The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Nah - I'd be willing to put a significant amount of money on Iran not being invaded. I know Bannon, Flynn and Co want WWIII - but, Iran is a completely different cattle of fish.

Militarily Iran is nothing - it could be bombed into the last century in a couple of weeks. But, invasion/occupation are completely different. You'd be looking at death tolls easily 4-5 times that of Iraq. Not to mention, significant portions of Iraq would be drawn into it and the entire region would go up in smoke.

Complete clusterfcuk.

Wait, now that I think about it...


You say that like Putin, Trump and Tillerson actually cares about the clusterfcuk...they don't. As long as they could cause enough chaos to do their massive oil deals in secret then it would have been worth it. Wars have been started for less. They pay off enough people in the region to see about their interests then killing millions via bombs and rockets while they sit in their ivory towers is a piece of cake. Trump would justify bombing Iran under the guise of protecting Israel and the lying hypocritical racist Netanyahu.
Obama's defence secretary signed off on the operation before he left his post. Cant just blame Trump administration for this.

The people of Yemen have been living under these conditions for the past 2 to 3 years. It's the kind of stuff the lame-stream media should be focusing on besides hearing about Trump's pussy grabbing day in day out.
One thing that might make the US invading Iran more of a possibillity is their main cronies in Saudi, the gulf states and Israel being heavily for it.

If Putin get's to wet his beak and get US support for other parts of his foreign policy in return then they'll probably go ahead with it and ignore everyone else.

Also it would be an awful waste to let all those "moderate" rebels they've armed in Syria go to waste, they will absolutely love to lay a Shia dominant country to waste.
Obama's defence secretary signed off on the operation before he left his post. Cant just blame Trump administration for this.

And we must assume Mattis subsequently too, who is not new to this. Whatever failures of intel, planning or execution, are almost certainly to blame on non-political appointees (military officers, intelligence officers, etc).
Looks like all that Federal land is safe -

In an Instagram post late Wednesday (because Twitter is dying, I guess?), Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, said he wouldn’t move forward with a bill that would sell off public lands in 10 Western states, including Colorado.

Chaffetz said the parcels identified in the bill were deemed not to serve a public purpose back in the 1990s, under President Bill Clinton, but he had heard from so many hunters and others who opposed the bill that he was withdrawing it.

“Groups I support and care about fear it sends the wrong message,” he wrote.

Chaffetz said he will withdraw the bill on Thursday.

The bill, which Chaffetz has introduced before, would have sold off 93,000 acres of Bureau of Land Management property in Colorado and 3.4 million acres nationwide and put the proceeds toward the national debt.
And we must assume Mattis subsequently too, who is not new to this. Whatever failures of intel, planning or execution, are almost certainly to blame on non-political appointees (military officers, intelligence officers, etc).

Definitely a lot of "outrage" from some just because its Trump who signed the order. Alot of the same people who are screaming now were quiet when it was Obama who approved operations which killed a lot of civilians.

Apparently the reason Obama never signed off the order was because they were waiting for a moonless night and the next one was after Obama left office, so he decided to leave it for Trump to sign off.
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United States is not going to invade Iran, just like they won't invade S. Korea. They will place even more sanctions on them than ever before.
Definitely a lot of "outrage" from some just because its Trump who signed the order. Alot of the same people who are screaming now were quiet when it was Obama who approved operations which killed a lot of civilians.

Yep the Guardian featured a picture of the little girl killed (apparently al-Awlaki's daughter) on their front page. When did any of Obama's innocent victims get such treatment?
United States is not going to invade Iran, just like they won't invade S. Korea. They will place even more sanctions on them than ever before.

I guess you mean N. Korea. They don't mess with North because China is a strong medium for the North and the rest of the world and they already do penis measuring contests like joint military exercises with the South Korea on their border.
@Fergie's gum


Just a quick search - I've purposely ignored Fox or other right wing media. The ACLU sued him multiple times.

Interestingly Obama killed the older brother of the 8 year old Trump just took out!

- NYT gave the father of Anwar al-AWLAKI an opinion column after his 16 year US citizen grandson was killed in a drone attack -

- Esquire with a big essay on the same issue

- Articles calling out Obama for the death of civilians

Obama didn't get a free pass but as with most things....our partisan nature means, we didn't care, just as Trump supporters don't care now.

*Actually Obama droning muslims was probably a win-win for Trump supporters :lol:
Yep the Guardian featured a picture of the little girl killed (apparently al-Awlaki's daughter) on their front page. When did any of Obama's innocent victims get such treatment?

Not much. i remember a bit of backlash when they killed Awlaki (the girls father) a while back in a drone strike.
@Fergie's gum


Just a quick search - I've purposely ignored Fox or other right wing media. The ACLU sued him multiple times.

Interestingly Obama killed the older brother of the 8 year old Trump just took out!

- NYT gave the father of Anwar al-AWLAKI an opinion column after his 16 year US citizen grandson was killed in a drone attack -

- Esquire with a big essay on the same issue

- Articles calling out Obama for the death of civilians

Obama didn't get a free pass but as with most things....our partisan nature means, we didn't care, just as Trump supporters don't care now.

*Actually Obama droning muslims was probably a win-win for Trump supporters :lol:

Thank you. I'm aware there has been considerable controversy over this throughout Obama's time. But I don't think anything you've posted there compares to publishing a picture of a beautiful innocent 8 year-old girl on the front page.
@Neutral Some in the media did criticise Obama. But the people and some journalists who are outraged now on places like social media were not vocal in the past with the deaths during Obama's presidency.
WASHINGTON — President Trump vowed Thursday to overturn a law restricting political speech by churches, a potentially huge victory for the religious right and a gesture to his political base.

Mr. Trump said his administration would “totally destroy” the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits churches from engaging in political activity at the risk of losing their tax-exempt status.

Repealing the law would require approval by Congress. Certain tax-exempt organizations — in this case, churches — are not allowed to openly endorse or campaign for political candidates. If they do, under existing law, they risk losing the benefits of their tax-exempt status.

In addressing the issue of churches and political speech, Mr. Trump said, “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment and allow our representatives of faith speak freely and without fear of retribution.”

He added that “freedom of religion is a sacred right, but it is under serious threat.”

During his presidential campaign, Mr. Trump promised to push for repeal of the law, which was passed in 1954 and named for then-Senator Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, who proposed the change to the tax code.

Scratch another thing off that 'Early Warning Signs of Fascism' list
Thank you. I'm aware there has been considerable controversy over this throughout Obama's time. But I don't think anything you've posted there compares to publishing a picture of a beautiful innocent 8 year-old girl on the front page.
I'm assuming they need permission to display the image? Anyway...
@Neutral Some in the media did criticise Obama. But the people and some journalists who are outraged now on places like social media were not vocal in the past with the deaths during Obama's presidency.

So is this a point about hypocrisy? Or are you advocating less media coverage and public reaction just because there was apparently less for the last presidency?

I guess you mean N. Korea. They don't mess with North because China is a strong medium for the North and the rest of the world and they already do penis measuring contests like joint military exercises with the South Korea on their border.

Oops, yes N. Korea. You are correct, but not only that, N.Korea and Iran will be able to fight back even if it's for a few minutes/hours. You don't pick a fight with someone who can fight back.
Wouldn't invading Iran be against the wishes of his new BFF Putin though?
Depends on what Bannon/Trump are willing to offer in return. As I wrote earlier, Putin might not mind US invading or bombing Iran if in return US acknowledges Crimea, Ukraine, possibly also the Baltics and Poland to be Russian territory. I'm not joking, I'm just being realistic here.

Putin managed to:

Put his own President in the White House.
Have his close friend (Tillerson) head the US state department.

...all done without firing a single shot or drop a single bomb. Not bad for an ex KGB/Cold War verteran...well played.

Trump, Tillerson and Putin all have a specific agenda when it comes to Iran. We all know where this is going.
I posted this article in the White Supremacist Terrorist thread & its quite the read, and quite troubling given the people now in power in the US. The gist of it goes the FBI had a unit dedicated to investigating how white supremacist groups have had a long running "historical" interest in covertly infiltrating law enforcement and recruiting law enforcement personnel and in a 2009 report on their findings concluded that "they posed the most dangerous domestic terrorist threat in the US". Naturally, the Republicans upon hearing the report threw a hissy fit had the unit dismantled and the lead investigator was pushed out .
Thanks for reminding me of that link. I bookmarked it and will read later. I wish I could say that I am surprised or shocked, but I am not the slightest.
Tbf. I can't blame him for that one, I'd grab that one in an instant.
It's as if Ernie McCraken became President.
Tbf. I can't blame him for that one, I'd grab that one in an instant.

You do know that's leading LGBT right campaigner MS Paula White, formerly known as Mr Paul Black head of Ford's logistics wing?
So many things to discuss, but that supposed Obama deal with Australia to take in Afghans, Iranians and Iraqis, etc?
They were being persecuted so much that they crossed over, or through, India, the world's largest democracy, the Philippines, a 'relatively' safe haven and went all the way down to Oz. Sounds like economic refugees to me.
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