The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Enemy of the state.

Despite his own Sec. Of State (Pompeo) stating "We can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians that engaged in this activity", at every turn Trump tries to downplay Russia's involvement in anything nefarious. IMO there is a very strong case for believing that he is a Russian agent, recruited through blackmail and money.
Seriously those Twitter warnings need to be considerably stronger if they absolutely refuse to do what they should do and ban him.

It’s not a “disputed claim”, it’s straight up lies.
Despite his own Sec. Of State (Pompeo) stating "We can say pretty clearly that it was the Russians that engaged in this activity", at every turn Trump tries to downplay Russia's involvement in anything nefarious. IMO there is a very strong case for believing that he is a Russian agent, recruited through blackmail and money.
Would be surprised if they don't have kompromat on him.
Seriously those Twitter warnings need to be considerably stronger if they absolutely refuse to do what they should do and ban him.

It’s not a “disputed claim”, it’s straight up lies.

He allegedy asked in a white house meeting about undertaking a coup and sending in the military. We're well beyond twitter wording now.
It’s going to be a dangerous final 30 days for the US - Trump’s desperation seems to be growing which means his behavior will get Provo more unhinged until he vacates on Jan 21st.
It’s going to be a dangerous final 30 days for the US - Trump’s desperation seems to be growing which means his behavior will get Provo more unhinged until he vacates on Jan 21st.
Don’t know if college folk in Utah who stay in Marriotts are going to be enough to help him stay in the WH.
Part of me thinks he won't make it to 2024...I mean as a moderately sane individual.
I almost forgot about this thread... Truth is, I stopped watching during season 3.

I wonder how it'll all end?
Oh real last days of Rome shit going on now, 20 pardons issued tonight while says he'll withhold a Covid relief bill - 3 days before Xmas.
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