The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The way and pace this administration lost all their credibility really surprised me. I expected at least a month. He really wants out, doesn't he?
The election promise was to appeal to a load of racist hicks, I think literally the night he won the Presidency he dumped it from his website? There were reports of all religions being banned from USA if flying from the blacklisted countries, it was not specifically Muslims. He thought there was a terrorist vetting problem, the vast majority of the country agreed with him according to polls, so he acted. And then so did the media.

What exactly is the big fuss anyway? USA is an independent country, they aren't obliged to let in anyone the same as you don't have to let strangers into your house.

The main problem is that their administration interviewed people and granted them access to the US soil but the president and his aides decided to cancel everything because of the nationalities of those people, not because of what they are but because of their nationalities.
The big deal is from a moral standpoint, first this POTUS doesn't think that a contractual agreement has to be respected and secondly he thinks that you can discriminate people on the sole basis of their religion or origin.
It's kind of impressive how they keep managing to ramp up the incredulity levels. I mean, most of us in this thread are well aware of America's murky past, but to bring it up in an attempt to defend Russia?? There must be some very,very confused Ruskie-hatin' Tea Partiers out there at the moment.
The way and pace this administration lost all their credibility really surprised me. I expected at least a month. He really wants out, doesn't he?

Are you comparing him to an Andrew Golota fouling himself out style meltdown?

I don't think so though, he's always got his own way completely and bullyed anyone who defied him and is expecting to do the same now.
Has there ever been a president before who has come into such direct conflict with the press? Like so many things in the last few weeks, this feels completely unpresidented. Proper, dictator-style, paranoid lunacy.

The weird thing is that his supporters are citing "liberal" or "lefty" press as having an agenda against him when really it's all press anywhere even slightly left of "extremely right wing". Even Fox, who nobody could describe as anything other that right wing, have been giving him stick.
The weird thing is that his supporters are citing "liberal" or "lefty" press as having an agenda against him when really it's all press anywhere even slightly left of "extremely right wing". Even Fox, who nobody could describe as anything other that right wing, have been giving him stick.

Not long for them now if they keep it up.
Anyone else suspect the Republican party are using Donald Trump to hammer home some of the more controversial policies they want in but would attract mass disapproval from the general populace? Then once The Donald has unwittingly done his bit they impeach get to look like the saviours and get their own man Mike Pence in.

...who continues to regress modern American social values.
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Anyone else suspect the Republican party are using Donald Trump to hammer home some of the more controversial policies they want in but would attract mass disapproval from the general populace? Then once The Donald has unwittingly done his bit they impeach get to look like the saviours and get their own man Mike Pence in.

...who continues to regress modern American social values.
Sounds like a plan.But the Republicans would be committing suicide. His voters voted for Trump not the Republican party .So if he goes so will that support.
Sounds like a plan.But the Republicans would be committing suicide. His voters voted for Trump not the Republican party .So if he goes so will that support.

Possibly, though it's been rumoured that Trump wants to implement voter suppression laws in an attempt to increase the likelihood of a Republican/Trump win in 2020. They get him to do all the dirty work and by then they probably have enough evidence to impeach him up the wazoo. I do agree though that whatever they get to impeach him with Trump supporters likely won't care and will see impeachment as an attack on them too. The scenario is worth a ponder though, as I don't think the other main players in Republican party like Trump at all and these are the folk who vowed to obstruct Obama at every turn so it shows they are devious and willing enough to put their party's own gain before everything else, even the good of their country.
Wow! Glad I stayed away last night, the only thing I missed was a load of pointless arguing and lots of stupid faux examples and hypotheticals that involved rape. I thought that was pretty frowned upon here? In fact I am sure it was clearly mentioned in the new rules for the site. Oh well, nvm.

Anyway back on topic.... And in other news...... Melania Trump...

Is suing for being accused of being an escort, but the actual lawsuit is more about "her losing a fantastic opportunity to make millions of dollars while being the most photographed woman on the planet"

Just out of curiosity, where is Melania? Nobody has seen her since the inauguration. I hope the defence lawyers use this in retort, because it's pretty hard to be photographed if nobody has seen you or knows where you are.
Sounds like a plan.But the Republicans would be committing suicide. His voters voted for Trump not the Republican party .So if he goes so will that support.

Citation needed.

If you look at Trump's vote breakdown it's almost identical to Bush's the year he got elected. There is very little to support the argument that people nationwide voted for Trump because he was Trump rather than because he was the Republican candidate.

Sure, he galvanised particularly vocal right wing nutters and appealed to people that a normal candidate might not have (although I strongly suggest they would have voted Republican anyway), and the same is true in electorally significant communities in the rust belt, but to argue that the election result proved the existence of anything other than a vocal minority of Trump supporters who weren't already Republicans just isn't true for me.

It might seem a pernickity point but it's one that needs to be made regularly I think. And I'd also like people to check the use of the word popularism but that's another issue.
And get men to play the women. Considering that comment he made recently about how women should dress, their heads will explode from all the crossdressing.
It would be hilarious if openly gay / lesbian actors / actresses were playing them. :D Trump would perhaps not mind that much but many Republicans would have a meltdown.
Just out of curiosity, where is Melania? Nobody has seen her since the inauguration.
She attended an event at Mar-o-Lago (spell?) and Trump's Super Bowl 'Party' where the picture was taken that's showing in the tweet in your post.
Wow! Glad I stayed away last night, the only thing I missed was a load of pointless arguing and lots of stupid faux examples and hypotheticals that involved rape. I thought that was pretty frowned upon here? In fact I am sure it was clearly mentioned in the new rules for the site. Oh well, nvm.

I agree.
Has there ever been a president before who has come into such direct conflict with the press? Like so many things in the last few weeks, this feels completely unpresidented. Proper, dictator-style, paranoid lunacy.

The Sedition Act passed under Woodrow Wilson was a pretty drastic measure to undermine the press/dissenters, although it has the added context of being enacted during WWI. President Bannon's motives I would argue are worse though, this feels like the beginning of a hostile takeover and it's incredibly worrying.
Wow! Glad I stayed away last night, the only thing I missed was a load of pointless arguing and lots of stupid faux examples and hypotheticals that involved rape. I thought that was pretty frowned upon here? In fact I am sure it was clearly mentioned in the new rules for the site. Oh well, nvm.

Anyway back on topic.... And in other news...... Melania Trump...

Is suing for being accused of being an escort, but the actual lawsuit is more about "her losing a fantastic opportunity to make millions of dollars while being the most photographed woman on the planet"

Just out of curiosity, where is Melania? Nobody has seen her since the inauguration. I hope the defence lawyers use this in retort, because it's pretty hard to be photographed if nobody has seen you or knows where you are.

They look so happy.

#1 in terror?

This is the biggest problem I have with Trump; everything, EVERYTHING, he says is a lie. In a way it's quite genius though, because there's no way that the media can keep up with every lie he says.
The NY Times should dedicate a section on their front page above the fold every day to tracking Trump's lies from the day before.
#1 in terror?

This is the biggest problem I have with Trump; everything, EVERYTHING, he says is a lie. In a way it's quite genius though, because there's no way that the media can keep up with every lie he says.
US intelligence for years has gone with this - the distinction being - Iran is the biggest 'state sponsor' of terror. The Don isn't to blame for this one.
#1 in terror?

This is the biggest problem I have with Trump; everything, EVERYTHING, he says is a lie. In a way it's quite genius though, because there's no way that the media can keep up with every lie he says.
Unless they divide and conquer, similar to the collaboration of journos for the Panama papers.

During the election phase a journo from the Toronto Star (David Dale or Daniel Dale IIRC) did fact check Trump's and Clinton's statements on a daily basis. I'm not sure he's still doing it daily but AFAIK he's still doing it with Trump regularly.
US intelligence for years has gone with this - the distinction being - Iran is the biggest 'state sponsor' of terror. The Don isn't to blame for this one.

Surely the US has been the biggest state sponsor of terror in the middle East?

I mean, they created and sponsored the taliban themselves ffs. Ban all US citizens from the US I say!
There must be some very,very confused Ruskie-hatin' Tea Partiers out there at the moment.
It's like...
US intelligence for years has gone with this - the distinction being - Iran is the biggest 'state sponsor' of terror. The Don isn't to blame for this one.
US intelligence - as many other Western intelligence services - kindly turned a blind eye to Saudi Arabia.
I can just imagine them in the White House this week pleading with Trump not to reply about SNL on Twitter, literally begging him not to give them the satisfaction and then coming up with a brilliant plan..... "Let Spicer do it" ... "you what? the guy with the shitty suit?" "Yeah, him, Let Spicer do it, he will go on TV and tell them off and tell them how naughty and mean they have been and tell them to stop, but you can't Tweet about them anymore" "oh ok"..

BUZZ: NBC to spin off ‘Weekend Update’ to weekly primetime show

NBC LOOKS TO SPIN OFF WEEKLY “WEEKEND UPDATE” -- NBC is in talks to air a 30-minute primetime weekly edition of “Saturday Night Live’s” “Weekend Update.”

With Alec Baldwin’s impression of the president, SNL’s popularity has exploded in the Trump era. A stand-alone “Weekend Update” show could help NBC capitalize on a topsy turvy news cycle. "Variety" reports that SNL is up 22 percent in viewership -- its strongest start to a season in more than two decades, our colleagues at Morning Media note. The scuttlebutt is the show might air Thursday evenings later this year. An NBC spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.
US intelligence - as many other Western intelligence services - kindly turned a blind eye to Saudi Arabia.
I am one of the biggest House of Saud haters alive - but, the Saudi govt doesn't sponsor terror/terrorists - it is f-ing scared that the terrorists will burn their precious palaces down. What it has done is export wahhabism...which in turn radicalized hundreds of thousands of poor muslim youth all across the world. It is guilty of that - and a lot more should have been done against it.

But, if you look at terror attacks across the world in the last decade - and particularly in the west, the attackers aren't your traditional bearded muslim seminary (madrasa) educated robots.

The game has changed.
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