The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm wondering if he would arrest journalists, scientists, intellectuals and any other person daring to confront him and his opinions if he had the chance, or at least find a way to threathen them to shut up - at least he's on to the threat part per now. The way he and his thugs are doing all they can to undermine the media and science is very worrying.

There's clearly something very wrong going on here when you can't handle legitimate critical question in a civilzed manner, and start a North Korean propaganda campaign to counter it. Wheter he's a fascist or not, the guy certainly has an authoritarian style not seen in the West since the last dictatorships fell in Spain and Portugal in the 70s.
All they do is double down. It's the only way they know how to react :lol:
You are kind of making Raoul's point, that policy is more the fruit of idiocy than astute fascism. Someone like Putin would have done it in a much better way. Also the fact that the US judiciary system is actually acting against him also shows that we are not talking about an actual dictator/fascist.
Incompetence and evil are not mutually exclusive.
The way this thing has been implemented just smacks of a disorganized white house that doesn't have its people in place (as mentioned earlier). Trump will now have to deal with this and I think he will back down once he sees that the shitstorm could actually affect his poll numbers.

Also, the entire order wasn't suspended. Only one part of it was (the one affecting detained green card holders caught in travel limbo as it went into effect).

The problem isn't just that he doesn't have people in place (which itself is a damning indictment of his team which has failed to be properly prepared for entering office). The second major failing is trying to enact policy without having people in place to properly ensure it is rational and prepared. The final and most damning of all issues however is that the people he is putting in place are clearly unsuited to their roles, and as he's shown with the National Security Council are made up of political insiders that share his views, and have qualified actors like the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs removed from those bodies. The problem isn't that the right people aren't in place yet, the problem is that even more unsuitable and unqualified people are gaining power every day.
The Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff are no longer on the National Security Council. Steve Bannon now sits in their place.

Anyone else get the feeling this is the beginning of the end?
Is it just me that thinks, there are people in various departments who will be secretly conniving to get rid of Trump?
I had no idea policies can be made that quickly, i always thought they needed to go through congress before they could take any effect.

Regardless of the actual policy, its a total dick move not warning people so they could make arrangements. The people affected would bills to pay, jobs, children in school etc

It's called democracy dictatorship
Incompetence and evil are not mutually exclusive.

Don't call to the wolf yet otherwise it won't have any value in the future. It's not really difficult to wait and see how the other institutions will react, depending on that string of reactions we will/won't panic.

For the moment I see incompetence and populism more than fascism, the list makes no sense, some extremely sensitive countries are out of it and everyone can see that it's not really an anti muslim list, it's not really an anti terrorism list. It looks like a "see, we tried" list.
I had no idea policies can be made that quickly, i always thought they needed to go through congress before they could take any effect.

Regardless of the actual policy, its a total dick move not warning people so they could make arrangements. The people affected would bills to pay, jobs, children in school etc

The President can issue Executive Orders for a limited amount of specific policies. Anything broader has to be initiated by Congress and if it passes, signed by the President.
The President can issue Executive Orders for a limited amount of specific policies. Anything broader has to be initiated by Congress and if it passes, signed by the President.
And if he tries to go beyond that people will be right to worry, for the moment it's not the case.
And if he tries to go beyond that people will be right to worry, for the moment it's not the case.

He can't. He's limited in what he can do, which is no different than what Obama could do. There are checks and balances in place.
He can't. He's limited in what he can do, which is no different than what Obama could do. There are checks and balances in place.

And what if he decides to break them and no one stops him?
Wow. Religious nutjob. I propose he goes over there in his chainmail and sword and lead by example!

Similar to my vision of them chest bumping, high fiving and screaming USA after each exec order.
It can't go unchallenged. You're dealing with a constitutional republic not some Central American banana republic.

And the constitution is only worth a shit if people defend it.
Because they are ignoring CNN.

Just because they don't like their reporting, it won't be long before they are ignoring everyone but Fox or Breitbart. Personally, I find that extremely worrying. CNN are a respected news organisation, boycotting them only makes them look petulant and as if they have something to hide. Although they have done a good job of convincing people that CNN only produce fake news, which I think is a big problem, simply because he shouldn't be able to use his power or influence like that just because he doesn't like stories about himself.

His definition of Fake News pisses me off no end too, he thinks anything against him is Fake News. The arrogance and petulance of the man is disgusting and I keep saying it, but he really shouldn't be allowed to get away with it all, especially when there is so much evidence to the contrary.
Wow. Religious nutjob. I propose he goes over there in his chainmail and sword and lead by example!

I fully understand your sentiment but to be honest I'm really not sure how truly religious Trump actually is if at all. I feel it might well be all part of his bogus shtick.
Which speaks directly against the idea that his anti-media agenda is confined to Twitter rants.

Its all relative. Obama ignored FoxNews for pretty much 8 years. Candidates are allowed to gravitate to their preferred outlets.
Its all relative. Obama ignored FoxNews for pretty much 8 years. Candidates are allowed to gravitate to their preferred outlets.
False equivalency, right there.
False equivalency, right there.

Not if you don't have a dog in the fight. Fox was hard on Obama throughout and he didn't think it was worth rewarding them with interviews (other than on rare occasion). Same applies to CNN and Trump. Obviously all of them claim they are following journalistic standards.
Not if you don't have a dog in the fight. Fox was hard on Obama throughout and he didn't think it was worth rewarding them with interviews (other than on rare occasion). Same applies to CNN and Trump. Obviously all of them claim they are following journalistic standards.

CNN hasn't lead a campaign of open misinformation against Trump with racial insinuations to boot.
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