The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Epic cover from Time

He's just going to add that notch to his bedpost and brag about it.
good - the beating cnn is getting is deserving. Jeffrey Lord and if that wasn't worse - Corey Lewandowski
I'm not sure that follows. If he manages to consolidate his position and CNN are left wanting access, they're going to suck up to him again.
This has to be one of the most epic political pressers in history. Drumpf is talking like he's at a private cocktail party.
The top part applies to European terrorism too, it's not because terrorist are actively moving to Europe, it's Europeans becoming radicalised and committing the attacks. You're also still more likely to die in a car accident than be a victim of terrorism, so safety is a silly reason to avoid Europe. You'd be better off rationalising it as too expensive.

By an immense margin aswell.

The Berlin terror attack was a despicable act that claimed the lives of twelve innocent people. Absoultely tragic but also the first real successful act of islamic terror in decades in one of the most visited European countries and poster child of the liberal West.

On the other hand, the amount of deaths in accidents on German streets ranges in high frequency months (December, Summer) between 300 and 350 per month. That means that nearly the same amount of people die on German streets every single day than in the Berlin terror attack.

Writing off gun violence because it is more often than not personal is also an argument with no leg to stand on. It is as if muggings (tourists are a prime target here) and robberies don´t exist in the US...
This has to be one of the most epic political pressers in history. Drumpf is talking like he's at a private cocktail party.
'And when I heard about, I said 'ha', and then I thought about it, you know, because I'm a great thinker, the best, believe me, and then I said ... ' Absolutely mind-boggling.
Wish someone would ask him a question with the implication of Bannon running things behind the scenes.
He's putting it on Kelly's lap now? I hope its true, or he might find himself with another resignation...
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