The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So, have there been any sensible or at least defendable decisions and actions yet by the Trump administration? And I don't mean that as a rhetorical question, just genuinely curious.
Does this train slow down at any point? Do they normalise and start to behave like they should? Or will the normalisation be in the context that we start to accept all this as normal? I say we, but I'm not including myself in this one...
It's more likely that Ivanka releases a "first family" range and WH press briefings are introduced as being "brought to you by Ivanka Trump fashion designs" (or whatever her line is called).
So, have there been any sensible or at least defendable decisions and actions yet by the Trump administration? And I don't mean that as a rhetorical question, just genuinely curious.
Gorsuch, Mattis and Kelly are fairly standard Republican picks. Pretty much all that occurs to me.
Trump’s top adviser thinks we’re in “the great Fourth Turning in American history.”
I tried to give this theory a fair hearing but it looks like long-discredited 19th-century, racially-motivated wishful thinking - rather like those curious Victorian books (example: 'The English are the Lost Tribe of Israel' etc etc). This kind of thing is often basically Romanticism for racists.

Frankie Boyle absolutely decimates Trump :lol: An absolutely amazing read, hilarious and very clever. I only wish Trump would read this, if he thinks SNL is bad, jeez, he would literally blow a fuse.

Some nice little outtakes.........

:lol: Priceless!

Trump is at war with Saturday Night Live. He thinks it’s horrible and yet he can’t stop watching. Pretty much the same as how the world feels about him

Whilst Bannon’s views certainly are dangerous I’m still not too sure about this recent trend of painting him as some sort of master manipulator, I feel he’s merely a crackpot Tea Party nut who’s found himself very fortunate to be where he is and let’s face it, from what we know it doesn’t seem take any form of high intellect to be able to manipulate Donald Trump anyway, which is probably the more worrying thought. Though a work colleague pointed out that It might be that he’s being painted as a ‘master manipulator’ in order to get under Trump’s skin.

Quite frankly if you gave me those quotes and asked me to guess who among Richard Spencer, David Duke, Steve Bannon and that Charleston shooter wrote it, I'd have trouble guessing correctly.
Havin a go at McCain and his Vietnam ordeal AGAIN

A great way to lose GOP support in congress. Now the likes of CNN will keep repeating the tweets and asking every politician they interview with it was apporpriate, at which point they can say yes, no, or tap dance around it.
He's a disgrace, but the first one to cry like a baby when people start having a go at him, in jest or otherwise. Pathetic excuse for a man. How he's getting away with anything he is doing is beyond me.

The crazy thing is that he's even attacking GOP members. How long until he has no more support in his own party?
The crazy thing is that he's even attacking GOP members. How long until he has no more support in his own party?

Not too much longer I don't think. Many of us here predicted he would become too toxic to support, but he's outdoing himself and becoming toxic far quicker than any of us thought. I mean I knew he would be using the Presidency to fill his own pockets, but I never would have guessed he would be tweeting about his daughters clothing line and getting his Press Secretary to talk about it in the official White House Press Briefing ffs! He's becoming impossible to defend on any level. It's all going to end horribly, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Republicans all turn on him inside the year.
I never would have guessed he would be tweeting about his daughters clothing line and getting his Press Secretary to talk about it in the official White House Press Briefing.
Surprised he has time for this, considering that 'the country is in a mess, bogged down in conflict all over the place'. ;)

Ripping into McCain, hinting at him being taken as a PoW? That is wrong even on Trump levels.
He didn't undo the Obama EO with respect to gays in federal, yeah...there's that.

Which from his political perspective doesn't really make that much sense. Somehow I doubt it's a purely strategic move to counteract to potential criticism and low ratings too. I actually suspect the real reason behind it is much more simple, probably has something to do with not supporting the LGBT community being faux pas in the Hollywood social circles Jared and Ivanka are in, since they apparently worked so hard to sink the order. And then obviously there's the political advantage of not getting the backlash on top of it.

Gorsuch, Mattis and Kelly are fairly standard Republican picks. Pretty much all that occurs to me.

Yeah figured as much, it really is pretty meagre. Never doubted his unprecedented freak show would have at least some disastrous effects in the long term, but I also didn't expect this much turmoil so early on. In a way this could be a good thing, though at the same time I'm concerned about how long it will be possible to keep the eyes on the ball.
A great way to lose GOP support in congress. Now the likes of CNN will keep repeating the tweets and asking every politician they interview with it was apporpriate, at which point they can say yes, no, or tap dance around it.

I'm sure that he is talking about the numerous golf matches that they have had, as they are great friends and have a great respect for each other.
Kellyanne and her ridiculous comment belong on E!'s Fashion Police, not in Government.
Discounting Brooker's 2016 review of the year?

Oh no, that was excellent as usual. I just wish he would do more on telly, and his series' would last longer. They are usually only short shows with a short run of about 8 weeks or so. When you consider how much shite is shown, it makes his shows a must see. I was meaning If he does another series he will undoubtedly be destroying Trump on a weekly basis. Limmy would be priceless too. Some of his stuff on Twitter recently has been amazing. I think a new series is definitely long overdue.
Twitter shares down 10% despite highest ever brand awareness in history.

Really struggling to increase ad revenues. Im guessing that means brands are boycotting because of their 'implicit support' of Trump.

I personally find it very hard to use, esp keeping up with my twitter feed which is a mess of rubbish. Far prefer Facebook.
Not too much longer I don't think. Many of us here predicted he would become too toxic to support, but he's outdoing himself and becoming toxic far quicker than any of us thought. I mean I knew he would be using the Presidency to fill his own pockets, but I never would have guessed he would be tweeting about his daughters clothing line and getting his Press Secretary to talk about it in the official White House Press Briefing ffs! He's becoming impossible to defend on any level. It's all going to end horribly, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Republicans all turn on him inside the year.

I thought similar when he made similar (worse?) remark about McCain in the primaries. And nothing happened. So I'm gonna wait this one out.
Twitter shares down 10% despite highest ever brand awareness in history.

Really struggling to increase ad revenues.
It's because advertising on there is way too expensive.
Twitter shares down 10% despite highest ever brand awareness in history.

Really struggling to increase ad revenues. Im guessing that means brands are boycotting because of their 'implicit support' of Trump.

I personally find it very hard to use, esp keeping up with my twitter feed which is a mess of rubbish. Far prefer Facebook.

Not really boycotting, the user traffic is just weak, Trump or no Trump. Company has been struggling for 2 years.
Twitter shares down 10% despite highest ever brand awareness in history.

Really struggling to increase ad revenues. Im guessing that means brands are boycotting because of their 'implicit support' of Trump.

I personally find it very hard to use, esp keeping up with my twitter feed which is a mess of rubbish. Far prefer Facebook.

Twitter supports Trump?
Twitter shares down 10% despite highest ever brand awareness in history.

Really struggling to increase ad revenues. Im guessing that means brands are boycotting because of their 'implicit support' of Trump.

I personally find it very hard to use, esp keeping up with my twitter feed which is a mess of rubbish. Far prefer Facebook.

But that's down to you...who you follow...who you've chosen not to mute/block.
Not really boycotting, the user traffic is just weak, Trump or no Trump. Company has been struggling for 2 years.
yes, but they would have had unprecedented increase in user traffic since Trump took office.
Well there's also the case that some of his underlings at Breitbart are/have been undoubted anti-semites. But yeah actual direct, reliable evidence is lacking in his case.

To understand Bannon, you need to read the speech that he gave in 2014 at this conference in the Vatican. He laid out his worldview and anyone can read it because buzzfeed published it. I think it is quite difficult to maintain the idea that he is an anti-Semite. Any conspiracy paddling right-wing publication needs to allow/share some level of anti-Semitic ramblings or it loses its readers. I have strong doubts that Bannon is sharing this sentiment.
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