My favourite novel
Why would he pivot, and that too after what he has done has served himself for 70+years and got the Presidency of the United States of America too, at that!RedCafe, Still waiting for that Trump pivot?
We broke the Panama Papers story. Our next mission: Donald Trump ~
Where is this full clip? (I'm lazy)
I never thought he would... You're stating the obvious. Yet, some thought otherwise.Why would he pivot, and that too after what he has done has served himself for 70+years and got the Presidency of the United States of America too, at that!
Donald Trump used his first full day as president to reinstate a Reagan-era executive order that will have a devastating impact on those with the fewest resources: women and girls in impoverished parts of the word. The order, best known as the “global gag rule,” will strip funding from any international NGO that provides abortions services, or even discusses abortion with patients seeking educational materials or referrals.
It’s quite the way to describe the gutting of a policy that’s spared an estimated 289,000 women from pregnancy- or childbirth-related deaths, according to the World Health Organization.
Hang on, that clip has been reversed!!
If you look closely at the end, the way he turns back to face forwards looks weird. That's a classic tell tale sign of reversed video. And it makes sense. Melania Trump is behind him, pensive, he turns to look at his family, sees her face and smiles to make her smile too.
Cheeky fecking Twitter!![]()
Personally, I can only hope that the collective press decide to go down this route, it would work, and on top of that it would be amazing to see some solidarity. Imagine The Moron slapping down a CNN reporter or refusing to answer his/her question and then someone from Fox News standing up and throwing it right back at him.
Not sure this was mentioned, with all the DAPL and EPA business
Huh? Yeah they would. The Dakota access pipeline would have been approved, possibly by Hilary too. That abortion thing always switched when Dems or Reps take over. The arts would have been slashed by any republican, and science funding would have decreased.
Nothing. Most republican run states are in a feckton of debt because they don't seem to care about taxes, it's part of their MO, loot the government then let democrats fix it later. I don't know how they get away with marketing themselves as fiscally responsible.
In trying to tear down a conservative President? There's a great deal of solidarity already. But the participation of Fox is unlikely.
There'll be few opportunities for direct confrontation. I don't suppose Trump will give many press conferences.
In first place I know for a fact Portugal for example is not spending what was agreeded and besides U.K. and Greece probably no country is using I believe the 2.1% and 0.3 from 10 trillion of dollars is a lot of money, also calm down and enjoy the next 4 years with trump or Pence.Are you drunk? Your statement doesn't even make sense.
The potential increase (0,3% by the way) in defense budget wouldn't make any real difference, neither for the US nor our education spending. You don't pay for our education system you moron, it's just that your batshit gouvernment has decided to overspend on your military for the past 6 decades. The actual US investment in Europe is a fracture of your overall military spending. We are not responsible for that and neither are we for your expensive wars in the Middle East. It's just another "alternative fact" presented by Trump to his voters who lack the intelligence to understand such matters.
What a stupid statement, have you really fallen for such shit? Inform yourself. Even Wikipedia would be enough to be honest.
Disgustingly unsurprising.Not sure this was mentioned, with all the DAPL and EPA business
also calm down and enjoy the next 4 years with trump or Pence
Why US has to pay? We need the money in this country and don't wonder why Obama was raising our debt every year.Absolutely fecking disgusting.
THIS! is what I was most worried about, and it's already started, so please don't anyone try to patronise me that he will eventually be ok, or not be as bad as I thought. He's 4 days in and has already proved he will be the exact cnut I thought he would be. Next stop on the Global Trump FECK YOU! Tour 2017 is the Environment and Climate Change.
Edit, sorry RadsPosted at the same time.
If you thought that was bad wait till you get a load of Trump.... I give up... I'm done.Why US has to pay? We need the money in this country and don't wonder why Obama was raising our debt every year.
If you thought that was bad wait till you get a load of Trump.... I give up... I'm done.
Why US has to pay? We need the money in this country and don't wonder why Obama was raising our debt every year.
What has that got to do with you just acting like an 8 year old who can't win an argument with someone?
And you are also (as usual) very wrong and badly misinformed, Obama actually cut your deficit by a considerable amount. He also cut unemployment and created more jobs than any other living President. If you want to blame someone for raising your debt blame Reagan or GW Bush, as those two raised it more than any other Presidents in history but don't worry, don't let your prejudices get in the way of the truth.
As to your other ridiculous point, the US doesn't pay to protect other countries and get nothing from it. What about the strategic military bases it owns in Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, the UK and Israel? The vast percentage of money the US sends overseas from their military budget goes to ISRAEL and EGYPT. So explain to me quite how Mr Trump is going to continue "the best relations ever" with Israel if it cuts its budget to the country? Or how it will defend itself (and the rest of the world) from attack if it loses its air and military bases in the countries I mentioned?
Everything is relative and yes, the US does definitely play a huge part in policing the world, and it does spend money overseas, but it gets it back ten times over in strategic defence positions and to be honest, the USA kind of made itself the head of the World Police Org. You simply cannot have it both ways.
What has that got to do with you just acting like an 8 year old who can't win an argument with someone?
And you are also (as usual) very wrong and badly misinformed, Obama actually cut your deficit by a considerable amount. He also cut unemployment and created more jobs than any other living President. If you want to blame someone for raising your debt blame Reagan or GW Bush, as those two raised it more than any other Presidents in history but don't worry, don't let your prejudices get in the way of the truth.
As to your other ridiculous point, the US doesn't pay to protect other countries and get nothing from it. What about the strategic military bases it owns in Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, the UK and Israel? The vast percentage of money the US sends overseas goes to ISRAEL and EGYPT. So explain to me quite how Mr Trump is going to continue "the best relations ever" with Israel if it cuts its budget to the country? Or how it will defend itself (and the rest of the world) from attack if it loses its air and military bases in the countries I mentioned?
Everything is relative and yes, the US does definitely play a huge part in policing the world, and it does spend money overseas, but it gets it back ten times over in strategic defence positions and to be honest, the USA kind of made itself the head of the World Police Org. You simply cannot have it both ways.
People are missing this point. The US may complain about other countries not paying their fair share into NATO but the reason this has been the case is because it suits US interests perfectly - it allows them to exert extreme military power over just about every other world nation.
If Trump wants other countries to up their contributions, fine. But he can, at the same time, expect the US to thus wield less military power than it has at any time since before WW2.
Pity there wasn't a commandment that said, Thou shalt now hit or assault women.Disgustingly unsurprising.
But he's making America great again by enforcing his old testament values (if they even are his values) on the world.
People are missing this point. The US may complain about other countries not paying their fair share into NATO but the reason this has been the case is because it suits US interests perfectly - it allows them to exert extreme military power over just about every other world nation.
If Trump wants other countries to up their contributions, fine. But he can, at the same time, expect the US to thus wield less military power than it has at any time since before WW2.
When people talk about the military might of the US, of how immensely powerful the US is, who is this "US" they're talking about, exactly? It's sure as hell not the desperate who have resorted to crime and are providing slave labour in the penal system. Neither is it so many of the armed forces who have joined up because it was one of the few ways they could see to make a few bucks. All of this power is, in fact, concentrated in the hands of a few extremely wealthy individuals. US foreign policy should really be seen in that light.
Drumpf...on a roll this morning..
If it's forwarded it's most likely just been forwarded too many times and the FB algorithms pick it up as potential spam or false news. It's why so much spam and shite chain mails on there start with the words "copy and paste, don't just forward".Lots of people on my Facebook feed complaining that when they have shared this VDO, Facebook is then deleting it without their notification.
Has tRump somehow lent on Facebook into censoring?
It's not though, I posted the full clip earlier
Drumpf...on a roll this morning..
Drumpf...on a roll this morning..
No real surprise that Trump is for laying some pipe.
Writing 'tRump' is incredibly daft. Drumpf is stupid too. I always ignored anybody who did 'Obongo', 'Obummer' etc. and this is the same.
What has that got to do with you just acting like an 8 year old who can't win an argument with someone?
And you are also (as usual) very wrong and badly misinformed, Obama actually cut your deficit by a considerable amount. He also cut unemployment and created more jobs than any other living President. If you want to blame someone for raising your debt blame Reagan or GW Bush, as those two raised it more than any other Presidents in history but don't worry, don't let your prejudices get in the way of the truth.
As to your other ridiculous point, the US doesn't pay to protect other countries and get nothing from it. What about the strategic military bases it owns in Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, the UK and Israel? The vast percentage of money the US sends overseas goes to ISRAEL and EGYPT. So explain to me quite how Mr Trump is going to continue "the best relations ever" with Israel if it cuts its budget to the country? Or how it will defend itself (and the rest of the world) from attack if it loses its air and military bases in the countries I mentioned?
Everything is relative and yes, the US does definitely play a huge part in policing the world, and it does spend money overseas, but it gets it back ten times over in strategic defence positions and to be honest, the USA kind of made itself the head of the World Police Org. You simply cannot have it both ways.
EDIT! I forgot to mention that with most of the countries the US sends money to, it has an agreement that they MUST BUY American Arms and equipment from them. So, they actually make money from these agreements. There's far more to it than your "we go without at home while we spend billions protecting the world" argument.