The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Boston of all places has a 20k+ people march going
Since this ban came out the ACLU has received $11 million in donations

Just when I think all hope is lost, the US shows there's still humanity left. Proud of it now.
Boycott Uber :wenger:

'Uber supports fascism!' Furious users lash out at ride sharing service amid travel ban protest

I went to prep school in NJ with a couple of American Indian (dot, not feather) guys who are pretty high up in Uber. Dudes were both smart as feck but that whole organisation is absolutely ruthless in extracting every penny they can out of every last thing possible.
Boston of all places has a 20k+ people march going
Since this ban came out the ACLU has received $11 million in donations

Just when I think all hope is lost, the US shows there's still humanity left. Proud of it now.
As someone opined earlier, the US can display the worst and the best of humanity. Sometimes simultaneously.
Boston of all places has a 20k+ people march going
Since this ban came out the ACLU has received $11 million in donations

Just when I think all hope is lost, the US shows there's still humanity left. Proud of it now.

Why does that surprise you? In Massachusetts, Clinton won by 28%, so that's the place you'd expect one of the largest protests to be held.
Whats all the fuss about ? Non-americans dont have a right to enter the us, it a privilege granted by the us and they are well within their right to restrict that privilege.

Trump was democratically elected by the electorate of the us.

However, they should have inluded saudis and pakistan, if it is actually about keeping out terrorists!
Spent the entire afternoon at Battery Park, New York at the #muslimban protest. (I'll post some pics here later)

It was only confirmed on Saturday night at 8pm and yet this winter day afternoon around 20,000 people gathered to peacefully protest their utter outrage at tRump's latest outrageous executive order to ban Muslims.

I was struck by the fact that 95% of the people were non Muslim, and not darker skinned and yet they were absolutely furious at what is happening.

Many of you know I'm a Muslim; it brought tears to my eyes that these wonderful people felt so strongly about this, they came out in the freezing cold on thier day of rest to say No.

I've been in New York on business for the past 5 days, very active taking and meeting people from every segment: there is such a strong feeling of unity against the dumpf that is tRump.

I've had the same driver all the days I've even here: a Mexican immigrant from 30 years ago: he tell me every day that he has never known USA like this his entire life but also that the wonderful people will join millions of others across this country and one way or another have the dumpf removed - I'm sure of it.
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I just got this email:

Dear Grinner,
At Uber we've always believed in standing up for what's right. Today we need your help supporting drivers who may be impacted by President Trump's new immigration ban.

Drivers who are citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria or Yemen and live in the US but have left the country, will not be able to return for 90 days. This means they won't be able to earn money and support their families during this period.

It's important that as a community we do everything we can to help these drivers. Here's what Uber will do:
• Provide 24/7 legal support for drivers who are trying to get back into the country. Our lawyers and immigration experts will be on call 24/7 to help.
Compensate drivers for their lost earnings. This will help them support their families and put food on the table while they are banned from the US.
Urge the government to reinstate the right of US residents to travel—whatever their country of origin—immediately.
• Create a $3 million legal defense fund to help drivers with immigration and translation services.
If you are a driver or a friend or family member of someone who has been affected, please contact us here.

Uber is a community. We're here to support each other. Please help Uber to help drivers who may be affected by this unjust and wrong immigration ban.
Uber Founder & CEO
and from Lyft:

Hi Grinner,

We created Lyft to be a model for the type of community we want our world to be: diverse, inclusive, and safe.

This weekend, Trump closed the country's borders to refugees, immigrants, and even documented residents from around the world based on their country of origin. Banning people of a particular faith or creed, race or identity, sexuality or ethnicity, from entering the U.S. is antithetical to both Lyft's and our nation's core values. We stand firmly against these actions, and will not be silent on issues that threaten the values of our community.

We know this directly impacts many of our community members, their families, and friends. We stand with you, and are donating $1,000,000 over the next four years to the ACLU to defend our constitution. We ask that you continue to be there for each other - and together, continue proving the power of community.

John & Logan
Lyft Co-Founders
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