The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The US is fecked. I feel I've said this a few times in this thread already, but the US is fecked. I mean, we have some of the same things going on in Norway, but it's at least 1933x worse in the US.
So 126 GOP lawmakers put their names to this ludicrous suit promoted by the State of Texas and AG Ken Paxton, surely knowing it was destined to crash and burn. Why? Can our American Caftards shed any light on this? What does Trump have on them? How will this look in say 2 years? What’s the actual game? It’s not money; at least not to the party but - as far as I am aware - monies being raised only go to Trump himself. It’s hardly votes; this can’t help in Georgia? So what’s to gain for the Graham’s etc., for flying kamikaze with the Dead Orange Duck?
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So 126 GOP lawmakers put their names to this ludicrous suit promoted by the State of Texas and AG Ken Paxton, surely knowing it was destined to crash and burn. Why? Can our American Caftards shed any light on this? What does Trump have on them? How will this look in say 2 years? What’s the actual game? It’s not money; at least not to the party but - as far as I am aware - monies being raided only go to Trump himself. It’s hardly votes; this can’t help in Georgia? So what’s to gain for the Graham’s etc., for flying kamikaze with the Dead Orange Duck?
The majority of these idiots have an election in less than two years, primaries starting in less than a year. They are fearful of being primaried by someone to the right of them, they can’t afford to have much political space out there until the general election. It’s all about getting re-elected, they have no problem pandering to the crazy in their district.

It’s a political calculation, just like it is for the sane Republicans who didn’t join in on the lunacy. Some feel that they can withstand an internal attack from their right in a year.
The US is fecked. I feel I've said this a few times in this thread already, but the US is fecked. I mean, we have some of the same things going on in Norway, but it's at least 1933x worse in the US.
But not yet 1939x hopefully.
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