The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You do know that's leading LGBT right campaigner MS Paula White, formerly known as Mr Paul Black head of Ford's logistics wing?
I guess Donald didn't pay enough attention to Black History Month after all.
I'm assuming they need permission to display the image? Anyway...

So is this a point about hypocrisy? Or are you advocating less media coverage and public reaction just because there was apparently less for the last presidency?


More about the hypocrisy.
You do know that's leading LGBT right campaigner MS Paula White, formerly known as Mr Paul Black head of Ford's logistics wing?
I had to check. Trump's spiritual adviser- yeah good luck with that :lol:
You do know that's leading LGBT right campaigner MS Paula White, formerly known as Mr Paul Black head of Ford's logistics wing?

I still would.

What is her \ his name btw? I need to further research her political viewpoints.
So many things to discuss, but that supposed Obama deal with Australia to take in Afghans, Iranians and Iraqis, etc?
They were being persecuted so much that they crossed over, or through, India, the world's largest democracy, the Philippines, a 'relatively' safe haven and went all the way down to Oz. Sounds like economic refugees to me.
I definitely think countries need to have border control and it is NOT cruel or inhumane to tell people - no, you can't simply show up and say - let me in. But, equally - you're escaping Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan - you leave behind what little you have...of course you want to live in the best place possible. I don't think it's a disqualifier for people to say - Yes, given a choice I'd rather live in Australia than Indonesia.

Thousands of men, women and children drown every year on these routes - they aren't taking these risks on a whim.
Fair play. She's fecking 50 by the way. That's mighty impressive.
Nah - I'd be willing to put a significant amount of money on Iran not being invaded. I know Bannon, Flynn and Co want WWIII - but, Iran is a completely different cattle of fish.

Militarily Iran is nothing - it could be bombed into the last century in a couple of weeks. But, invasion/occupation are completely different. You'd be looking at death tolls easily 4-5 times that of Iraq. Not to mention, significant portions of Iraq would be drawn into it and the entire region would go up in smoke.

Complete clusterfcuk.

Wait, now that I think about it...


Work with Putin, joint US/Russian invasion of Iran, backed a bit by China (who has had some big business deals started with Russia in the couple of years), split the oil up 3 ways. win-win-win unless of course you are Iranian then it is not a win.

National security adviser to Biden, fwiw.

National security adviser to Biden, fwiw.

Now this is the type of story that if true, and confirmed the press should expose and run with because it will hurt Trump far more than anything else he's done so far. If it's true he tried to fob it off as an Obama raid, but not only that, that it was passed to Trump to investigate before issuing orders to carry the assault out, but instead of getting info, he hosted dinner instead, and that caused the life of a US Navy SEAL AND innocent civilians including an 8 year old girl. Damn! That shit will not go down well with the US public and especially not his supporters.
Now this is the type of story that if true, and confirmed the press should expose and run with because it will hurt Trump far more than anything else he's done so far. If it's true he tried to fob it off as an Obama raid, but not only that, that it was passed to Trump to investigate before issuing orders to carry the assault out, but instead of getting info, he hosted dinner instead, and that caused the life of a US Navy SEAL AND innocent civilians including an 8 year old girl. Damn! That shit will not go down well with the US public and especially not his supporters.
You underestimate his supporters.
Now this is the type of story that if true, and confirmed the press should expose and run with because it will hurt Trump far more than anything else he's done so far. If it's true he tried to fob it off as an Obama raid, but not only that, that it was passed to Trump to investigate before issuing orders to carry the assault out, but instead of getting info, he hosted dinner instead, and that caused the life of a US Navy SEAL AND innocent civilians including an 8 year old girl. Damn! That shit will not go down well with the US public and especially not his supporters.

If it's true it is absolutely shocking and grossly negligent but don't kid yourself about his supporters. The majority of them (at least the worst section, which is most of them) couldn't give a feck about innocent Yemeni civilian casualties and Member of the US Forces life only matters to them as a token for a game of one upmanship. Considering this loss of life could reflect badly on their fascist hero, they will be looking to discredit it rather than get to the bottom of it.

He just leaves a trail for everyone to follow. Basically anything he has Tweeted in the past will come back to haunt him.

The problem being that his supporters and fellow GOP members do not care and he'll never be held accountable while the propagandists in the WH spew bullshit about the media and press.

If it's true it is absolutely shocking and grossly negligent but don't kid yourself about his supporters. The majority of them (at least the worst section, which is most of them) couldn't give a feck about innocent Yemeni civilian casualties and Member of the US Forces life only matters to them as a token for a game of one upmanship. Considering this loss of life could reflect badly on their fascist hero, they will be looking to discredit it rather than get to the bottom of it.

:lol: Fair and valid points lads, but surely they can't all be like that? I know many are, but i'm talking about the sensible, rational Republicans and Dems that switched, not his staunchest bunch of clusterfecks.
:lol: Fair and valid points lads, but surely they can't all be like that? I know many are, but i'm talking about the sensible, rational Republicans and Dems that switched, not his staunchest bunch of clusterfecks.

The opinion polls show that they've already been turned off by him. I'm talking about the ones that continue to support him despite everything he has done and said in this last week. Anyone left supporting him now is either extremely naive or has a lot of hate in them.
The conspiracy theory is that Trump is one of the useful idiots who Putin has cultivated by raising their profile and hoping for the best.

Well, I am not up-to-date when it comes to conspiracies.

Trump wasn’t in office, when Russia annexed Crimea and invaded Ukrain. Obama was and he didn't do anything but enacting inefficiant sanctions. So, is Obama also controlled by Putin? Are all the Europeans, who were fairly critical of harsher sanctions, in on it as well? Is there any western leader who Putin doesn’t control?

The USA has no vital interest in Syria, Crimea or the Ukraine. What happens in these countries doesn’t matter for the USA. Fighting international jihadists might be the only thing that is relevant for the USA in this area of the world and Putin would love to cooperate on this issue. It is quite shocking that “reasonable” liberals are spreading this garbage, because it fits their tribal narrative. It is not in the interest of the USA to escalate tensions with Russia.
Well, I am not up-to-date when it comes to conspiracies.

Trump wasn’t in office, when Russia annexed Crimea and invaded Ukrain. Obama was and he didn't do anything but enacting inefficiant sanctions. So, is Obama also controlled by Putin? Are all the Europeans, who were fairly critical of harsher sanctions, in on it as well? Is there any western leader who Putin doesn’t control?

The USA has no vital interest in Syria, Crimea or the Ukraine. What happens in these countries doesn’t matter for the USA. Fighting international jihadists might be the only thing that is relevant for the USA in this area of the world and Putin would love to cooperate on this issue. It is quite shocking that “reasonable” liberals are spreading this garbage, because it fits their tribal narrative. It is not in the interest of the USA to escalate tensions with Russia. There's a whole bunch of links for you if you're willing to put the effort in. Please note how this is from the financial times not an obscure blog if you're unwilling to read.

:lol: :lol: Love him, It's a real shame he can't go and Terminate Trump. Love the fact he's obviously got a great sense of humour and a sharp mind too. Complete opposite to the thick cnut he's mocking.

:lol: :lol: Love him, It's a real shame he can't go and Terminate Trump. Love the fact he's obviously got a great sense of humour and a sharp mind too. Complete opposite to the thick cnut he's mocking.

You just know Arnie is everything Trump wants to be too. 6'2" and jacked still even at his age, and loved by basically everyone.
Well, I am not up-to-date when it comes to conspiracies.

Trump wasn’t in office, when Russia annexed Crimea and invaded Ukrain. Obama was and he didn't do anything but enacting inefficiant sanctions. So, is Obama also controlled by Putin? Are all the Europeans, who were fairly critical of harsher sanctions, in on it as well? Is there any western leader who Putin doesn’t control?

The USA has no vital interest in Syria, Crimea or the Ukraine. What happens in these countries doesn’t matter for the USA. Fighting international jihadists might be the only thing that is relevant for the USA in this area of the world and Putin would love to cooperate on this issue. It is quite shocking that “reasonable” liberals are spreading this garbage, because it fits their tribal narrative. It is not in the interest of the USA to escalate tensions with Russia.

I'm not sure how accurate this is - as threats go, there are state and non-state actors that are a threat to the U.S. and of course Russia and ISIS would be at the top of each list. Russia just got done meddling in the U.S. elections so their actions are quite relevant, both in what happened in the U.S. as well as in a handful of European states, so it pretty hard to say they aren't a threat to both the region and the world. They are not the world's most powerful country and need to be smacked down to their rightful place in the pecking order - which is 2nd militarily and 12th economically, although I'm not holding my breath for that to happen under Trump.
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'Minor relaxation' for US companies to do business with Russia............. There's a whole bunch of links for you if you're willing to put the effort in. Please note how this is from the financial times not an obscure blog if you're unwilling to read.

It links me to a pay-wall. I am not disputing that Russia eventually hacked and leaked the podesta/DNC emails (via wikileaks) and I am also not disputing that Trump has financial interest all over the world – including in Russia – and those interests are going to influence his decision-making. There are already few other examples of other politicians, where this applies(ed), so obviously Trump will be particularly susceptible to such influences. I am not denying any of that. He probably also adores any confident strongman in the world, because he’d love to be like them.

This foreign influence might make him lift completely inefficient sanctions and he might talk differently about Russia, because in the end he is fairly indifferent to these things anyway. It is important to repeat that many people in Europe share the view, that escalation with Russia is a bad idea and it is also important to repeat that Obama – rhetoric aside – was fairly uninterested in opposing Russia. So up to this point Trump didn’t change course at all and there is no evidence that he’ll care about Putin’s opinion on any issue that is going to matter to him.
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