The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up,” the Post quoted the spokesman as saying.

This confirms the WashPo story is accurate. Wording like "no recollection" is used when you've been caught.

What an utter fool Flynn is to have mentioned sanctions during a phone call with the Russia ambassador, whilst Obama was president.

If this is true, then it shows that the kick back from media and public is working. He realises he can do as he simply wishes as it will erode from his voter base and mandate. Which means he will most likely be very conscious of his own future actions regrading nepotism.

This is very good as it significantly lessons his scope of operation.
They said that the president based his opinion on the information that he collected from the national security meetings. I guess that those meetings are classified and he can't divulge a all lot.

T'chah, I don't believe for a minute that he has any really solid basis for identifying those particular countries (and not certain others). It is an attempt to do something showy for his voters.

One would hope recent history had shown us clearly that US Presidents opportunistically making major foreign policy decisions for domestic political reasons was disastrous for the world, but maybe not.

Related to te bolded parts:
Trumpers are rationalizing the sting of the ruling away by feeling good about being able to blame liberals if the US suffers a terrorist attack. And in the process, in essence, vindicate Trump. Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime...
It's overdue that it's dawning on him what democracy is about....

It's overdue that it's dawning on him what democracy is about....

Pretty much as expected. You can more or less behave as an autocrat if you own your own company, not so much if you're dealing with two other co-equal branches of government.
It's overdue that it's dawning on him what democracy is about....

"The interviews paint a picture of a powder-keg of a workplace where job duties are unclear, morale among some is low, factionalism is rampant and exhaustion is running high. Two visitors to the White House last week said they were struck by how tired the staff looks."

In just 3 weeks, imagine what it will be like in 3 months .... I wouldn't be surprised if some come close to topping themselves, because of some of the immoral things tRump forces them to do and the sheer tension and exhaustion.
The Guardian have a good peice going through all the times he's backed down to conformity despite strong language. He's either playing up to his base in public but then governing more sensibly or he's having his hands tied on a lot of issues.

Either way its good news really.
Tbf - I do think things will eventually settle down. He's going to have to deal with real issues...a budget etc etc...and the chatter will also focus on that.
Oh shit, I have literally only just stopped laughing, :lol: :lol: :lol: Nope, there I go again...

And Just when I think it's all calmed down.. then BOOM!

Oh shit, I have literally only just stopped laughing, :lol: :lol: :lol: Nope, there I go again...

And Just when I think it's all calmed down.. then BOOM!


this is the statute he's referring to -

This case is about two big questions, only one of which the panel’s per curiam today even mentions. The first question is how broad the president’s authority is to limit admissions from the relevant seven countries—and to what extent that authority is limited by constitutional law—under a statute that gives him the sweeping power to do this:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

The Ninth Circuit is correct to leave the TRO in place, in my view, for the simple reason that there is no cause to plunge the country into turmoil again while the courts address the merits of these matters over the next few weeks. Are there tea leaves to read in this opinion? There sure are, particularly with respect to the judges’ analysis of the government’s likelihood of prevailing on the merits and its blithe dismissal of the government’s claims of national security necessity on pages 26-27—a matter on which the per curiam spends only one sentence and one brief footnote.

But it’s worth emphasizing that the grounds on which this order was fought are not the grounds on which the merits fight will happen. Eventually, the court has to confront the clash between a broad delegation of power to the President—a delegation which gives him a lot of authority to do a lot of not-nice stuff to refugees and visa holders—in a context in which judges normally defer to the president, and the incompetent malevolence with which this order was promulgated.

this is the blog he is referring to and I mentioned in my previous actually thinks the court was right and calls the EO - incompetent malevolence :lol:
What if the eight-member Supreme Court rules against Trump’s immigration orders and the president vows his defiance?
What if Putin moves farther into Ukraine or actively destabilizes the Baltic states — and President Trump cheers him on?
What if the Trump Justice Department begins mass prosecutions of journalists for publishing leaks

Frighteningly, these scenarios are not lifted from dystopian fiction. They are merely the logical extension of what Trump has been saying from his bully pulpit in the White House.

- See more at:
Tbf - I do think things will eventually settle down. He's going to have to deal with real issues...a budget etc etc...and the chatter will also focus on that.
I'm less optimistic because it would mean that Trump needs to grow up. I just don't see that in any of his actions. He has the attention span and intellect of a toddler. The only exception is his sex life where he's probably in prolonged puberty.
It's overdue that it's dawning on him what democracy is about....

Obviously, trump inc is private business, no shareholders and no one to answer to. The position of POTUS requires humility, consideration and understanding of how things work. This guy has none of that. It amazes me that a guy of 70 years of age, even one as ignorant as trump, has not noticed that a president is not a boss. They are a leader (or puppet in some cases) and a statesman. They are elected by supporters but must be a president for all.
The process of running for president must be enshrined in law to allow smooth progression between administrations and I would like to see the following
  • 15 years of tax returns
  • Divestiture or blind trusts for investments
  • A public civics discussion to ascertain a candidates knowledge
  • Health examination by an independent commission to incl. psychological and physical exam.
  • A full list of appointments from NSC to cabinat secretaries
I'm less optimistic because it would mean that Trump needs to grow up. I just don't see that in any of his actions. He has the attention span and intellect of a toddler. The only exception is his sex life where he's probably in prolonged puberty.

I doubt he is a particularly skilled lover. His malignant narcism would make that highly unlikely as he only cares about himself and his own pleasures.

I imagine he is a one trick missionary man who barely lasts a few minutes of grunt and puff.
I doubt he is a particularly skilled lover. His malignant narcism would make that highly unlikely as he only cares about himself and his own pleasures.

I imagine he is a one trick missionary man who barely lasts a few minutes of grunt and puff.

I'm a little bit turned on right now.
Trumpers are rationalizing the sting of the ruling away by feeling good about being able to blame liberals if the US suffers a terrorist attack. And in the process, in essence, vindicate Trump. Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime...
have you just made that up or is that generally accpeted phrase for trump supporters?
To understand Bannon, you need to read the speech that he gave in 2014 at this conference in the Vatican. He laid out his worldview and anyone can read it because buzzfeed published it. I think it is quite difficult to maintain the idea that he is an anti-Semite. Any conspiracy paddling right-wing publication needs to allow/share some level of anti-Semitic ramblings or it loses its readers. I have strong doubts that Bannon is sharing this sentiment.

Just read that now. Very interesting, I begin to understand where he's coming from.
I doubt he is a particularly skilled lover. His malignant narcism would make that highly unlikely as he only cares about himself and his own pleasures.

I imagine he is a one trick missionary man who barely lasts a few minutes of grunt and puff.

I admit that some days ago, I suddenly remembered the plot of kitsch movie 'Dave' and thought I'd so much like that to happen in real life... :wenger:
what is he on about? the new york times says he spoke with Xi yesterday. It's literally the first line of the article :lol:

In the article he's referring to, the writer used the past perfect, which is used to talk about things that happened further back in the past than the past you're already talking about.

Mr. Xi, stung by Mr. Trump’s unorthodox telephone call with the president of Taiwan in December and his subsequent assertion that the United States might no longer abide by the One China policy, had not spoken to Mr. Trump since Nov. 14, the week after he was elected.

He's literally changed the quote to use the present perfect, which would have a very different meaning. I can't believe how dumb this is.
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First line of the article:


I used to think Trump was either mad, bad or stupid. Now I think he is mad, bad and stupid.
what is he on about? the new york times says he spoke with Xi yesterday. It's literally the first line of the article :lol:
I guess Denald is so quiet because Donald does the job for him. It's hard to top the shit 45 is tweeting.
I guess Denald is so quiet because Donald does the job for him. It's hard to top the shit 45 is tweeting.
I must admit, in reading the tweet I had to triple check if it was denald who tweeted that. Even sending this response I had to double check if it was actually Donald fecking trump that posted that tweet.
Oh shit, I have literally only just stopped laughing, :lol: :lol: :lol: Nope, there I go again...

And Just when I think it's all calmed down.. then BOOM!


The extent of his research on the matter was Morning Joe.
have you just made that up or is that generally accpeted phrase for trump supporters?
Verbatim quote from another sports forum I follow:

I have a very strong suspicion that this will light a fire under Trumps ass to break up the 9th circuit. Many have wanted to do this for some time, and I agree.

I don't think any of the people supporting the ban should be upset. This is just another bump in the road, and as a Trumper, there have been MANY. But, in the end, it'll all work out. Now, Trump can't be blamed if there's a terrorist attack. Not a bad spot to be in, while we work it out. If the ban had been upheld, and some psycho fecking[edit] jihadist came in and shot someplace up, the backlash on Trump would have been hard to control.

We're in a good spot, and have to keep pushing forward.
This is where politics is atm - people talking about the Pros of a terrorist attack.

These same cnuts will then pretend to shed tears for the dead :mad:
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