The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Some Canadians on their way to the march in DC/NY were stopped at the border.
Sounds par for the course.

Have warned partner that going to large protests risks a criminal record, regardless of what you do, and that if you get one for protesting your chances of ever being allowed to visit America are not good.
Kushner defended himself against criticism that he was enabling Trump, after the GOP candidate tweeted what was perceived as an anti-Semitic meme featuring Hillary Clinton with a Jewish star and a pile of cash.
In making his argument, Kushner referred to his family history to explain his sensitivity to anti-Semitism. “This is not idle philosophy to me. I am the grandson of Holocaust survivors,” he wrote.
He went on to give a detailed account of his grandmother Rae Kushner’s harrowing ordeal in a Polish ghetto during the Holocaust, which included the loss of much of her family to Nazi brutality. (Other Kushner family members later denounced Jared’s use of their family’s story to defend Trump.)
“I go into these details, which I have never discussed,” Kushner wrote, “because it’s important to me that people understand where I’m coming from when I report that I know the difference between actual, dangerous intolerance versus these labels that get tossed around in an effort to score political points.”
The White House has slammed shut the doors of the U.S. in the faces of vulnerable refugees – even as some of them were in the air on route to their place of refuge – and doomed others, who believed they had finally made it through the grueling U.S. immigration process to an additional, tortuous and uncertain wait of at least 90 days.
Most horrifying, the strictest measures have been taken against men, women, and children who have already been through the most severe trauma, those coming from war-torn Syria.
Since it was Kushner himself who brought his family’s Holocaust legacy into the political fray, it feels fair to force him to confront the way in which he is now party to inflicting his grandmother’s suffering on others.

The relevant aspect of Rae Kushner’s story was explored in an article published in The Nation, based on her 1982 testimony to a Holocaust resource center in New Jersey.
In her oral history, Kushner recounted that, in the mid-1930s, as anti-Semitism in their Polish town grew threatening, her family unsuccessfully tried to flee to the U.S., hoping to join her father’s sister there. The U.S. government’s refusal to accept them doomed the family to their nightmarish and deadly ordeal.
After the war was over, surviving family members tried again to reach the U.S. – and again they failed. Ultimately, they ended up in a displaced-persons camp in Italy, where they lived "three or four families to a room for three-and-a-half years” only making it to the United States in 1949, where they began to rebuild their lives.
The repeated failure of the Kushner family to gain entry to the U.S. was a result of carefully crafted policies designed to keep the majority of the desperate masses of Jews out, often citing security concerns.

The article noted the "sense of betrayal” in Kushner's voice as she said: “For everybody [there] was a place…but for the Jews, the doors were closed. We never can understand this. Even our good President Roosevelt, how come he kept the doors so closed for us, for such a long time? How come a boat [the SS St. Louis] went for exodus on the water and returned back to be killed? This question I’ll never know, and nobody will give me the answer.”
Her grandson, Jared Kushner, is now a top strategic adviser to Donald Trump. He is the one who will now have to give an answer to the refugees affected by a harsh and discriminatory policy unveiled on, of all days, International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Haaretz <3
I'm a bit behind, here (busy weekend) but I reckon that's at least three of us who have made that comparison, now.
Darn it, I thought I was having an original thought for once! Must've stolen it.
So, when Pence is president, I assume he'll be able to get rid of the morons Trump has appointed and replace them with politically knowledgeable right-wingers who will actually know how to effectively implement the things we fear? There's nothing that would tie him to Trump's team of incompetents?
My predictions are heavily useless of late but to me, Pence would have to govern by the normal laws of political gravity, and his social views and ideas are not popular in the US. He'd get rid of Bannon, who is to me the scariest person in and around the WH right now, wouldn't engage in grand corruption as Trump is clearly intending to, and you wouldn't have to worry about military escalations because someone was rude about him. And Trumpian midwesterners would be pissed off enough to abandon the party.
My predictions are heavily useless of late

U wot mate? For goodness sake, you've been bang on with most things and are one of a few who agreed The Moron wouldn't pivot or change and was clinically insane as well as being a complete moron. I think you are doing yourself a bit of a disservice there.
My partner's been asking if I'll go to a protest with her, for a couple of weeks. She's found one planned, near the embassy in London, regarding this travel ban nonsense, three weeks from now.

I'm sceptical the policy will last long enough for us to protest it.

EDIT - Also, she's expecting me to come up with witty things to write on signs. Considering how rare it is that she is impressed by my attempts at satire, I fail to see why this falls to me.
U wot mate? For goodness sake, you've been bang on with most things and are one of a few who agreed The Moron wouldn't pivot or change and was clinically insane as well as being a complete moron. I think you are doing yourself a bit of a disservice there.
Well, got May 2015 and EUref wrong, and said Trump had zero chance in hell of winning the election so I've had a swing and a miss on all the biggies :lol:
Well, got May 2015 and EUref wrong, and said Trump had zero chance in hell of winning the election so I've had a swing and a miss on all the biggies :lol:

Oh I see what you mean, I thought you meant just about what Trump would do/be like after he won. My apologies, yeah, you have been as shit as the rest of us when it comes to the big predictions. :lol:
From protest at Battery Park, New York earlier today. 1000s ready for massive civil disobedience movements

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If it gets built, the wall will become a toy. It will be blown full of holes and draped in "artwork".

8 days :lol:

Just one of many protests around the USA and the world. He's certainly bringing people together. Just not how he would have wanted, completely against him.
I like how Sammsky is all happy about the mood in NYC. It has been ever thus man, the city is vehemently against Trump.

I know it has been :) But having been at JFK last night and in Battery Park today, personally witnessing the beginnings of the resistance, it makes me very happy. I must have personally thanked 100+ people for standing up for innocent Muslims affected by tRump's abhorrent executive order.

So many people in USA are amazing human beings. It made me feel inspired, hopeful and strong in belief that the tyrant that in tRump will soon, one way or another, be removed. These guys may not have been active enough during the elections, but they have found their energy and unity now. I just want to help in any way I can and losing is simply not an option.
Probably the favourite photo I took today. Certainly wins placard of the day!

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"Redcafe and reddit."
"Takeaway restaurants."

"You are a sad lonely man, low energy. Deport!"

:lol: Security at Ben Gurion Airport actually do this if your name gets flagged or if they feel they've reason to suspect you.
I think the fact that CBP agents aren't implementing a court order is one of the biggest Trump stories.

The US is the world's oldest democratic republic, with institutions built up over centuries. Yet within a week of his coming to power, the sacrosanct principle of separation of powers/judicial review already looks meaningless. It has more of a tinpot rather than first world vibe.

Historically too, in an overwhelming number of cases. democratic institutions haven't fared too well when directly challenged by an elected strongman.
I think the fact that CBP agents aren't implementing a court order is one of the biggest Trump stories.

The US is the world's oldest democratic republic, with institutions built up over centuries. Yet within a week of his coming to power, the sacrosanct principle of separation of powers/judicial review already looks meaningless. It has more of a tinpot rather than first world vibe.

Historically too, in an overwhelming number of cases. democratic institutions haven't fared too well when directly challenged by an elected strongman.

Exactly. You see why corruption is so difficult to root out in India? It permeates from the top.
I think the fact that CBP agents aren't implementing a court order is one of the biggest Trump stories.

The US is the world's oldest democratic republic, with institutions built up over centuries. Yet within a week of his coming to power, the sacrosanct principle of separation of powers/judicial review already looks meaningless. It has more of a tinpot rather than first world vibe.

Historically too, in an overwhelming number of cases. democratic institutions haven't fared too well when directly challenged by an elected strongman.

Jared Kushner will sort it out.
Anonymous briefings tho :lol:

Someone will work out who it was anyway...
I think the fact that CBP agents aren't implementing a court order is one of the biggest Trump stories.

The US is the world's oldest democratic republic, with institutions built up over centuries. Yet within a week of his coming to power, the sacrosanct principle of separation of powers/judicial review already looks meaningless. It has more of a tinpot rather than first world vibe.

Historically too, in an overwhelming number of cases. democratic institutions haven't fared too well when directly challenged by an elected strongman.

Surely what they are doing is criminal contempt of court? Constitutional crisis anyone?
Surely what they are doing is criminal contempt of court? Constitutional crisis anyone?
The implications of ignoring a federal judge's ruling are...not...good...

Edit: The temporary stay granted by courts may not necessarily allow them to be released, just blocks the authority to deport them. A bit confusing for everyone, including everyone in the government apparently.
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I think the fact that CBP agents aren't implementing a court order is one of the biggest Trump stories.

The US is the world's oldest democratic republic, with institutions built up over centuries. Yet within a week of his coming to power, the sacrosanct principle of separation of powers/judicial review already looks meaningless. It has more of a tinpot rather than first world vibe.

Historically too, in an overwhelming number of cases. democratic institutions haven't fared too well when directly challenged by an elected strongman.
Well, at least @Raoul will now be very worried - ignoring the rule of law made his list of authoritarian red flags.
Can one of you knowledgeable folk clarify something as the media reporting seems to be unclear to me.

Is this an outright ban or a ban requiring extra vetting? I hear the republicans keep adding on the vetting element when they discuss the matter but the media seem to suggest outright.
Can one of you knowledgeable folk clarify something as the media reporting seems to be unclear to me.

Is this an outright ban or a ban requiring extra vetting? I hear the republicans keep adding on the vetting element when they discuss the matter but the media seem to suggest outright.
Outright ban. 'Extreme vetting' is another matter.
I don't think you understand. If they look at your social media history irrespective of when you come to the US, they will be seeing the posts you made in the past. It's best to clean up any any anti US articles on your social feeds and history.
Yeah I will do that, but there are hardly any other than those of celebrities.
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