The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm sure it's also just a coincidence that he's the first President not to mention Jews in the holocaust remembrance press release. Nothing to do with having a white supremacist in the white house, can't be.
This is the first I'm hearing of this. I would have thought Jared would have said something to him thoigh
They may as well make Bannon the president.

This is fecking unreal:annoyed: how much power does the neo-nazi Leninist really have in the white house and how is it even accepted by the political establishment?
It's a fig leaf for an outright Muslim ban when the bloke who worked on the commision says it is.

Although no doubt Trump's busines interested had a role in exactlty which nations made that list.

He didn't say it was, the tweeter just interpreted it as such. If it was truly a Muslim ban, it would actually apply to all Muslim, when this obviously only deal with high threat countries where ISIS or Al-Qaeda affiliates are currently operating (excepting Iran).
Apart from some Arab and Muslim countries with Israelis (and in some of them, anyone who has been to Israel), is there any other case in the world today of a country banning visitors from other specific countries?

The US is the strongest, safest (from external attack), and most secure world power in history. How the feck has it comes to this?
Angela Merkel’s stance on the US travel ban.

According to the AFP new agency her spokesman Steffen Seibert said: “The chancellor regrets the entry ban imposed by the US government against refugees and nationals from certain countries.

“She is convinced that even in the necessarily resolute battle against terrorism it is not justified to place people from a certain origin or belief under general suspicion.”
He didn't say it was, the tweeter just interpreted it as such. If it was truly a Muslim ban, it would actually apply to all Muslim, when this obviously only deal with high threat countries where ISIS or Al-Qaeda affiliates are currently operating (excepting Iran).

It might not ban all Muslims but it is obviously targeted at Muslims. Many anti-minority measures throughout history targeted a group without effecting all of that group, especially initially. The fact that Giuliani said it began with "ban muslims" before being altered to make it legal surely highlights the actual motivation behind it?
Boris Johnson


We will protect the rights and freedoms of UK nationals home and abroad. Divisive and wrong to stigmatise because of nationality
:lol: This from the guy who said:
"For 10 years we in the Tory party have become used to Papua New Guinea-style orgies of cannibalism and chief-killing and so it is with a happy amazement that we watch as the madness engulfs the Labour Party"
It might not ban all Muslims but it is obviously targeted at Muslims. Many anti-minority measures throughout history targeted a group without effecting all of that group, especially initially. The fact that Giuliani said it began with "ban muslims" before being altered to make it legal surely highlights the actual motivation behind it?

I suppose you could make that case if you conflate high threat countries with Islam, but that's not what the policy is doing. It is specifically targeted at high threat countries where IS/AQ or their affiliates have active operations.
Boris Johnson: a man whose word you can trust.
This anti-Trump petition is the stupidest thing. I don't think he should have been offered a state visit but opposing it because it would "cause embarrassment the Queen" :lol: Britain ffs.
I suppose you could make that case if you conflate high threat countries with Islam, but that's not what the policy is doing. It is specifically targeted at high threat countries where IS/AQ or their affiliates have active operations.
Isn't that what the Trump movement has done?
I've gotta say the difference between the best and worst of America is greater than anywhere else in the world. There are immigration lawyers working pro bono to draft appeals for the stranded passengers at JFK and other international airports, businesses donating food and drink, war veterans driving hours at a time to come and support. That is wonderful and gives me a sliver of hope in what is otherwise a shit train.
I suppose you could make that case if you conflate high threat countries with Islam, but that's not what the policy is doing. It is specifically targeted at high threat countries where IS/AQ or their affiliates have active operations.

You're ignoring the context in which that decision took place though. As per Giuliani it began with "ban muslims", was followed by "make it (i.e. banning muslims) legal" and ended with "oh no, we're just banning high threat people who just coincidentally happen to be muslim, honest".

It seems weird to me that anyone would at that point say "you heard him, it's just a coincidence". Especiallly when conflating high threat countries with Islam is exactly what Trump did throughout his campaign.
You're ignoring the context in which that decision took place though. As per Giuliani it began with "ban muslims", was followed by "make it (i.e. banning muslims) legal" and ended with "oh no, we're we're banning high threat people who just coincidentally happen to be muslim, honest".

It seems weird to me that anyone would at that point say "you heard him, it's just a coincidence". Especiallly when conflating high threat countries with Islam is exactly what Trump did throughout his campaign.

I'm not ignoring the context. Trump obviously said Muslims during his initial speech, then used Giuliani to get around the blowback that ensued. But that was then revised to high threat countries that were outlined under Obama's Homeland Security Department.
The clearest evidence that this isn't about danger at all and is really just malicious is the green card aspect, reportedly pressed for by Bannon.
The clearest evidence that this isn't about danger at all and is really just malicious is the green card aspect, reportedly pressed for by Bannon.

The man who now has access to the National Security Council. He's fast becoming the Cheney of the Trump Administration. What's the betting he could end up being far worse?
I'm way on the outside here, but I just cannot for the life of me understand how you can rationalise / defend / excuse any of this @Raoul

I'm not defending it. I think it's bad policy that will get reversed soon.

I'm just not hysterically losing my shit about something I don't know anything about as a result of reading social media posts by others who are hysterically losing their shit.
They may as well make Bannon the president.

That may explain things a bit. Miller is a speechwriter and Bannon shouldn't be involved in this sort of thing, especially to usurp Homeland Security's advice. Trump doesn't like being humiliated so I'm guessing he will moderate things to where new immigration from the 7 countries remains restricted, but existing green card holder, whether inside or outside the country, can travel freely.
I've gotta say the difference between the best and worst of America is greater than anywhere else in the world. There are immigration lawyers working pro bono to draft appeals for the stranded passengers at JFK and other international airports, businesses donating food and drink, war veterans driving hours at a time to come and support. That is wonderful and gives me a sliver of hope in what is otherwise a shit train.
Great to hear. Trump/Bannon seem determined to create the conditions for a showdown between these two Americas.
This smells like a result of a disorganized White House still in the process of getting settled in at a time when Trump wants to ram home as many executive orders as possible.

Great to hear. Trump/Bannon seem determined to create the conditions for a showdown between these two Americas.
This is my (somewhat paranoid) worry. Bannon's not dumb, he'd love there to be some violent episodes between the two sides as it gives reason to bring in yet more executive orders to "get things under control".
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