The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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True for now I am sure. But this is important. Trump is not going to be forced out by the people who never voted for him and never would. I see this as a four year battle to win back a good slug of those who voted for him. Probably a combination of not actually keeping people safe + not actually bringing back jobs could do it, though in the latter case the economy is probably in an up cycle.

Smoke and Mirrors. Wall Street doesn't give a true representation of what's actually happening with the folks who're responsible for economic growth...The Working Class family. These investors are buying in a hurry, propping up stock prices cause they predict that in a couple years time Trump would have the numbers going back down.
You're right, I should be. I guess living here for so many years makes a person immune for some of our daily occurrences.

I'm not particularly happy with my countries on several issues, and not just the Palestinians. The way we treat the Israeli Arabs is also disgusting. They are an easy target for the right wing.

Well said lad!
Sorry but I'm not buying that. 18% of the the US population are of Latino descent. As I said, millions of immigrants from all over the world immigrate legally to the US regardless of race. The wall is a national security issue because it is the most problematic border (not that we got many borders) and that's why the wall is being built there. If we'd had tons of drugs pouring in from the northern border then that border would've been tightened as well.

And by saying that the wall is 'blocking the movement of a whole race of people' is just wrong, because there shouldn't be any free movement there in the first place. There are visas and legal ways to visit the US, it's not a god given right to anyone but a privilege.

The wall is targeting a specific race, why isnt there talk of a wall with Canadas border then?

Its just as unneccessary and as stupid as the one on the Mexican border and there seems to be more Canadian immigrants overstaying visas right now
The wall is targeting a specific race, why isnt there talk of a wall with Canadas border then?

Did you really just ask that?

There are hundreds of thousands of Mexicans illegally in the US. This is simply not true of Canada, due to greater economic parity. Obviously there is a potential racism issue there as well, but the overwhelming issue is the numbers and the illegality.

I am not at all saying that a wall is a sensible answer. The vast majority of the above are people who are allowed in legally but have stayed & deporting them is difficult and expensive.

Wherever there is a border between two countries, and greater economic opportunity in one of those countries, that border will likely be porous. Unfortunately, walls have worked in some cases but that is a very long and treacherous border!
The wall isn't even a new concept, the Bush administration gave out a contract to build a fence on the Mexican border in 2006. After 6 years and no progress in sight, even the Republicans gave up on it. Anyone who thinks this recycled dump of an idea is any less quixotic needs to have their common sense card revoked.
The idea that immigrants should come to the US legally instead of illegally is nice in principle.

But the US is basically impossible to secure a Visa/Right to Stay if you are over 18 and you don't have an immediate family member who is also an American citizen.

They should evaluate that entire system imo.
Illegals will always overstay/cross the border.
The idea that immigrants should come to the US legally instead of illegally is nice in principle.

But the US is basically impossible to secure a Visa/Right to Stay if you are over 18 and you don't have an immediate family member who is also an American citizen.

They should evaluate that entire system imo.
Illegals will always overstay/cross the border.

I agree, I am in favor of an overhaul of the process to make it reasonable for anyone attempting to legally enter the country. I also do not mind at all an amnesty for those already in, a process for them to gain legal status.

But then after ALL OF THAT IS IN PLACE, and ONLY AFTER ALL OF THAT IS IN PLACE, I would not have a problem with stricter regulations against any new illegals who bypass the system. Again that is only after we put some reasonable reforms in place that recognize the important of immigration, our need for it, and the needs of those immigrating.
Cor, I am surprised at that - interesting article though as it goes on to say that the vast majority of immigration violations are from Latin America etc. so it seems a little confusing - or does that just mean prosecutions?

I don't know, I must admit. I'd assume it meant people there legally but then breaking the terms of their immigration by commiting crime or whatever, but that's just a guess.
I agree, I am in favor of an overhaul of the process to make it reasonable for anyone attempting to legally enter the country. I also do not mind at all an amnesty for those already in, a process for them to gain legal status.

But then after ALL OF THAT IS IN PLACE, and ONLY AFTER ALL OF THAT IS IN PLACE, I would not have a problem with stricter regulations against any new illegals who bypass the system. Again that is only after we put some reasonable reforms in place that recognize the important of immigration, our need for it, and the needs of those immigrating.

I agree with that, I think the problem will just keep perpetuating until the entire system is looked at.
The amount of money that's spent on border security alone must be in the tens/hundreds of billions, if Trump gets his wall that's fiscal figure is just going to balloon even further.

And none of that will actually fix the problem - most people are going to want to come to the US. Hell, I'd love to live in the US if I could.

Change the system first.
Canada have a really good 2-year Visa scheme, maybe an amendment to something like that with stricter rules such as having to secure a job paying minimum x-amount, or in specific fields that are understaffed, or making someone accountable for your whereabouts if you decide to run away.
Something needs to be done though.
Did you really just ask that?

There are hundreds of thousands of Mexicans illegally in the US. This is simply not true of Canada, due to greater economic parity. Obviously there is a potential racism issue there as well, but the overwhelming issue is the numbers and the illegality.

I am not at all saying that a wall is a sensible answer. The vast majority of the above are people who are allowed in legally but have stayed & deporting them is difficult and expensive.

Wherever there is a border between two countries, and greater economic opportunity in one of those countries, that border will likely be porous. Unfortunately, walls have worked in some cases but that is a very long and treacherous border!
The wall is targeting a specific race, why isnt there talk of a wall with Canadas border then?

Its just as unneccessary and as stupid as the one on the Mexican border and there seems to be more Canadian immigrants overstaying visas right now

This is a misleading stat. Majority of Canadians enter the US through points of entry and are registered in the system, while many Mexicans enter the US illegally without a visa in the first place, therefore they're not accounted for in statistics like that.

As I said, calling it a race thing is wrong. If you'd had world largest cartels in Canada and most of the drugs in the US were coming from Canada, rest assured there would've been stricter border enforcement regardless of race.
Poor Merrick Garland. He was so happy to be nominated for SCOTUS, and then he's cockblocked by Republicans who would have confirmed him if it wasn't Obama who nominated him.

He must feel so betrayed by his Republican friends in the Senate.
This is a misleading stat. Majority of Canadians enter the US through points of entry and are registered in the system, while many Mexicans enter the US illegally without a visa in the first place, therefore they're not accounted for in statistics like that.

As I said, calling it a race thing is wrong. If you'd had world largest cartels in Canada and most of the drugs in the US were coming from Canada, rest assured there would've been stricter border enforcement regardless of race.

You obviously dont know about the drugs and illegal immigrants that pour in through the port of Vancouver. A friend of mine is a CBSA officer there and has told me about the shit they deal with. Yes lets build a pointless hugely expensive wall because theres only one way into the US
Poor Merrick Garland. He was so happy to be nominated for SCOTUS, and then he's cockblocked by Republicans who would have confirmed him if it wasn't Obama who nominated him.

He must feel so betrayed by his Republican friends in the Senate.

It's absolutely disgusting how it was allowed to happen. Literally a fecking disgrace! Firstly the Republicans should feel ashamed, but we know that won't happen, and secondly the Dems should fight back equally as hard, but again, we know that wont happen. As much as I love Michelle Obama and love the "when they go low, we go high" mantra she kept everyone repeating throughout the election campaign, unfortunately it doesn't get you anywhere, especially not when the other side couldn't give a flying feck and will resort to the dirtiest tricks possible. If there was even the slightest retribution or comeuppance for the Republicans then maybe you could understand it, but there isn't. Now Trump is playing by even more underhand and dishonest rules than anyone before him and so far it looks like he can pretty much get away with whatever the feck he wants. It's depressing and the Press and the Dems, and everyone else seriously needs to rethink their tactics.
Trump is dangerous and we can discuss all day long how to label him, but he is not a fascist at all. Using powerful labels carefully matters, because they lose their meaning otherwise. We are at the point where way too many people throw around these labels all the time and the result is that many people don't care anymore. Trump supporters often don't care anymore when they are called racist, because some people use these terms way too inflationary.

Fascism is something fairly specific and not every racist or authoritarian leader in fascist. Nowadays this specific label is misused almost every single times when it is applied to someone, because there are very few fascists out there. This list is not a good starting point at all.
I agree about that list and your remark that 'fascist' is often used as a vague insulting label. What I don't agree with is that Trump (and the social tendencies he builds upon) can be conclusively described as 'not fascist at all' at this point of time.

There can be fascistic tendencies in a predominantly non-fascistic environment. Every historical variant of fascism started out like that. Under special circumstances this may develop into a full-blown version (rather unlikely in the US) or simply stay semi-fascist in an inconsequential, but nevertheless destructive way.

When expecting any neo-fascism to be close to a carbon-copy of its historical predecessors, fascism is inevitably a thing of the past. The specific forms of those movements and societies were inextricably linked to their historical era and will never happen like that again. (These different variants of fascism were also quite diverse among themselves to begin with.)

But when trying to grasp fascism in broader terms – the catastrophic (self-)destruction of liberal capitalism from within through an authoritarian capitalism-based movement –, the verdict is not that clear. Any potential recurrence of that development will necessarily take on forms we haven't seen before.

So to me the crucial question here is what the social essence of historical fascism was, and if that may appear again in a different makeup. From what we have seen up until now, I think asking that question in connection with Trump and the resentments he feeds on is valid and necessary. Whatever the answer may turn out to be.
You obviously dont know about the drugs and illegal immigrants that pour in through the port of Vancouver.

I watched a fascinating documentary a few years ago about how Brazilian gang members sell 98% pure coke to US dealers for anywhere as low as $1500 a kilo and it's all transported back to the USA by boat. There is literally nowhere on any coast where they weren't infiltrating and getting the drugs ashore. Customs, Coastguard, and the Navy admitted they were fighting a losing battle. Quite often they would set someone to take the fall with a large million dollar haul of coke, just so they could get $50 million worth in while the Narcs were distracted.

Everything from legal fishing boats, to fast power boats to luxury yachts to just your average sailing boat, and they mixed up the destinations every single time so there was never a pattern for the Narcs to follow. This one guy who was eventually caught was estimated to have smuggled over $3 BILLION worth (street value) of coke in to the USA over a 15 year period. The US Coastguard and Navy are woefully equipped to be fighting such a massive problem, and this was just from Brazil. The reporter estimated that as much, if not more coke was being smuggled to the US via boat from Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Dominican Republic and Mexico too, the drugs would leave those countries and often go to popular tourist resorts like Cancun before making the trip to the USA coastline. Anyone thinking the wall will have any effect on the drug trade is obviously smoking far too much of it themselves.
I watched a fascinating documentary a few years ago about how Brazilian gang members sell 98% pure coke to US dealers for anywhere as low as $1500 a kilo and it's all transported back to the USA by boat. There is literally nowhere on any coast where they weren't infiltrating and getting the drugs ashore. Customs, Coastguard, and the Navy admitted they were fighting a losing battle. Quite often they would set someone to take the fall with a large million dollar haul of coke, just so they could get $50 million worth in while the Narcs were distracted.

Everything from legal fishing boats, to fast power boats to luxury yachts to just your average sailing boat, and they mixed up the destinations every single time so there was never a pattern for the Narcs to follow. This one guy who was eventually caught was estimated to have smuggled over $3 BILLION worth (street value) of coke in to the USA over a 15 year period. The US Coastguard and Navy are woefully equipped to be fighting such a massive problem, and this was just from Brazil. The reporter estimated that as much, if not more coke was being smuggled to the US via boat from Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Dominican Republic and Mexico too, the drugs would leave those countries and often go to popular tourist resorts like Cancun before making the trip to the USA coastline. Anyone thinking the wall will have any effect on the drug trade is obviously smoking far too much of it themselves.

The best thing they can do with the cost of that wall is to put it into education and infrastructure..but nah lets waste it
Note the word "ban".

The best thing they can do with the cost of that wall is to put it into education and infrastructure..but nah lets waste it

Spot on! Funny that's also exactly what all the experts were saying too, only not about the wall, but all the money spent on law enforcement fighting drugs is basically wasted (excuse the pun)
I might draw this for my sign without the 'yuge'

I agree about that list and your remark that 'fascist' is often used as a vague insulting label. What I don't agree with is that Trump (and the social tendencies he builds upon) can be conclusively described as 'not fascist at all' at this point of time.

There can be fascistic tendencies in a predominantly non-fascistic environment. Every historical variant of fascism started out like that. Under special circumstances this may develop into a full-blown version (rather unlikely in the US) or simply stay semi-fascist in an inconsequential, but nevertheless destructive way.

When expecting any neo-fascism to be close to a carbon-copy of its historical predecessors, fascism is inevitably a thing of the past. The specific forms of those movements and societies were inextricably linked to their historical era and will never happen like that again. (These different variants of fascism were also quite diverse among themselves to begin with.)

But when trying to grasp fascism in broader terms – the catastrophic (self-)destruction of liberal capitalism from within through an authoritarian capitalism-based movement –, the verdict is not that clear. Any potential recurrence of that development will necessarily take on forms we haven't seen before.

So to me the crucial question here is what the social essence of historical fascism was, and if that may appear again in a different makeup. From what we have seen up until now, I think asking that question in connection with Trump and the resentments he feeds on is valid and necessary. Whatever the answer may turn out to be.

Top post.

I watched a fascinating documentary a few years ago about how Brazilian gang members sell 98% pure coke to US dealers for anywhere as low as $1500 a kilo and it's all transported back to the USA by boat. There is literally nowhere on any coast where they weren't infiltrating and getting the drugs ashore. Customs, Coastguard, and the Navy admitted they were fighting a losing battle. Quite often they would set someone to take the fall with a large million dollar haul of coke, just so they could get $50 million worth in while the Narcs were distracted.

Everything from legal fishing boats, to fast power boats to luxury yachts to just your average sailing boat, and they mixed up the destinations every single time so there was never a pattern for the Narcs to follow. This one guy who was eventually caught was estimated to have smuggled over $3 BILLION worth (street value) of coke in to the USA over a 15 year period. The US Coastguard and Navy are woefully equipped to be fighting such a massive problem, and this was just from Brazil. The reporter estimated that as much, if not more coke was being smuggled to the US via boat from Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Dominican Republic and Mexico too, the drugs would leave those countries and often go to popular tourist resorts like Cancun before making the trip to the USA coastline. Anyone thinking the wall will have any effect on the drug trade is obviously smoking far too much of it themselves.

Langster, don't give them any ideas man! I like it here. And if I might say it as Vicente Fox would: I'm not going back to fecking Brazil!
A crazy tax dodging reality tv star amarosa sitting behind the president who is a crazy tax dodging reality tv star. feck you USA, I hope the global community gets so disgusted that they boycott and sanction the shit out of US business.
We are watching a 21st century nazi party take control here in the US and I don't think the courts can contain them. I am an immigrant to this country with a green card through marriage. Although I'm white, with my progressive left leaning view points that I have gladly defended on numerous message boards, comment sections and online forums it is only a matter of time before I am on a trump administrations list. If I leave this country over this presidents reign I fear I will not get back. Time to make arrangements I think.
It's all far too complicated and time-consuming to ever be implemented anyway. The fact that Pipes thinks it's feasible is probably a sign that he's going (more) mad. On the other hand I sometimes think Pipes uses his relatively mainstream position to sound out ideas and theories that are subsequently expanded upon by his more extreme allies - an example of that would be the idea of Obama as a Muslim, which Pipes spent years 'wondering' out loud about, all the while it got 'hijacked' by those to his right (tight space there). The worry would be that elements in the Trump administration have something else in mind when thinking of the 'extreme' part of the process.
If the USA implements a vetting procedure created by Daniel pipes then I don't know what I'd do, probably become a hermit.
If the USA implements a vetting procedure created by Daniel pipes then I don't know what I'd do, probably become a hermit.

George Bush II nominated him to the board of directors of the US Institute of Peace for some reason! He has been very vocal about distancing himself from Trump, which kind of makes me wonder if he actually has some influence there.
You're right, I should be. I guess living here for so many years makes a person immune for some of our daily occurrences.

I'm not particularly happy with my countries on several issues, and not just the Palestinians. The way we treat the Israeli Arabs is also disgusting. They are an easy target for the right wing.
Mate have you ever said that on the caf before?
Extreme vetting, Pentagon style
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis plans to send the White House a list of Iraqi citizens who have served with American forces with the recommendation that they be exempt from President Trump’s temporary ban on visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries, administration officials said on Monday.

The Pentagon list is intended to address a major criticism of Mr. Trump’s executive order on immigration: that it will stop the flow of former Iraqi interpreters and cultural advisers who have sought special visas to move to the United States for their own protection.

Some Iraqi military officials with family in the United States, who have also reportedly been affected by the decree, could also benefit from the Pentagon list, which will also be sent to the Department of Homeland Security.

Secretary Mattis was not consulted by the White House during the preparation of the executive order on immigration, which temporarily blocks Iraqi citizens from entering the United States for 90 days. Six other predominantly Muslim countries are covered by the edict: Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.

The White House has argued that the temporary ban is needed so that the United States can develop procedures for the “extreme vetting” of travelers from nations that have been stricken by terrorism. Officials said that the Iraqis who will be put on the Pentagon list have already undergone a stringent form of vetting: serving with the United States military in combat.
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