The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Multiple outlets have run every aspect of the story, including about Flynn's lawyers.

I don't reject the Flynn story. I do reject the Pence part of it. Maddow obviously doesn't have a clue about how chaotic a transition is and how much information gets lost in the shuffle. And that's for a normal transition with normal professionals running it. This one, with the likes of Bannon, Kushner, Priebus, Conway et al is even less organized than that.
Redstate is even talking about this...
Did They Even Vet Him? Trump Admin Claims Ignorance of Mike Flynn’s Turkey Lobbying

Also, Rep. Elijah Cummings says he wrote Pence directly.

I have a hard time believing the Trump campaign, who were in cahoots with the Russians, would take the time to vet who was on their campaign. In the case of Flynn, he was a surrogate well before any sort of official vetting process would've been undertaken and was simply grandfathered in as a trusted/loyal supporter who would be rewarded with the NSA role. It was up to Flynn to reveal his connections with Turkey and he didn't do it.
I have a hard time believing the Trump campaign, who were in cahoots with the Russians, would take the time to vet who was on their campaign. In the case of Flynn, he was a surrogate well before any sort of official vetting process would've been undertaken and was simply grandfathered in as a trusted/loyal supporter who would be rewarded with the NSA role. It was up to Flynn to reveal his connections with Turkey and he didn't do it.
If that were the case, Pence et al. are still to blame for not properly vetting an individual who would go on to sit in on national security briefings.

Also, Flynn's lawyers did disclose the information about Turkey to the Trump transition team. They did nothing with it.

So basically it is either Pence knew and is lying (as Maddow said), or the Transition team didn't even attempt to do one of the most important aspects of the job.

I'm not sure which one I think is worse.
I don't reject the Flynn story. I do reject the Pence part of it. Maddow obviously doesn't have a clue about how chaotic a transition is and how much information gets lost in the shuffle. And that's for a normal transition with normal professionals running it. This one, with the likes of Bannon, Kushner, Priebus, Conway et al is even less organized than that.

That's no excuse for them missing the Flynn/Russia's either gross incompetence or downright corruption.
That's no excuse for them missing the Flynn/Russia's either gross incompetence or downright corruption.

Her segment wasn't about the Russia links, it was about Flynn and Turkey and Pence maybe knowing about it (or so she claims). Sloppy innuendo at best.
That's exactly the story multiple outlets are running. Unless they're all bitter gays.
From CNN...
White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Friday that Flynn's attorney contacted a Trump transition attorney to notify the transition of the potential filing, but said Trump was not made aware. Separately, Vice President Mike Pence, who headed up the transition, was notified in a November letter from the top Democrat on the House oversight committee that Flynn's firm had lobbied on behalf of a foreign power
If that were the case, Pence et al. are still to blame for not properly vetting an individual who would go on to sit in on national security briefings.

Also, Flynn's lawyers did disclose the information about Turkey to the Trump transition team. They did nothing with it.

So basically it is either Pence knew and is lying (as Maddow said), or the Transition team didn't even attempt to do one of the most important aspects of the job.

I'm not sure which one I think is worse.

Or the most realistic option of all, Flynn simply lied about everything. He didn't register as a foreign agent and claimed his activities with Turkey were behind him. Other than that there wasn't much vetting to be done as he was a recently retired general with a top secret security clearance (still active).
Do we know if Trump still thinks (publicly) that Flynn should've stayed on?
Or the most realistic option of all, Flynn simply lied about everything. He didn't register as a foreign agent and claimed his activities with Turkey were behind him. Other than that there wasn't much vetting to be done as he was a recently retired general with a top secret security clearance (still active).
Why are you ignoring that Elijah Cummings sent Pence a letter (reported by multiple sources) or that Flynn's lawyers informed the Transition team (reported by multiple sources)?

You seem to be doing what you're accusing Maddow of on this story.
Why are you ignoring that Elijah Cummings sent Pence a letter (reported by multiple sources) or that Flynn's lawyers informed the Transition team (reported by multiple sources)?

You seem to be doing what you're accusing Maddow of on this story.

I'm taking the Cummings letter into account. Flynn could've easily said his Turkey lobbying was behind him and everyone moved on.

Come to think of it, has Pence even acknowledged receiving (and reading) such a letter ? Sounds a bit suspect.
The AP's story on this gives some more detail...
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump's transition team learned before the inauguration that incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn might register with the government as a foreign agent, White House officials acknowledged Friday.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Trump had not been aware Flynn might register as a foreign agent. He said Flynn's lawyer had raised the possible filing with the transition team, but Trump's attorneys responded that it was a personal matter and not something they would consult on.

"It's a business matter, it's not something that would be appropriate for a government entity to give someone guidance on when they should file as an individual," Spicer said. He dismissed questions about whether Flynn's work should have raised red flags for the new administration, saying the retired Army lieutenant general had "impeccable credentials."

Among those told of Flynn's lobbying work during the transition was Don McGahn, a campaign lawyer who has gone on to become White House counsel, according to a person with direct knowledge of the conversations between Flynn's representatives and the transition team.
According to the person with knowledge of the discussions, Flynn's representatives had a second conversation with Trump lawyers after the inauguration and made clear the national security adviser would indeed be registering with the Justice Department. The White House official said the counsel's office had no recollection of that second discussion.

Both the White House official and person with knowledge of the discussions insisted on anonymity in order to disclose the private conversations.
Even after the foreign agent stuff?

There was nothing wrong with Flynn's prior consulting work for a Turkish company. What was wrong was that he apparently downplayed or concealed it, which when juxtaposed against his other antics (lying to Pence about not talking to the Russian Ambassador about lifting sanctions) shows a lot of deceit. Apparently deceit internal deceit within the Trump ranks is not ok.
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Isn't Bharara the man currently heading the prosecution of that mexican drug lord?

Firing him with no one to replace him seems downright criminal.
So what does this short act of defiance earn him in legalese?

Nothing, other than make him a bit of a political martyr since Trump told him in November he could stay. His stature is pretty legendary since he was the guy who went after all kinds of people from politicians to wall street. Now that he's no longer in the government, he's free to hit the talk shows and trash Drumpf all he wants.
Nothing, other than make him a bit of a political martyr since Trump told him in November he could stay. His stature is pretty legendary since he was the guy who went after all kinds of people from politicians to wall street. Now that he's no longer in the government, he's free to hit the talk shows and trash Drumpf all he wants.

So we can expect a few "BAD (OR SICK) FAILING PREET LOSER LYING SAD!" tweets then.
So we can expect a few "BAD (OR SICK) FAILING PREET LOSER LYING SAD!" tweets then.

Probably not (although you never know with Trump), since he doesn't want to deal with the blowback of a mass sacking of US attorneys. He would prefer instead to bask in the jobs number from yesterday.
Probably not (although you never know with Trump), since he doesn't want to deal with the blowback of a mass sacking of US attorneys. He would prefer instead to bask in the jobs number from yesterday.

When this guy is telling his tale in great detail on talk shows, there's no way Trump won't react though surely?
Preet doesn't mess about. He wrecked Pokerstars and full tilt just because he felt like it.
Her segment wasn't about the Russia links, it was about Flynn and Turkey and Pence maybe knowing about it (or so she claims). Sloppy innuendo at best.

It sure was about the Russia links. According to the WH Flynn was fired because he lied to Pence about talking about sanctions with the Russians. The attorney general briefed the WH about what was actually said in the Flynn-Russia conversations (because they were for unknown reasons listening in on the calls) three weeks prior to him being fired, so exactly how incompetent must the entire US government be if that sort of information does not, at all, reach Trump&co? It's Trump's national security advisor talking to Russia about sanctions, so it's hardly something minor. Yet they were apparently not made aware until several news organizations started reporting on it three weeks later?... yeah right. :wenger:

It's very hard to defend all this, especially when you have several sources who claim that they specifically told the head of the transition team (Pence) about it as well. If you think it was all compiled just to fill a news segment then you must have misinterpreted the story.
There was nothing wrong with Flynn's prior consulting work for a Turkish company. What was wrong was that he apparently downplayed or concealed it, which when juxtaposed against his other antics (lying to Pence about not talking to the Russian Ambassador about lifting sanctions) shows a lot of deceit. Apparently deceit internal deceit within the Trump ranks is not ok.

If the issue was established both by congress and by Flynn's lawyers, in writing and in conversation, then Pence & co. either had a responsibility to properly investigate the current status of his lobbying for another country's government and failed to do so, or they knew the full story and decided they didn't care. The evidence coming through so far all seems to suggest that the latter is true. Given Pence has lied multiple times about Flynn and the Russian connection now, I don't see what he's done to earn your defence on this subject. It's possible Flynn lied when he was asked about it but you seem to be ruling out the alternative possibility altogether with no real justification why.

Let's go with the theory that Flynn did lie about everything to Pence - about his ongoing political lobbying and about whether sanctions were discussed - and Pence did happen to fail to see the letter from congress and didn't happen to pick up on it when it was pointed out by his lawyers. What draws you to that conclusion? Why is Flynn the liar and Pence the incompetent fool, and not the other way around? Even if you go along with that, the question still remains that when Yates pointed out that Flynn was lying, there was a significant time lapse between that and any action taken. So it then comes back to them being somehow ignorant, incompetent when faced with an obvious decision or acting with a more sinister motive. You can't lay it all on Flynn.

I agree with you on Maddow. She's smarmy and self-indulgent and the nature of her segment inevitably leads to her padding things out with a lot of filler and a lot of overhyped drama, but there is some good investigate journalism in there that you're glossing over for no good reason. It's explicitly angled to tell a certain side of the story but that doesn't invalidate everything contained within it.
good post @Brwned .

I agree with most of it. I'm willing to bet Flynn lied to everyone and was generally sloppy about thinking about the ramifications of conflicts of interest. Pence imo, was an unwitting victim of Flynn's deception which completely makes sense in terms of Trump dismissing him after they found out he lied. If this was the Obama administration, they would've vetted their NSA and found any conflicts of interest before appointing him. Trump has been sloppy.
good post @Brwned .

I agree with most of it. I'm willing to bet Flynn lied to everyone and was generally sloppy about thinking about the ramifications of conflicts of interest. Pence imo, was an unwitting victim of Flynn's deception which completely makes sense in terms of Trump dismissing him after they found out he lied. If this was the Obama administration, they would've vetted their NSA and found any conflicts of interest before appointing him. Trump has been sloppy.
It's pretty obvious he was fired because of the reporting on the matter, not because of what actually happened - which is evident by the fact that Trump and his mouthpieces are on the record as saying "Flynn did nothing wrong and media has treated him badly". The whole "oh, his sin was lying to Pence" doesn't make sense on any level whatsoever and contradicts everything else the Trump team have said and done on the matter.
Dude from the Daily Beast just dropped a minor bombshell on CNN. Apparently Preet just had a chat with Sessions two days ago and was told he was staying. He also said Preet was looking into something at FoxNews related to Aisles (who is best pals with Trump).
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