The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Come on, folks. He knows he can't get the military to stage his coup. He just needs a hundred thousand militiamen armed with AR-15s to camp outside Washington and wait for his signal. Until the actual military just sends a couple of B-52s overhead to drop "care packages" and the whole thing ends, anyway.
The majority of these idiots have an election in less than two years, primaries starting in less than a year. They are fearful of being primaried by someone to the right of them, they can’t afford to have much political space out there until the general election. It’s all about getting re-elected, they have no problem pandering to the crazy in their district.

It’s a political calculation, just like it is for the sane Republicans who didn’t join in on the lunacy. Some feel that they can withstand an internal attack from their right in a year.

Already the Trumpets are shouting against the GOP calling for the destruction of the GOP.
They left that behind a long time ago
Ha you're right but guess what their candidate will still get millions of votes come next election. It's frightening how much support Trump received even after everything. It's embarrassing and I'm truly embarrassed to be an American when it's represented by Trump and his cnut followers. Now I understand why some people hate America/Americans.
Come on, folks. He knows he can't get the military to stage his coup. He just needs a hundred thousand militiamen armed with AR-15s to camp outside Washington and wait for his signal. Until the actual military just sends a couple of B-52s overhead to drop "care packages" and the whole thing ends, anyway.
Not quite 100,000 yet.

Here we go again...
Its a crime to vote against trump in the electoral college now

‘Below age people.’

He certainly has reclaimed control of his iPhone.

‘THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST!’ ends a subsequent tweet.

Tomorrow could be a banner day for tweets.
We’ll see tomorrow then who has, or has not, committed a “severely punishable crime”.
The Grifter in chief is at it again.
Bellingcat will publicise their latest investigation in about 40 minutes. Wonder if it's US/Trump related. They're usually into Russian or Middle East stuff, but the way Higgins describes this makes me wonder what they've dug up this time.

Him and Cruz both need to suffer for bending over to Trump in the pathetic way they did.

Cruz much more so than Rubio, in my opinion. Trump just made fun of Rubio for his height and how he drinks water, but called Cruz' wife ugly and suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination. How he is able to now kiss his ass is beyond comprehension - he is such a snake.
Too many black people voted!!! They aren't legitimate!!! Make me the eternal leader!!!!

He can barely hide it. Absolutely disgusting tweets.
If they did an audit on voting in red counties in red states I'm sure there would be dozens upon dozens of cases of voter fraud. I'm not surprised in the slightest at Biden getting over 80 million votes after the last four years. It's the 70 odd million that trump got the looks suspicious.

Getting nervous. The Electoral College meets today.

Twitter should be gut punched for even allowing this tweet to even exist. It's not disputed, it's a blatant lie and at this point they are complicit in channeling fascist propaganda.
Cruz much more so than Rubio, in my opinion. Trump just made fun of Rubio for his height and how he drinks water, but called Cruz' wife ugly and suggested his father was involved in the JFK assassination. How he is able to now kiss his ass is beyond comprehension - he is such a snake.
If Rafael Cruz the Canadian was given a choice to go down on his wife or trump he would pick trump every time.

He's such a great President. Nobody tells Christmas stories better than he can.
Bellingcat will publicise their latest investigation in about 40 minutes. Wonder if it's US/Trump related. They're usually into Russian or Middle East stuff, but the way Higgins describes this makes me wonder what they've dug up this time.

Navalny related in the end, not Trump. Next time maybe!
Is this not bad? Could Trump not now bring in a yes man AG for the final month and cause some issues?

I mean I know Barr was meant to be that person but turns out even he had a line.
Is this not bad? Could Trump not now bring in a yes man AG for the final month and cause some issues?

I mean I know Barr was meant to be that person but turns out even he had a line.
Not much good could come from this. Any change like this has to have been made with defined expectations by Trump for the incoming AG. They won’t just be treading water til they are removed from the WH.

The ‘spending time with family’ is a nice touch, though.
I read an article sometime ago, wile Whittaker was there, an acting AG has limited powers?
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