The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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A little part of me has no choice but to respect him. Pound for pound, He's achieved more in his life than 99.99% of the earths population since the dawn of mankind.
Like you know... oh I can't even be arsed to list a load of undeniably damaging sorts who 'achieved' plenty.
First they came for the Presidickhead, and I did not speak out.
Gorsuch seems to be quite big on states' rights, which I'd see as a positive considering it might be states' autonomy which makes any power grabs by Trump more difficult.
Gorsuch seems to be quite big on states' rights, which I'd see as a positive considering it might be states' autonomy which makes any power grabs by Trump more difficult.

I doubt anybody who gets confirmed would support any of the more radical Trump ideas. I'd hope that they would take their role even more seriously (if that's possible) and defend the constitution.
I doubt anybody who gets confirmed would support any of the more radical Trump ideas. I'd hope that they would take their role even more seriously (if that's possible) and defend the constitution.

Scalia occasionally backed a 1st amendment case, and Roberts and Kennedy occasionally went with the "other" side, but Alito and Thomas seem to have stuck to their side every single time. (My impression, may not be true).
On the other side, Sotomayor has the strongest liberal reputation, Kagan was supposed to be like Elizabeth Warren but has often voted on the corporate side of some cases, and Breyer is supposed to be the Kennedy of the left. But Ginsburg and Breyer are the only ones who have explicitly questioned the death penalty.
I'm always amazed at the exceedingly short and selective memories most politicians have, especially Mr Holier than thou Ted Cruz. He's such a smug prick, I certainly haven't missed him over the last few months where he has gone quiet. He's more than making up for it again now though.
Bernie Sanders v Lyin' Ted Cruz - Debate next Tuesday night (topic: Obamacare)

Oh wow, that should be amazing, although not sure how much I could take of Ted gurning in to the camera with that smug look on his face. In theory Bernie should be able to rip Ted apart, i'm especially interested to hear how Ted will justify a lot of things and probably contradict himself constantly.

Do you know what channel will it be shown on? Or do you know if it will be streamed live on YouTube or any other internet site?
Oh wow, that should be amazing, although not sure how much I could take of Ted gurning in to the camera with that smug look on his face. In theory Bernie should be able to rip Ted apart, i'm especially interested to hear how Ted will justify a lot of things and probably contradict himself constantly.

Do you know what channel will it be shown on? Or do you know if it will be streamed live on YouTube or any other internet site?

Cruz is a Harvard law graduate, near the top of his class. Also someone who was literally indoctrinated as a child into both a right-wing economic and Christian tradition.
Won't be anyone tougher for Bernie to debate against.
Is it me or is Trump turning into an actual waxwork

Is it me or is Trump turning into an actual waxwork


His chins so fecking big it looks like Florida is coming out the bottom right hand side of it.

His justice pick also has a look on his face which bears a startling resemble to an imperial guard about to be choked to death by Darth Vader.
Oh wow, that should be amazing, although not sure how much I could take of Ted gurning in to the camera with that smug look on his face. In theory Bernie should be able to rip Ted apart, i'm especially interested to hear how Ted will justify a lot of things and probably contradict himself constantly.

Do you know what channel will it be shown on? Or do you know if it will be streamed live on YouTube or any other internet site?

CNN (the US version). There are plenty of streams available.
Cruz is a Harvard law graduate, near the top of his class. Also someone who was literally indoctrinated as a child into both a right-wing economic and Christian tradition.
Won't be anyone tougher for Bernie to debate against.

Very true. Got to be positive about it though and have faith in Bernie being able to deliver.

Grrrr! This is infuriating, the more I see the scarecrow Conway, the more I despise her. She's moaned constantly that the Press don't ask questions about policy and just focus on negatives or the (fake news) scandals, so in comes Chris Wallace who asks nothing but policy questions and she avoids answering any of them. She gets arsey and belligerent towards him, and then again goes on the attack against the press and is really quite insulting and disrespectful. Wallace does his best here and it's good to see, that's three times in the last two or three weeks where Fox has given the Trump cronies a hard time or criticised them harshly. KellyAnne said recently that she hasn't slept for a month, it's no wonder really, her conscience is obviously eating her alive. She lies as often as her boss does, but you can clearly see the strain taking its toll on her.
Very true. Got to be positive about it though and have faith in Bernie being able to deliver.

Grrrr! This is infuriating, the more I see the scarecrow Conway, the more I despise her. She's moaned constantly that the Press don't ask questions about policy and just focus on negatives or the (fake news) scandals, so in comes Chris Wallace who asks nothing but policy questions and she avoids answering any of them. She gets arsey and belligerent towards him, and then again goes on the attack against the press and is really quite insulting and disrespectful. Wallace does his best here and it's good to see, that's three times in the last two or three weeks where Fox has given the Trump cronies a hard time or criticised them harshly. KellyAnne said recently that she hasn't slept for a month, it's no wonder really, her conscience is obviously eating her alive. She lies as often as her boss does, but you can clearly see the strain taking its toll on her.
I'm not so sure, it's quite possible she has no conscience at all and it's something else keeping her up at night...
Cruz is a Harvard law graduate, near the top of his class. Also someone who was literally indoctrinated as a child into both a right-wing economic and Christian tradition.
Won't be anyone tougher for Bernie to debate against.
I'm not Cruz' target group but I can't remember a single debate or discussion in which I found him to deliver a convincing performance. He came across as a really terrible actor, not a politician.
Cruz is a Harvard law graduate, near the top of his class. Also someone who was literally indoctrinated as a child into both a right-wing economic and Christian tradition.
Won't be anyone tougher for Bernie to debate against.

Also regarding Ted cruz:

'When he was at Princeton, Mr Cruz was an award-winning debater. In 1992 he won both the US National Debating Championship and the North American Debating Championship. In 1995 he was a semifinalist in the World Universities Debating Championship'
Cruz is definitely a good debater. He'd probably do very well against everyone except Obama and Trump.
This isn't me trying to be incendiary or endorsing this guy, in any way, shape or form but I'd just like to get some reactions on this video (if you can make it through it) and read any arguments for/against.

I'm half a minute in and the guy is an arsehole already. His argument seems to be that leftists are 'weak' for no other reason that he disagrees with him. Him saying they should look for 'facts' when it's Trump we're talking about is fecking ridiculous. Says he can respect people's opinions but that every leftist he's spoken to is a 'moron'.:lol:

His actual argument is fairly shite as well. He also fails to mention not one person from the countries on the list has been convicted for terrorist activity, and that the US already has some extreme vetting process. He mentions the other Muslim countries that haven't been banned...but nevertheless fails to condemn this in spite of supposedly being big on security...with these countries often being ones who have compromised US security in the past.

The guy is the perfect example of what's wrong with politics: he picks out certain examples of a political group and applies it to everyone. There are plenty of uninformed people out there but the fact this guy sees himself as educated because he's looked up one or two facts on issues to confirm his own agenda is laughable. He also uses strawman arguments and whataboutism...using examples of other countries' ban, or shite about Israel, isn't a legitimate defence of what he's trying to say.

The growing trend of Trump supporting types writing off anyone who disagrees with them as a leftist or liberal can feck right off as well. Again, another way to reduce politics to identity type shite, the exact sort of stuff they're supposed to be against. They seem to think anything moderately outwith their political sphere, or anything perceived as even moderately liberal or progressive, is automatically something that makes someone a leftist.
I'm not Cruz' target group but I can't remember a single debate or discussion in which I found him to deliver a convincing performance. He came across as a really terrible actor, not a politician.

To be fair, law-type debates are very different from political debates anyway. As we saw during the election the debates were often reduced to arguments about personal views and other such nonsense...the type of stuff which has no place in law proceedings.
Trump is a great debater. Not in the traditional sense of course. He did manage to slay over a dozen other candidates with a hell of a lot more debating experience than he had.

I see what you mean but it was still generally accepted Hilary won two of the three debates against him comfortably. It didn't have enough of an impact but he was still beaten in them.
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