The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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They're weighing up making folks show them their contacts and social media as well...

Couple of months back, my colleague's brother was visiting him in Chicago from India. My colleague is a Christian from East India with no suspect names etc. His brother's family was visiting him for a month long vacation. They had return tickets and the child was studying in India. Both him and his wife are employed in a Eastern Indian college. They were first time visitors to US. Now, anyone under 50 are forced to go through a second round of screening at the airport. The family was detained for 8 hours with minimum food and accommodation and the immigration official went through both the adults facebook, twitter and whatsapp messages, asked them for translation of local language messages in cell phone, was very rude to them, told them things are changing in US and were deported on the next flight as suspected illegal immigrants. My colleague was then contacted by the phone by the same official, was told in no uncertain terms that he's next and my colleague had to get corporate lawyers involved to talk with the immigration official. He's contemplating suing the official who was rude to him and his brother's family. This enabling from the top has a knock on effect in today's society. But hey, at least, we can all bitch about if he's already a fascist, nearly a fascist or 1/10th's of the way to becoming a fascist.

Another thing, If you are not affected by it, you won't know it. I don't begrudge Americans of their homeland and citizenship, but if you think it's just bad policy or a misstep to have people detained and deported at airports in spite of having valid visas/Green Cards because someone at the top had an epiphany about terrorism, then you need to have your heads examined. Especially when you get all preachy about democracy and dictatorship when arguing about other countries.

You are probably not aware of the hardship it causes to people and to communities of such a draconian action which is also ill thought out, that it can affect anyone who is at the wrong place at the wrong time, you are welcome to your views but to act smugly and enjoying it in the forum as if you are giving lessons on fascism and to tell others to hold your horses, it'll be alright in 90 days, it's a special kind of stupid.
Not as well recorded as the interviews he gave to O'Reilly and Wallace. How about giving the prime press room seat to the Fox WH correspondent and frequently taking questions from Ed Henry?

The O'Reilly interviews were on Superbowl Sundays when a few Americans were watching.

And Trump has given plenty of interviews to CNN. The Obama Fox fued has been ongoing since 2009 when Axelrod met with Ailes to call a truce, but none was agreed to.
Shocking isn't it? People actually doing something when they can be sat at home with their eyes closed and a thumb up their arse.

I'm sure random people boycotting Uber will stop Trump and change his policies. Great strategy.
I don't get Raoul, do you think all this chaos in first week shows a strong and capable president? Must be something so wrong about things when there's so much chaos.

The chaos is a sign of inexperience, incompetence, and bad policy. Pretty much what one might expect when you elect a reality show star as President of the United States.
I don't understand the Uber protest. They were bringing protestors to the airport.
Uber were being accused of being 'scabs' so to speak...Ppl are pissed...not all of that anger is going to get directed at the right ppl all the time.

Still deleting an app in anger is a lot less harmful than the so called #EconomicAnxiety and what that's meant :lol:
What countries without a dictatorship or a fundamentalist leader do you know have physical structures in place to keep a particular race of people out? There has been no wall since the creation of the current United States, using former Mexican land btw. Immigration is low and a wall is not needed.

What is this 'race of people out' nonsense? There are millions of Mexican Americans in the US (in fact, around 11% of the US population are of Mexican descent), and millions more are immigrating by legal means. No one is trying to keep a particular race out. A wall might not be the brightest idea, but when you have tons of narcotics imported from a certain area, border patrol needs to be taken seriously.
The chaos is a sign of inexperience, incompetence, and bad policy. Pretty much what one might expect when you elect a reality show star as President of the United States.
Exactly but I'm with you on the matter that it's the people's choice, which saddens me a lot, but the US will have to stick with him for those 4 years, he was democratically elected, just like Britain have to go on with Brexit.
Or you could read the article you posted and note that it is nothing directly to do with hoping Trump changes his polices. But then that would involve doing something and apparently you're not big on that.

There are plenty companies, organizations, celebrities, and musicians who have been pressured to not affiliate with Trump, as if complying with these demands will have any impact on his policies. Complete idiocy.
This anti-Trump petition is the stupidest thing. I don't think he should have been offered a state visit but opposing it because it would "cause embarrassment the Queen" :lol: Britain ffs.
I'd imagine the Queen meets who she is told to meet and I doubt she is gagging to meet Donald Trump somehow.
Would love you to address the reasons I quoted you for it not working.

You quoted legitimate reasons and I won't argue against them. I've never said that a wall is a great idea. Are there better ways to deal with the border issues? Probably. Is there a better use for 12 Billion of tax payer dollars? Probably.
The point I was making is in defense of the US to exercise its right as a sovereign nation to build that wall from accusations of fascism and such.
Signed. Won't change anything even if the amount is way over the target. But will be interesting seeing it crop up in Parliment.
You know your on a C.I.A. hit list now?:p If it doesn't stop him coming it will cost this country god knows how much for policing and security, more than usual. US presidents are not always popular with someone but this bloke is on a different level. Hope the Queen has gloves on when she shakes his hand.
What is this 'race of people out' nonsense? There are millions of Mexican Americans in the US (in fact, around 11% of the US population are of Mexican descent), and millions more are immigrating by legal means. No one is trying to keep a particular race out. A wall might not be the brightest idea, but when you have tons of narcotics imported from a certain area, border patrol needs to be taken seriously.

Its not only Mexicans who cross over the US Mexican border so it becomes a race issue rather than a national issue. Not a bright idea? :lol: No its a shit fecking idea from a fecking lunatic wannabe dictator.
I'm not defending it. I think it's bad policy that will get reversed soon.

I'm just not hysterically losing my shit about something I don't know anything about as a result of reading social media posts by others who are hysterically losing their shit.

It's positively breathtakingly amazing that without this being mentioned much on my only social media account, I'm very outraged about it, from following the news from broadsheet mainstream papers. Amazing, indeed, that a set of facts can cause different people with some common set of values to react similarly.
Suspending the constitution, declaring martial law, imprisoning or murdering journalists, outlawing dissent etc.

Indian democracy was formally suspended after a district court found the PM guilty of electoral malpractice (for use of a civil servant to help organise her political schedule). Amongst that dictator's traits were a paranoria about the "outside enemy", promotion of her son into an executive position, increasing reliance on astrologers and 2-3 loyalists who equated her with the country.
With Trump's CoIs and alleged Russian puppet-mastering, you better hope that no investigation ever happens, or the courts continue to act as in Bush v Gore ;)

Edit: she also took control of a divided party due to loyal mass support against the established party heirarchy
Its not only Mexicans who cross over the US Mexican border so it becomes a race issue rather than a national issue. Not a bright idea? :lol: No its a shit fecking idea from a fecking lunatic wannabe dictator.

I'm not following. How is that a race issue?
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