The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump is a great debater. Not in the traditional sense of course. He did manage to slay over a dozen other candidates with a hell of a lot more debating experience than he had.
Best debater, greatest debater. Raoul knows I'm the best debater in the world, the world greatest master debater, that's why you should vote for me folks, don't listen to lyin' low energy Raoul folks.

Come on, he sucks. He's a bumbling idiot who somehow managed to find him on a stage with people everyone's had much longer to hate. He did have the occasional zinger though, and he knew how to make it stick.
Trump is a great debater. Not in the traditional sense of course. He did manage to slay over a dozen other candidates with a hell of a lot more debating experience than he had.


No, seriously. Trump has the debating skills of a fourth grader with severe learning disabilities. That he convinced imbecilic talking heads and television viewers across the country that he had actually done well in any of his debates proves only how stupid and uninformed most of the American public truly is.
Re the picture header in that article - Eric Trump really is the answer to a question that no-one asked.


I had a damn scary thought the other day. I was thinking about the possibility of 8 years of Trump as President and how much damage he could cause, but then it suddenly hit me that that's not the only thing to worry about. We all know how fond the USA is of keeping the Presidency in the family, well a major worry surely has to be that Trump's kids decide to take a shot at it and run themselves. Personally I wouldn't think Eric would stand much of a chance, he's very awkward and strange and very creepy too, but Ivanka and Don Jr could both consider it. Ivanka is reasonably well liked, articulate and sneaky as feck. And Don Jr is just a mini version of his dad, fast talking, wise ass prick that speaks so much bullshit he could power the state of New York on methane for a year. He is more articulate than his dad is and he has the ego and arrogance to match, it wouldn't surprise me if they haven't all discussed it already. It would be perfect for Trump's legacy that he always harps on about.

Now tell me that's not a frightening thought. But to make up for it, I will repay you with some Denald.

Ted Cruz is massively overrated too, his debating credentials were brought up a couple of years ago on here but honestly there's nothing impressive about them. I used to go oratory competitions in my teens and at university too - the only advantage they give is that you practice public speaking more than most of your peers, but when both or all parties involved in the event have been doing it for decades it stops making a discernible difference. Harvard doesn't have some kind of secret they pass onto their students, they just tell you to practice.

No, seriously. Trump has the debating skills of a fourth grader with severe learning disabilities. That he convinced imbecilic talking heads and television viewers across the country that he had actually done well in any of his debates proves only how stupid and uninformed most of the American public truly is.

Depends how you define debating skills. If you define it within the context of connecting with an audience (as in the Republicsn base) then he's very effective.
Depends how you define debating skills. If you define it within the context of connecting with an audience (as in the Republicsn base) then he's very effective.

I'm sure if Hillary had been a better debater she'd have connected with Trump supporters and won the election.
To be fair, law-type debates are very different from political debates anyway. As we saw during the election the debates were often reduced to arguments about personal views and other such nonsense...the type of stuff which has no place in law proceedings.
That's a good point, I haven't seen him often in these kind of situations. I saw him mostly during the primaries or in interviews on TV where he didn't impress me at all. Apart from what he was saying, he came across as not being genuine. Too much false drama, too many false emotions, too much false everything.

No, seriously. Trump has the debating skills of a fourth grader with severe learning disabilities. That he convinced imbecilic talking heads and television viewers across the country that he had actually done well in any of his debates proves only how stupid and uninformed most of the American public truly is.

Of the people listening to those debates, the vast majority are laypeople, who want straight talking and buzz words and passion.

Hillary was for too polished and clinical and composed. It made it seem as if it was the establishment vs a man of the people. He played it perfectly.

Wether that was by design or he really is as dumb as he seems, it worked.
I'm half a minute in and the guy is an arsehole already. His argument seems to be that leftists are 'weak' for no other reason that he disagrees with him. Him saying they should look for 'facts' when it's Trump we're talking about is fecking ridiculous. Says he can respect people's opinions but that every leftist he's spoken to is a 'moron'.:lol:

His actual argument is fairly shite as well. He also fails to mention not one person from the countries on the list has been convicted for terrorist activity, and that the US already has some extreme vetting process. He mentions the other Muslim countries that haven't been banned...but nevertheless fails to condemn this in spite of supposedly being big on security...with these countries often being ones who have compromised US security in the past.

The guy is the perfect example of what's wrong with politics: he picks out certain examples of a political group and applies it to everyone. There are plenty of uninformed people out there but the fact this guy sees himself as educated because he's looked up one or two facts on issues to confirm his own agenda is laughable. He also uses strawman arguments and whataboutism...using examples of other countries' ban, or shite about Israel, isn't a legitimate defence of what he's trying to say.

The growing trend of Trump supporting types writing off anyone who disagrees with them as a leftist or liberal can feck right off as well. Again, another way to reduce politics to identity type shite, the exact sort of stuff they're supposed to be against. They seem to think anything moderately outwith their political sphere, or anything perceived as even moderately liberal or progressive, is automatically something that makes someone a leftist.
Great response.
Depends how you define debating skills. If you define it within the context of connecting with an audience (as in the Republicsn base) then he's very effective.

Connecting with the Republican base? :lol: I could've done a better job of that by just getting on that stage and calling Obama a ni**er for one hour straight.

Wouldn't make me a champion debater, though.
Just a very small rally in Hamburg (HH) but the first I'm aware of in Germany.

My very very supernaturally smart ex-classmate, now a grad student in theoretical physics in Hamburg, made this when he went to a demonstration:


Apparently the formula on it is called Kontsevich–Soibelman wall crossing. I wonder if literally anyone who saw it got the joke...
My very very supernaturally smart ex-classmate, now a grad student in theoretical physics in Hamburg, made this when he went to a demonstration:


Apparently the formula on it is called Kontsevich–Soibelman wall crossing. I wonder if literally anyone who saw it got the joke...
Admirable effort but that's hilarious.
At first I found the wailing and gnashing of teeth wearing and tiresome. Now I realise that this will be like the official soundtrack to the Trump presidency. Whilst it continues, Trump is doing what he set out to do (what he was elected to do). When the soundtrack loses volume, I'd be concerned.
At first I found the wailing and gnashing of teeth wearing and tiresome. Now I realise that this will be like the official soundtrack to the Trump presidency. Whilst it continues, Trump is doing what he set out to do (what he was elected to do). When the soundtrack loses volume, I'd be concerned.

I'm assuming you supported Obama 100% after he was elected?
At first I found the wailing and gnashing of teeth wearing and tiresome. Now I realise that this will be like the official soundtrack to the Trump presidency. Whilst it continues, Trump is doing what he set out to do (what he was elected to do). When the soundtrack loses volume, I'd be concerned.
Trump was not elected to do anything. He ran on a bunch of empty phrases, that had no meaningful content. He isn't much of a genius either, around the world and throughout history many populists have done what he has achieved. It's been around so long that in 798 some guy named Alcuin wrote:" And those people should not be listened to who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness."

The White House has refused to send its spokespeople or surrogates onto CNN shows, effectively icing out the network from on-air administration voices.

“We’re sending surrogates to places where we think it makes sense to promote our agenda,” said a White House official, acknowledging that CNN is not such a place, but adding that the ban is not permanent.

:lol: They aren't even pretending to not be a fascist regime at this point.
Connecting with the Republican base? :lol: I could've done a better job of that by just getting on that stage and calling Obama a ni**er for one hour straight.

Wouldn't make me a champion debater, though.

Connecting to your base is one of the most vital debating skills a politician can have. You can't blame your audience for not being in synch with you or below you.

Even outside politics the most eloquently spoken individual is not always the best debater or negotiator. Most of our senior client sales guys working with investment companies are simple but strong in their message and thats what counts.
Something that is bothering me a great deal is how subversive the media is becoming to either a left or right argument.

It's getting increasingly difficult to find FACTS anymore, as opposed to opinion pieces, and these news "articles" that are getting thrown around various social media sites become self fulfilling prophecies.

I feel I have a moderate viewpoint and yet if I dare to argue the slightest statement with either a heavily left or heavily right person, there's no convincing them to form ideas of their own - I am cited these opinion pieces as if somehow they have some relevance to reality and are not just the blog stream of consciousness of disenchanted individuals.

I'm no fan of Donald Trump, however I was certainly no fan of Hillary Clinton and the way in which people have responded lately has been tantamount to militantly inciting civil war in America. its a scary business.
You'd probably find similar results in the UK i reckon. The majorities don't agree with the ideals of helping another in need but only see the risks.

I'd say that's probably correct and if you broke the poll down you'd see it being another example of a generation war.
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