The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It fits better in this thread than in the London attack thread.

It fits better in this thread than in the London attack thread.

It is the epitome of bullcrap. Everyone in the UK has experienced terrorism all their lives. I grew up when the IRA were at their peak and they were a lot more prolific than Islamic terrorists have been. Obviously it is a terrible event but people just get on with their lives as before.
It is the epitome of bullcrap. Everyone in the UK has experienced terrorism all their lives. I grew up when the IRA were at their peak and they were a lot more prolific than Islamic terrorists have been. Obviously it is a terrible event but people just get on with their lives as before.
Why would we be afraid? 3000 people are killed on average in drink driving incedents every year in the U.K. While 175 people were killed in 2015 in terror attacks over the whole of Western Europe.
That's the highest total for a decade. I don't sit in my car every morning afraid of driving to work because the person driving towards me might be drunk so why would I be afraid of a terror attack?
Why would we be afraid? 3000 people are killed on average in drink driving incedents every year in the U.K. While 175 people were killed in 2015 in terror attacks over the whole of Western Europe.
That's the highest total for a decade. I don't sit in my car every morning afraid of driving to work because the person driving towards me might be drunk so why would I be afraid of a terror attack?

I agree. I posted in the stopping terrorism thread about how insignificant a threat it actually is at present. I used a comparison with Necrotising fasciitis though!
Why would we be afraid? 3000 people are killed on average in drink driving incedents every year in the U.K. While 175 people were killed in 2015 in terror attacks over the whole of Western Europe.
That's the highest total for a decade. I don't sit in my car every morning afraid of driving to work because the person driving towards me might be drunk so why would I be afraid of a terror attack?

They could be rolled out from next week onwards. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

They could be rolled out from next week onwards. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

Whatever happens I guarantee he is going to piss off other countries. I understand wanting the best deals for the USA, that's fair enough, but like with the way he attacked Germany over NATO, it's clear he doesn't have the slightest understanding of how any of this works. What if Merkel rightfully turned around and said she wanted the land back where the US military bases are in Germany? Or she wanted $10 Billion a month rent? Just like with the 35% tax he wanted to put on foreign countries that would just be passed back to the US consumer, it's really clear he hasn't thought any of this through and he will literally just think something and say it. That was fine before he was President, but now he thinks it and then says it to the World and that's just moronic, not to mention extremely dangerous.

And now to more jovial news.... Vanity Fair (Trump's most hated publication) officially label his Presidency as a joke :lol:
What a b**ch.

I'm not surprised because I literally have just watched an episode of Law & Order SVU that was almost identical. The only question I have is, why? She's obviously a very ill young lady and she really should be ashamed and punished adequately. I doubt she has any idea of the trouble she has caused. Reading some of those right wing websites messages has left me feeling sick. It's 2017 not 1917 for fecks sake!
Whatever happens I guarantee he is going to piss off other countries. I understand wanting the best deals for the USA, that's fair enough, but like with the way he attacked Germany over NATO, it's clear he doesn't have the slightest understanding of how any of this works. What if Merkel rightfully turned around and said she wanted the land back where the US military bases are in Germany? Or she wanted $10 Billion a month rent? Just like with the 35% tax he wanted to put on foreign countries that would just be passed back to the US consumer, it's really clear he hasn't thought any of this through and he will literally just think something and say it. That was fine before he was President, but now he thinks it and then says it to the World and that's just moronic, not to mention extremely dangerous.

And now to more jovial news.... Vanity Fair (Trump's most hated publication) officially label his Presidency as a joke :lol:

I actually think Twitler will find it not as easy as he claims to get new, favorable deals, and I also think that he won't will he be able to create as many new jobs for Americans as he suggests. And I'm inclined to think that if he imposes tariffs, customers will feel it.

What was Trumps ultimatum?

Nobody knows.

"I'll do it"

"Do what?"

"I will"

"Will what?"

"Don't test my patience"

"I don't understand Sir"

"That's the problem, I'm smarter than you"

"Right OK, I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Exactly, you leave it to me"
Wow. How will GoP react to that?!
I guess we'll find out later today.

Senator Graham was very clear. He said that if the bill passes the House, the Senate will review it, demand amendments if it looks like suggested by now and pass it back to the House.
Nobody knows.

"I'll do it"

"Do what?"

"I will"

"Will what?"

"Don't test my patience"

"I don't understand Sir"

"That's the problem, I'm smarter than you"

"Right OK, I have no idea what you are talking about"

"Exactly, you leave it to me"
I guess we'll find out later today.

Senator Graham was very clear. He said that if the bill passes the House, the Senate will review it, demand amendments if it looks like suggested by now and pass it back to the House.
Thanks! I guess we'll see if GOP has truly adopted Twitler, or if it's purely a surrogate relationship
Any money going to UN is a waste of money, probably most of the money goes to the "administration" expenses.

Probably most. I'll get my information from you from now on.
It is the epitome of bullcrap. Everyone in the UK has experienced terrorism all their lives. I grew up when the IRA were at their peak and they were a lot more prolific than Islamic terrorists have been. Obviously it is a terrible event but people just get on with their lives as before.

Aaah, the good ol' days. Plus power outages from strikes. Arthur Scargill. Memories...
So Sessions lied again about another meeting with Kislyak.

Even when he got caught lying the first time and had to recuse himself, he failed to bring up this meeting to the media or mention it in his amended testimony to congress :eek:

We pay more than England, Germany, Italy and France together so should you voice your support for UN in your own country?
You realise that the US has about 5 times the population of the UK, right?

We pay more than England, Germany, Italy and France together so should you voice your support for UN in your own country?

I really don't get what you are saying. United States have a lot more inhabitants than those countries combined... They come of cheap actually.
So Sessions lied again about another meeting with Kislyak.

Even when he got caught lying the first time and had to recuse himself, he failed to bring up this meeting to the media or mention it in his amended testimony to congress :eek:

Huh? More meetings?
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