To be fair, he pulls a lot of BS like that. Just so you know.Yes he did, Trump said that he hadn't won the vote.
To be fair, he pulls a lot of BS like that. Just so you know.Yes he did, Trump said that he hadn't won the vote.
I did answer the question! I said it looks like she made up the story. If you want me to further humor you with an elaboration, then obviously you didn't get my iraq comment.I'm not talking about Iraq, though. Answer the question.
Don't think so. Was doing some light reading and he's the type who, although respected in the military world, went against the status quo. He wrote a book being critical of Vietnam War and that supposedly resulted him being passed over for promotion to Brigadier General at the time. He's obviously of a higher rank now.
Also, I may be looking too much into it but seeing this guy makes me think he's not the type to take shit from anyone.
FFS This thread has descended into farce. I put that Alex guy on ignore at around page fivefortysomething when he couldn't hold anything like an intelligent thought.
The last 10+ pages generated while I slept are unreadable. Skimming through without his input to give context literally reads like spam. So many are replying to just him that the thread topic is lost.
I don't vote for censorship but surely it's far easier to just limit one misguided person to one or two posts a day than it is to stop 30 people getting p1ssy and generating noise.
Living in NZ this thread acted as my springboard for a daily Trump digest first thing in the morning. Now it's broken. "Sad"
Sure you do. People think they want chaos. I used to think that too when I was an edgy teen when V for Vendetta was so cool.
The reality is that chaos makes lives miserable for LOTS of people, including your loved ones. Be careful what you wish for.
A source familiar with the process said that the new order was still being drafted over the weekend. The source said that it was also likely to address religious discrimination issues by modifying or removing one section of the original order. That section, 5 (b), said that the Secretary of Homeland Security, "is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality."
One sticking point remained whether existing non-immigrant visas would be revoked. A source familiar with the discussions said the Justice Department preferred to not revoke existing non-immigrant visas, while the White House and Department of Homeland Security were considering doing so.
I'll bring you up to date. Trump is still the president and everything is going to plan.
Just coming back from London anti tRump Demo. Around 15000 people outside parliament all swearing obscenities at May and Trump. Very humorous and rude signboards too! Will post some pics soon![]()
Instead, Nunes said he is most concerned that the FBI was recording Flynn’s call with the Russian envoy — which was then leaked to press.
"I expect for the FBI to tell me what is going on, and they better have a good answer," Nunes told the Washington Post, in line with Trump’s response to Flynn’s resignation. "The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded."
Snowflake in Chief. Oh Silva I did enjoy thatThe Snowflake in Chief fired one of his advisors for allegedly being critical at a private event where among other things he talked about for dysfunctional Trumps white house is. Are you tired of winning yet?
If you got your info from that article then I assume you didn't bother to read all the way through because this is found halfway down the article:My information was from here. Trump said it. It's prob wrong then
He blamed America's "phoney" electoral collegesystem for the result, despite the fact Obama did not actually lose the popular vote — he beat Republican candidate Mitt Romney by 5 million votes.
Your arrogance is sickening, and the question remains how many more defeats does the regressive left need to experience before they realise that Trump voters / Brexiters/ Zionists/ Racists / Sexists etc. just can't be arsed to engage with a bunch of serial losers.
You made this.
Yes he did, Trump said that he hadn't won the vote.
I wonder what Trump will do if the worst case scenario California flooding occurs and he has to confront a climate change driven disaster.
Just heard that McMaster had to accept the position as he's a serving general, is that true?
Came across a couple of videos that I thought were interesting. They may have been posted here previously but doesn't hurt to post them again I suppose. (put them in the spoilers, just in case)
Tucker Carlson trying his best to portray Sweden as some sort of dystopian refugee nightmare to save face.
30 mins of nonsense. He found some rape stats and rammed them into the ground despite being told over and over again that the number has risen due to Sweden widening the legal definition of sexual assult.
Keep interrupting Tucker...that'll cover you.