Red Dreams
Full Member
Spending in general, other than on defense, is considered liberal.
The Republicans of old were not against infrastructure spending. Its the tea party numpties.
Spending in general, other than on defense, is considered liberal.
You have to love white Americans; like they have the monopoly on "legal" immigration. If you ask the native Americans I doubt they'd agree any immigration was legal.
Also, the Spanish & Mexicans were in Florida and most of the western US before the whites arrived. So, in my mind it's immigration going full circle; the Mexicans were all over the western US, and now they're just coming back again- leaving out for a minute that the native populations are never coming back to their pre-Columbian numbers.
Remember whenever you're talking about turnout - there's over 5m votes left to count still.
Interesting you used Japan as the example rather than China, who have built a vast network of high speed rails to the middle of nowhere.I can't believe infrastructure spending is actually being pushed a left wing idea. Spending on infrastructure is a really easy way to get jobs happening. Look at Japan, building shit for the sake of building shit is a huge part of keeping their economy afloat.
Remember whenever you're talking about turnout - there's over 5m votes left to count still.
Right, so the refrain of the last few days that "she lost 7m Obama votes" probably won't be accurate. She lost a lot, but not that many. And Trump likely got more than McCain and Romney.That is just going to show us that Clinton got a lot of votes in California which is expected.
What % of income do you have to pay for decent healthcare in the US?
The Elections were always about representing Americans from all walks of life and from both rural and urban areas. That is why we elect our President via the Electoral college so all have a voice.
The number of votes was never the issue.
This is BS. The electoral college penalises larger states. This argument played out in the 1960s when the Supreme Court forced all branches of government to accept the principle of one man one vote - a principle that the electoral college violates.
And how long they would be the 6th biggest economy after the corporations move back to US?I've long been for this. 6th biggest economy in the world.
For more examples of the havoc these types of systems cause:,_2009_(Tamil_Nadu)
42% vs 39%, but seats are 27:12,_1951
44% to 44.8% but the inority party gets majority seats (321-295)
There is no silencing involved. If one person gets one vote....that's it. Nothing more or less. I find the silencing argument especially mad because you have an actual case of a majority of people who wishes are disobeyed here: literally more voters are unhappy with this election's outcome than are happy.
You do realise we talking about the United States of America.
It has worked so far. In any case if they really want to change it, they can have a Constitional Amendment. I highly doubt it will happen.
you can also say why have 2 senators from each state when the highly populated states should have more.
Well the worry is that without the electoral college the Democrats would just post up in California and New York the whole election and Republicans would be in Texas. It would lessen the need for politicians to focus on the whole country.
That is why there is the House of Representatives.
You do realise we talking about the United States of America.
It has worked so far. In any case if they really want to change it, they can have a Constitional Amendment. I highly doubt it will happen.
you can also say why have 2 senators from each state when the highly populated states should have more.
'51 *shudders*.For more examples of the havoc these types of systems cause:,_2009_(Tamil_Nadu)
42% vs 39%, but seats are 27:12,_1951
44% to 44.8% but the inority party gets majority seats (321-295)
There is no silencing involved. If one person gets one vote....that's it. Nothing more or less. I find the silencing argument especially mad because you have an actual case of a majority of people who wishes are disobeyed here: literally more voters are unhappy with this election's outcome than are happy.
Interesting you used Japan as the example rather than China, who have built a vast network of high speed rails to the middle of nowhere.
Well, ths system has given he US (and the world) Bush over Gore and Trump voer Clinton. If global warming continues along this path, the electoral college will have played a non-insignificant negative role in world history.
Yes you can. But IMO it's ok to have half of one branch to represent small state interests. It's another to have another whole branch mercy to them.
The worry is they would focus on CA/NY....well the current worry is they must focus on OH/NC. One person one vote means no swing states, and a focus on everyone. Like the 45% of Texans who voted blue and are completely voiceless.
I don't buy this conservative right-wing Trump nonsense. I still believe that he has basically ran his campaign as a reality show, and he knew the exact things to say in order to mobilize the votes that would get him elected. Yes, I think he will be conservative on issues like immigration, national security, guns etc. But at the same time I believe he will be liberal on other social issues, and I won't be surprised if he'd push for increasing the minimum wage and replacing Obamacare with a healthcare plan that actually works.
Also I believe that his plan to bring jobs back will work. He is a deal maker and that's something he can actually be good at. Or maybe I'm just being over optimistic.
Why is it unfair ?Which just shows again how unfair the electoral college is with California only getting 55 instead of 100s
How are urbanites silencing anyone if everyone has the same vote?This is how The Founding Fathers determined the President should be elected. I agree with them.
It would be grossly unfair to have urbanites for example to silence the voices of rural people.
Because Californian get a fraction of the vote compared to someone from the rural states.Why is it unfair ?
And California would always elect a president? Is like having Germany dictating the rest of Europe.Which just shows again how unfair the electoral college is with California only getting 55 instead of 100s
And California would always elect a president? Is like having Germany dictating the rest of Europe.
No, California only has about 12% of the US population. Incidentally Texas has about 10%And California would always elect a president? Is like having Germany dictating the rest of Europe.
This has been addressed above.
Bush/Gore was sort of unique. The SC should never have got involved. But still Gore did not get enough votes to overcome the hurdle. That was not Nader's fault btw.
Hillary simply had a poor strategy. She took WI for granted for example. Plus she was a very damaged candidate.
I mean, if that's what your ideal system of govt is...fine.James Madison, who was no fool, noted the same problem, but unlike Aristotle, he aimed to reduce democracy rather than poverty. He believed that the primary goal of government is "to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."
The man who is possessed of wealth, who lolls on his sofa or rolls in his carriage, cannot judge the wants or feelings of the day-laborer. The government we mean to erect is intended to last for ages. The landed interest, at present, is prevalent; but in process of time, when we approximate to the states and kingdoms of Europe, — when the number of landholders shall be comparatively small, through the various means of trade and manufactures, will not the landed interest be overbalanced in future elections, and unless wisely provided against, what will become of your government? In England, at this day, if elections were open to all classes of people, the property of landed proprietors would be insecure. An agrarian law would soon take place. If these observations be just, our government ought to secure the permanent interests of the country against innovation. Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests, and to balance and check the other. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority. The senate, therefore, ought to be this body; and to answer these purposes, they ought to have permanency and stability.
Merkel pretty much became the leader of the free world on Tuesday.are not Germany doing just that?
Why Britain went Brexit I suppose.
How are urbanites silencing anyone if everyone has the same vote?
Or do you mean rural people deserve more of a say?
Merkel pretty much became the leader of the free world on Tuesday.
How exactly will the rural people be ignored if they get the same vote?No. But no one should be ignored.
Though in the past I have thought that one vote one man for the Presidency would be the way to go. The US is primarily an agricultural nation. We are a rural country. I think the Founding Fathers in their wisdom got this right.
Not if he goes ahead with the isolationist policies. You'll remain a country everyone fears and gives a wide berth to due to your military might.So long as we are the most powerful country on earth, The President of the United States will always be the leader. imo Bush was a far weaker President than whatever we may think of Trump.
In any case, he has not even been inaugurated yet.