The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Not sure its part of a 'trend'. His pardons of the past were to appease his base, right now his sole driving force, the only thing on his mind driving his every move is legal protection once he loses the protection of the presidency.
That doesn’t make sense, since this has nothing to do with his own legal protection.
I mean to be fair the whole damn package isn't worth the paper(sssss) it's written on, it's mind-blowing full of absolute crap and most of it has nothing to do with Covid or helping Americans, this crap used to fly before social media as they could easily get away with putting this kinda thing into bills without nobody noticing/caring but it's catching up in this day and age.
It is a fecking abomination where both sides parachuted things that have nothing to do with covid or with Americans for that matter.

If I was a senator, I would have filibustered it by reading it just to show its absurdity.

Honestly, this should have served as a chance for both sides to cut the crap, and give as much money as possible in people hands, while at the same time raising taxes and cutting spending (for example in military). But who I am kidding, Dems are super-bad while Republicans are ultra-bad.
That doesn’t make sense, since this has nothing to do with his own legal protection.

There are assumptions to be made, but seeing as nothing else matters to Trump right now than his own legal protection I think it is a safe assumption that the Devos family can either help him in some way, or not burn him if he doesn't jump to their command.
There are assumptions to be made, but seeing as nothing else matters to Trump right now than his own legal protection I think it is a safe assumption that the Devos family can either help him in some way, or not burn him if he doesn't jump to their command.
You‘re assuming nothing else matters to Donnie right now, which is quite an assumption. There was a quote from a source in the WH about what the grand plan was, and the reply was ‘you’re giving them way too much credit.‘

You have to view this from the eyes of one with narcissistic personality disorder. There doesn’t have to be a plan, he can simply be reacting to events and ideas as they come to save face.
He should really be banned from their platform. It's the definition of fake and misleading.

Twitter have said they are wiping all his followers from the POTUS account before Biden takes it over:
Twitter has confirmed that the official US presidential accounts will be wiped of their millions of followers before being transferred to the Biden administration.
Mr Biden's team "fought" the plan, but the social media giant said its decision was "unequivocal". The move marks a reversal from the last transition.
Twitter agreed to Donald Trump's request in 2016 to inherit Barack Obama's millions of followers.

“In 2016, the Trump administration absorbed all of President Obama's Twitter followers on @POTUS and @WhiteHouse - at Team 44's urging,” Rob Flaherty, the president-elect's digital director, tweeted on Monday. “In 2020, Twitter has informed us that as of right now the Biden administration will have to start from zero.”

It affects followers of government-led accounts such as @POTUS and @FLOTUS, all of which will be transferred to Mr Biden when he takes over the presidency in January. Twitter said those who follow the current presidential accounts will be notified that they are being archived, and will be given the choice to follow the Biden administration's new accounts. Mr Biden’s personal account, @JoeBiden, has 21.7 million followers, and will be unaffected by the move.

President Trump has famously used his Twitter accounts, both professional and personal, to engage with voters. During his time in the White House, he has tweeted more than 50,000 times.

However, according to Factbase, a website that tracks tweets and follower counts, Mr Trump has lost 369,849 followers on his personal account since November. In the same timeframe, President-elect Joe Biden has gained 2,671,790 followers.

The decision from Twitter comes just days after chief executive Jack Dorsey unfollowed numerous political figures on the platform, including Mr Trump, Mr Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris.

Marketing specialist Rebecca Lodge, from Start Up Disruptors, said of Twitter's decision: "With millions of people following an account and Donald's 'fans' being quite fanatical, it could be a clever move by Twitter to ensure that any potential negative and hate-fuelled tweets are neutralised before the new president-elect takes up his position."
The answer is none of those. It's a grift to get 100s of millions more in donations.

I would agree if I thought he was competent and calculating enough to do such a thing. The perceived grift is likely more so an inadvertent byproduct of his narcissism and petulance in not being about to emotionally come to grips with losing.
Sounds like even the senate are going to override him this time. McConnell said the bill must pass and they're scheduling a vote.
Trump has been always the useful idiot for McConnell. He is not useful anymore, which leaves him only as the idiot, so not surprised to see McConnell binning him in pretty much everything.
Are there any limits to who the President can pardon? As in, if Osama bin Laden was in jail, could the President in theory pardon him?
What utter scum. Pardoning thoes mercenaries...just imagine the thoughts of the military prosecutors and judges and all those who bravely testified against them. For nothing. Spitting in the face of the families impacted.

Is there anyone left that thinks he's even partially human?
This is a cute wrinkle.

Has a president ever granted a pardon for a foreign head of state or upper echelon politician?

Seems like foreigners have been pardoned in the past, but it has mostly been people who have rebelled rather than heads of state of friendly nations. A good example being Servillano Aquino. I don't know about current heads of state though, that seems something altogether new
He really is the vilest cumstain of the something that may just possibly have been part human once, of our times. For our parents or grandparents it was maybe Hitler or Pol Pot or maybe something even worse. I really should be more charitable at this time of year, so I'll imagine someone made him this way, perhaps as the bully he is, he was bullied or maybe as the Great Abuser, he was also abused. But he will come to a bad end and hopefully the people who follow him and support him for their own ends will also be brought to a bad end. It's become so much easier to see him as the dying malign sack of bones that he is. Something like this but more pathetic.

Bollocks. I just got banned from Twitter for wishing Ted Cruz stands on a largo brick then falls backwards and his Christmas Tree goes right up his arse and makes him its angel.

But he's allowed to post that he doesn't want the poor to get any money from any form of COVID relief fund, or free healthcare?

Bollocks. I just got banned from Twitter for wishing Ted Cruz stands on a largo brick then falls backwards and his Christmas Tree goes right up his arse and makes him its angel.

But he's allowed to post that he doesn't want the poor to get any money from any form of COVID relief fund, or free healthcare?

Didn't you know? It's OK to knowingly screw over the masses if it's politically motivated. It's a traditional type of white collar crime.
The fact that these pardons arent really big news is insane if you think about it. It's beyond corrupt and yet even I cant even really muster a lot of outrage. It's like watching Feyenoord in Europe now, it's an abomination, but my soul was destroyed long ago.
Bollocks. I just got banned from Twitter for wishing Ted Cruz stands on a largo brick then falls backwards and his Christmas Tree goes right up his arse and makes him its angel.

But he's allowed to post that he doesn't want the poor to get any money from any form of COVID relief fund, or free healthcare?

"This claim is disputed" is for the high profile cnuts on a platform run by cnuts. Everyone else gets banned. I look forward to the day Zuckerberg and Dorsey get bitch slapped.
Bollocks. I just got banned from Twitter for wishing Ted Cruz stands on a largo brick then falls backwards and his Christmas Tree goes right up his arse and makes him its angel.

But he's allowed to post that he doesn't want the poor to get any money from any form of COVID relief fund, or free healthcare?

This needs no exposition...

I'm confused. If three rockets failed to launch how did they end up around the US Embassy in Baghdad?

Also, he could have just tweeted "uno, dos, tres, it's on!" and tagged Big Boi and Andre3000
I am glad he's turned on the GOP senators. They were his biggest enablers.
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