistency of tone and all that.

Yeah, he's been relatively quiet this week, rightly so from a professional point of view, sad for the rest of us though because it would have been super fun to read his childish outbursts.

While we are on the subject of the official POTUS account, the day Comey was speaking they were doing live updates and "allegedly" quoting everything he was saying, but they didn't, they were twisting everything that was said. It's a disgrace really that the official POTUS account was used to contradict and misquote the head of the FBI and it was used to spread falsehoods too. I think it was Kellyanne using it on Monday, a lot of it had her phrasing and way of twisting facts and the truth.

We pay more than England, Germany, Italy and France together so should you voice your support for UN in your own country?

At last count, the US "owed" the UN $800 million in late contributions so I wouldn't exactly be complaining about how much the US pays in when the numbers suggest they don't.
UN is more corrupt than any country in Central America and I would stop any money going there until they stop denying and actually doing something about it, also I'm a believer we should take care of our household first and stopping giving money to other countries in name of "American interests" bullshit and I bet you we would have the money for universal healthcare and free university- but that will never happen.
Again, take a look at the percentage. The US spends $600b on American Interests via the military. You are saying we should stop $1b going to the UN? How about we build one less plane and keep funding malaria pills and 50cent meals for kids in Africa.
England, Germany, Italy and France, in that case China and India should be paying 5 times more than US
Very obvious troll attempt or lack of knowledge, I'm undecided yet.
Again, take a look at the percentage. The US spends $600b on American Interests via the military. You are saying we should stop $1b going to the UN? How about we build one less plane and keep funding malaria pills and 50cent meals for kids in Africa.

Even better ask why Israel needs $3.1 BILLION in aid, an amount that is DOUBLE the US send anywhere else in the world. Also quite strange why the USA still sends aid to Portugal.

Very obvious troll attempt or lack of knowledge, I'm undecided yet.

That, 100%

Edit: What fits to the narrative that Bannon attempts to distance himself from the current bill is that according to CNN, et al labelled it as 'Ryancare', not 'Trumpcare'.
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It's the Enquirer - so, it's not worth the paper it's printed on...but, it helps to pass the time at the supermarket while you're standing in line :lol:

Yep, one in April 2016.

After getting caught lying the first time, Sessions said he met with Kislyak twice and thats what he wrote in his testimony when he had to recuse himself.

Turns out he was at a meeting/gathering with him for a third time, So he lied yet again.

You got the fox guarding the coop. Or he is a high functioning dementia victim.
Devin Nunes about to hold an unannounced presser in a minute.

Probably to confirm that he has more unsubstantiated information of more incidental recordings but he can't confirm that since its in the realms of national security.
Or he will resign from the intelligence committee chairmanship. .. and move over to the house ways & means appropriation commitee... just in time for the tax reform proposal from Trump.
Devin Nunes about to hold an unannounced presser in a minute.

Democrats to be removed from the Investigating Committee and to be replaced with Bannon, Conway, Kushner and Hannity.
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