The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Embarrassing to say the least.
Basically as soon as the numbers were in his favour all counting should've stopped.

I get that he's politically inexperienced, but to have a fundamental lack of knowledge of how counting ballots actually works, well that's a concern.

Unless of course it's all about the grift, and milking in as many campaign contributions as you can before the fat lady sings.
Basically as soon as the numbers were in his favour all counting should've stopped.

I get that he's politically inexperienced, but to have a fundamental lack of knowledge of how counting ballots actually works, well that's a concern.

Unless of course it's all about the grift, and milking in as many campaign contributions as you can before the fat lady sings.

There are only two possible options. Either he's missing a screw upstairs and in some sort of cognitive decline, or else he knows he is probably going to jail for a litany of things he's being investigated for and is absolutely bricking it - (or both). I can't think of any other plausible scenarios here.
There are only two possible options. Either he's missing a screw upstairs and in some sort of cognitive decline, or else he knows he is probably going to jail for a litany of things he's being investigated for and is absolutely bricking it - (or both). I can't think of any other plausible scenarios here.
Personally I think it's all of the above, coupled with a dependency on prescription medication and a tendency towards surrounding himself with 100% 'we don't care how nuts this gets' yes men.

Either way, we're well beyond batshit territory, and have been for quite a while.
I think it's a participatory performance art project where Trump is exposing the catastrophical political system and culture in the US.
There are only two possible options. Either he's missing a screw upstairs and in some sort of cognitive decline, or else he knows he is probably going to jail for a litany of things he's being investigated for and is absolutely bricking it - (or both). I can't think of any other plausible scenarios here.
The answer is none of those. It's a grift to get 100s of millions more in donations.
I wish him the worst. He claimed Dems are the ones blocking higher stimulus cheques. The man was born a liar.

Yeah, these pardons really hit the lowest of the low . I`ve been hoping that Trump pardons Assange and Snowden as a big feck you to (his perceived) establishment but pardons like that really highlight how flawed that system is and how Republicans simply are evil through and through. The whitewashing of this atrocity has been insane, there`s a good video about it:
The pardoning of the Blackwater security contractors is like something you would expect from the villain in a movie. Not very hard to understand why America is disliked in parts of the world.

I mean if you absolutely have to destroy a country by invading it the least you could do is prosecute and adequately sentence those commiting war crimes while there.
The pardoning of the Blackwater security contractors is like something you would expect from the villain in a movie. Not very hard to understand why America is disliked in parts of the world.

I mean if you absolutely have to destroy a country by invading it the least you could do is prosecute and adequately sentence those commiting war crimes while there.
Aren't they owned by Devos' brother? That would explain it for me at least anyway.
The pardoning of the Blackwater security contractors is like something you would expect from the villain in a movie. Not very hard to understand why America is disliked in parts of the world.

I mean if you absolutely have to destroy a country by invading it the least you could do is prosecute and adequately sentence those commiting war crimes while there.
It's fecking disgusting.
There are only two possible options. Either he's missing a screw upstairs and in some sort of cognitive decline, or else he knows he is probably going to jail for a litany of things he's being investigated for and is absolutely bricking it - (or both). I can't think of any other plausible scenarios here.
It's Donald Trump. I think a lot of it is just him not admitting to himself that he lost because his narcissistic ego can't take being a loser. He will also make his kids take the fall before he does by saying he was just a figurehead, not the brains of the organization. He will run before he has to face any consequences but I doubt this country has the balls to really go after him.
American posters or those who are also familiar - can you tell me whether Biden can act straight away on Jan 21st/22nd replacing all of these Pentagon and Govt. appointments or is that either not the done thing or just not possible?

@Raoul @Carolina Red @calodo2003

I mean to be fair the whole damn package isn't worth the paper(sssss) it's written on, it's mind-blowing full of absolute crap and most of it has nothing to do with Covid or helping Americans, this crap used to fly before social media as they could easily get away with putting this kinda thing into bills without nobody noticing/caring but it's catching up in this day and age.

Exhibit A: "Of the funds appropriated under title III of the Act that are made available for assistance for Pakistan, not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs and not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for gender programs." Yep. $10 million. For gender programs. In Pakistan.

Exhibit B: Funds for "Resource Study of Springfield (Illinois) Race Riot." That riot occurred in (checks notes) 1908.

Exhibit C: "Statement Of Policy Regarding The Succession Or Reincarnation Of The Dalai Lama." We'll just leave that one there.

Exhibit D: There's actually a commission tasked with educating "consumers about the dangers associated with using or storing portable fuel containers for flammable liquids near an open flame."

Exhibit E: Another $40 million will be allocated "for the necessary expenses for the operation, maintenance and security" of The Kennedy Center, which received $25 million in another COVID-19 relief bill earlier this year. Also in a related story, the Kennedy Center has been closed.

Exhibits F, G, H, I, J: $86 million for assistance to Cambodia; $130 million to Nepal, $135 million to Burma, $453 million to Ukraine, $700 million to Sudan.

Exhibit K: The bill creates a Women's History Museum and an American Latino Museum as part of the Smithsonian. Overall, the Smithsonian gets (checks notes again) $1 billion.
American posters or those who are also familiar - can you tell me whether Biden can act straight away on Jan 21st/22nd replacing all of these Pentagon and Govt. appointments or is that either not the done thing or just not possible?

@Raoul @Carolina Red @calodo2003

He has about 1,250 or so political appointees he can hire across the board in all executive departments (defense, state, etc), many of which he can identify during the transition period, then hire once he's President. That process takes a bit of time because many of these people have to go through background investigations before getting government work. So although its doubtful he would be able to place his people in their jobs immediately on the 21st, he could definitely sack any residual Trump appointees (who would ordinarily remain on the job for continuity purposes) the day he takes office.
He has about 750 or so political appointees he can hire across the board in all executive departments (defense, state, etc), many of which he can identify during the transition period, then hire once he's President. That process takes a bit of time because many of these people have to go through background investigations before getting government work. So although its doubtful he would be able to place his people in their jobs immediately on the 21st, he could definitely sack any residual Trump appointees (who would ordinarily remain on the job for continuity purposes) the day he takes office.
Cheers @Raoul - I suppose the key thing then is that he can sack anyone who could be troublesome or dangerous straight away.
I mean to be fair the whole damn package isn't worth the paper(sssss) it's written on, it's mind-blowing full of absolute crap and most of it has nothing to do with Covid or helping Americans, this crap used to fly before social media as they could easily get away with putting this kinda thing into bills without nobody noticing/caring but it's catching up in this day and age.

It's almost like Congress is trying to get the business of governing done all at once, perhaps because the Senate and President have been doing nothing for an eternity.
Cheers @Raoul - I suppose the key thing then is that he can sack anyone who could be troublesome or dangerous straight away.

Precisely. Just as Trump sacked Sally Yates before he could appoint her successor, Biden can do the same with any lingering Trump people who he views as working contrary to his policies.
He has about 1,250 or so political appointees he can hire across the board in all executive departments (defense, state, etc), many of which he can identify during the transition period, then hire once he's President. That process takes a bit of time because many of these people have to go through background investigations before getting government work. So although its doubtful he would be able to place his people in their jobs immediately on the 21st, he could definitely sack any residual Trump appointees (who would ordinarily remain on the job for continuity purposes) the day he takes office.

However he can't actually sack the Postmaster General Dejoy despite the actual terrible job he's doing and enabling of Trump's fraud campaign, only the board of the US Postal Office can do that.
However he can't actually sack the Postmaster General Dejoy despite the actual terrible job he's doing and enabling of Trump's fraud campaign, only the board of the US Postal Office can do that.

Can he investigate and arrest him? That would mean the board has to sack him.
However he can't actually sack the Postmaster General Dejoy despite the actual terrible job he's doing and enabling of Trump's fraud campaign, only the board of the US Postal Office can do that.

And Trump appointed many of those members (who I think are guaranteed a term) so the board is majority republican.

As for the rest of the posts, it depends on the post itself. Some serve at the pleasure of the president. Some are for set terms (so Skellytor can not be removed from her Air Force Academy Visitor board role). Also, there is apparently a process by which the executive branch can convert political appointees to civil servants, thereby making them very difficult to remove.

Edit: Mondays Pod Save America podcast was a mailbag episode and they tackled this exact question.
However he can't actually sack the Postmaster General Dejoy despite the actual terrible job he's doing and enabling of Trump's fraud campaign, only the board of the US Postal Office can do that.

True, although I suspect DeJoy will be under intense legal scrutiny by the new AG and the FBI because of his role in the delaying of mail problem that was brought to light a few months back, so he may simply leave to deal with his own legal situation.
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The pardoning of the Blackwater security contractors is like something you would expect from the villain in a movie. Not very hard to understand why America is disliked in parts of the world.

I mean if you absolutely have to destroy a country by invading it the least you could do is prosecute and adequately sentence those commiting war crimes while there.

These guys were the exception as opposed to the norm of getting away with it (no remotely senior person at Abu Ghraib was punished, for example, and there are dozens of videos of brutality that went nowhere). I guess they were slightly easier to punish as private contractors rather than regular military.
What I'm saying is, the US has been doing movie villain actions long before Trump - and also that any country in its position of leading the "free world" - would do exactly the same.

Aren't they owned by Devos' brother? That would explain it for me at least anyway.

Yes they are (they now apparently work with China in Xinjiang, having been renamed as Academi). But he's been pardoning regular army people convicted of war crimes too, this is just part of a trend from him.
How many times does it need repeating; this country is fecked.
No free national healthcare, not enough mental health care, tax breaks for the rich and tax hikes for the middle class, very little stimulus money for those in need.
A very significant proportion that believe in fairly tales. The list of problems is quite long.
It's worth noting that most of that won't change when Biden gets in.
So while Trump is a feckin disaster of monumental proportions, Biden won't be able, or be willing, to change this broken system.
How many times does it need repeating; this country is fecked.
No free national healthcare, not enough mental health care, tax breaks for the rich and tax hikes for the middle class, very little stimulus money for those in need.
A very significant proportion that believe in fairly tales. The list of problems is quite long.
It's worth noting that most of that won't change when Biden gets in.
So while Trump is a feckin disaster of monumental proportions, Biden won't be able, or be willing, to change this broken system.

I've decided Biden's job is to steady a sinking ship. What a disaster America has become.

Yes they are (they now apparently work with China in Xinjiang, having been renamed as Academi). But he's been pardoning regular army people convicted of war crimes too, this is just part of a trend from him.

Not sure its part of a 'trend'. His pardons of the past were to appease his base, right now his sole driving force, the only thing on his mind driving his every move is legal protection once he loses the protection of the presidency.
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