The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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In a Quinnipiac University poll conducted in January, 48 percent of voters supported “suspending immigration from ‘terror prone’ regions, even if it means turning away refugees from those regions.” Forty-two percent were opposed. And a December Politico/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health poll found 50 percent of Americans were in favor of “banning future immigration from regions where there are active terrorist groups.”
Just 41 percent of Americans supported a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country who are not U.S. citizens, according to an August 2016 ABC News/Washington Post poll. A slight majority (52 percent) were opposed. Morning Consult and YouGov, which conduct surveys over the internet, found a small plurality of Americans support temporarily banning Muslims from entering the U.S.
In July 2016, when the U.S.’s goal was to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees in per year, an Associated Press/GfK Knowledge Networks poll found that 53 percent of Americans thought the U.S. should allow fewer Syrian refugees to enter the country. Only 11 percent thought we should accept more, and 33 percent thought that level was about right.

But the same Marist poll showed a full Syrian refugee ban was less popular. More Americans (49 percent) thought we should continue our current policy for Syrian refugees than institute a temporary ban (43 percent). And according to a CBS News survey from October, 61 percent of respondents said the “U.S. should allow refugees from Syria into the United States as long as they go through a security clearance process.” A September 2015 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, meanwhile, gave respondents four choices: whether to take in more Syrian refugees, fewer refugees, maintain the 10,000-refugee policy, or take in no Syrian refugees at all. Only 24 percent of respondents selected no refugees. However, this number increased to 38 percent in a December, 2015 version of the poll after the terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California.
Whats all the fuss about ? Non-americans dont have a right to enter the us, it a privilege granted by the us and they are well within their right to restrict that privilege.

Trump was democratically elected by the electorate of the us.

However, they should have inluded saudis and pakistan, if it is actually about keeping out terrorists!

They very well might. The seven countries on the list are countries that the Obama administration declared as the most dangerous. The Trump administration merely acted on that. After the 90 day period they should come up with a solid plan that might include other countries as well.

Id like to think how he treats Palestinians would embarrass you more..but maybe not.

You're right, I should be. I guess living here for so many years makes a person immune for some of our daily occurrences.

I'm not particularly happy with my countries on several issues, and not just the Palestinians. The way we treat the Israeli Arabs is also disgusting. They are an easy target for the right wing.

"Redcafe and reddit."
"Takeaway restaurants."

"You are a sad lonely man, low energy. Deport!"

Kellyanne losing her shit and acting like a spoiled baby yet again. One thing I have taken from this though is how much the negative press coverage is getting to everyone in the administration, she seems seriously vexed by it and we all know The Moron is too. The fact she says "I haven't slept for a month" is also telling, maybe the stress is getting to all of them? She really does look like she hasn't slept for a month too, so I believe her there, she looks like shit and the strain is obvious.
berbatrick said:
Reading a Mail article about the Kardashians, and quoting its comments to make a liberal political point.
That post is peak @SteveJ
:lol: I have no shame.
because they are latino, did you think they were white?

also read this

Sorry but I'm not buying that. 18% of the the US population are of Latino descent. As I said, millions of immigrants from all over the world immigrate legally to the US regardless of race. The wall is a national security issue because it is the most problematic border (not that we got many borders) and that's why the wall is being built there. If we'd had tons of drugs pouring in from the northern border then that border would've been tightened as well.

And by saying that the wall is 'blocking the movement of a whole race of people' is just wrong, because there shouldn't be any free movement there in the first place. There are visas and legal ways to visit the US, it's not a god given right to anyone but a privilege.
I thought the Mormon church has a strict policy to not talk politics openly?

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is concerned about the temporal and spiritual welfare of all of God's children across the earth, with special concern for those who are fleeing physical violence, war and religious persecution," the statement reads. "The Church urges all people and governments to cooperate fully in seeking the best solutions to meet human needs and relieve suffering."

Kellyanne losing her shit and acting like a spoiled baby yet again. One thing I have taken from this though is how much the negative press coverage is getting to everyone in the administration, she seems seriously vexed by it and we all know The Moron is too. The fact she says "I haven't slept for a month" is also telling, maybe the stress is getting to all of them? She really does look like she hasn't slept for a month too, so I believe her there, she looks like shit and the strain is obvious.

Hell, she's mad that people picked up on her saying "alternative facts"... OF COURSE PEOPLE WILL PICK UP ON THAT! It's fecking Orwellian.
Hell, she's mad that people picked up on her saying "alternative facts"... OF COURSE PEOPLE WILL PICK UP ON THAT! It's fecking Orwellian.

I know, she's really struggling to justify her own spin now. She knows she's fighting a losing battle and you can see the strain. It's taking everything she has to keep her composure and keep finding ways to answer the ever increasing tide of shit put her way.
I'm telling you, they're pretending to be a shambles of a government so they can push through there agenda with minimal friction, due to everyone assuming they are fumbling idiots or just being confused as fcuk...

I'm telling you, they're pretending to be a shambles of a government so they can push through there agenda with minimal friction, due to everyone assuming they are fumbling idiots or just being confused as fcuk...


I said the same thing about their cabinet picks. People ca laugh about Rick Perry not knowing what his job entail, Carson not having the qualifications for his role and De Vos' horror show of a confirmation hearing but, it becomes a lot less funny once you realize they want the departments they are involved with destroyed.
I know, she's really struggling to justify her own spin now. She knows she's fighting a losing battle and you can see the strain. It's taking everything she has to keep her composure and keep finding ways to answer the ever increasing tide of shit put her way.
Yes, she looks 10 years older than she did at the beginning of the campaign half the time.

Also, might I add, Chris Wallace is looking at her the whole time like "holy shit, all I said was "how was your morning?"'

A sign that they aren't enjoying the outcry.
I'm telling you, they're pretending to be a shambles of a government so they can push through there agenda with minimal friction, due to everyone assuming they are fumbling idiots or just being confused as fcuk...
Yep. Trump and co are 'testing the water' to see if they can get away with making decisions without the incovenience of consulting Cabinet, Congress or colleagues.
yeah true, I won't be going there in the next 90-120 days I hope all of this will be over by then.

I don't think you understand. If they look at your social media history irrespective of when you come to the US, they will be seeing the posts you made in the past. It's best to clean up any any anti US articles on your social feeds and history.
My partner's been asking if I'll go to a protest with her, for a couple of weeks. She's found one planned, near the embassy in London, regarding this travel ban nonsense, three weeks from now.

I'm sceptical the policy will last long enough for us to protest it.

EDIT - Also, she's expecting me to come up with witty things to write on signs. Considering how rare it is that she is impressed by my attempts at satire, I fail to see why this falls to me.
So, when Pence is president, I assume he'll be able to get rid of the morons Trump has appointed and replace them with politically knowledgeable right-wingers who will actually know how to effectively implement the things we fear? There's nothing that would tie him to Trump's team of incompetents?
My partner's been asking if I'll go to a protest with her, for a couple of weeks. She's found one planned, near the embassy in London, regarding this travel ban nonsense, three weeks from now.

I'm sceptical the policy will last long enough for us to protest it.

EDIT - Also, she's expecting me to come up with witty things to write on signs. Considering how rare it is that she is impressed by my attempts at satire, I fail to see why this falls to me.

Some Canadians on their way to the march in DC/NY were stopped at the border.
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