Pogue Mahone
I wonder if I will ever stop being astonished at how vindictive, petty and childish the POTUS can be. I keep thinking I'll get numb to it but it seems to be getting no less shocking over time.
I'm getting more and more astounded by the day to be honest. He's such a caricature that you'd be hard pressed to find anyone remotely as bad as him wherever you'd care to look.I wonder if I will ever stop being astonished at how vindictive, petty and childish the POTUS can be. I keep thinking I'll get numb to it but it seems to be getting no less shocking over time.
I wonder if I will ever stop being astonished at how vindictive, petty and childish the POTUS can be. I keep thinking I'll get numb to it but it seems to be getting no less shocking over time.
Aye, that's the trouble with having such small hands...poor bloke.To be fair, his fingers are really tiny, and phones are massive these days. He might be threatening Apple next
Sorry, this reply from a Trump supporter just made me say "wow" out loud.
Putin's tried out the world's prostitutes? And didn't introduce his friend "Trump" to the best of the lot.Trump is “a grown man, and secondly he’s someone who has been involved with beauty contests for many years and has met the most beautiful women in the world,” Putin said. “I find it hard to believe that he rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world.”
I find myself hesitating to fully believe a secret pact of any kind, because if you had such a thing you wouldn't go about your public business the way these two seem to, especially from Trump's side. You'd probably get further by not talking about it so much, but being an ally in terms of action rather than words.
Manipulating American politics is literally right out of the Russian playbook.
And given H.Clinton called Putin an illegitimate president in 2011(?) when he was elected, it wouldn't surprise me if he's been wanting to exact his revenge ever since.
Where they go from here is anybody's guess.
fecks sake, what a cop-out. That's him essentially saying, "We should follow the bits our supporters like, not the whole thing."
"He's already having sex with all the contestants so why would he need our prostitutes who, by the way, are the best in the world?"Putin's tried out the world's prostitutes? And didn't introduce his friend "Trump" to the best of the lot.
Well....what sort of friend is that!
An older tweet of his states "Hallelujah! I love me some Judge Sessions!! Hes gonna hang them BLM n*****s high from coast to coast!! Cant wait for 2017!! #MAGA". (I censored that one myself, by the way - he did not).fecks sake, what a cop-out. That's him essentially saying, "We should follow the bits our supporters like, not the whole thing."
Although I can understand why people voted for him (to some extent) I actually feel embarrassed for the Americans. It must be quite shocking to the Reps/Dems in office, not to mention the Intel services. It's going to be interesting to see how long they can cope with Trump being a standing joke to the rest of the world.I wonder if I will ever stop being astonished at how vindictive, petty and childish the POTUS can be. I keep thinking I'll get numb to it but it seems to be getting no less shocking over time.
They're experts in Golden Streams?"He's already having sex with all the contestants so why would he need our prostitutes who, by the way, are the best in the world?"
An older tweet of his states "Hallelujah! I love me some Judge Sessions!! Hes gonna hang them BLM n*****s high from coast to coast!! Cant wait for 2017!! #MAGA". (I censored that one myself, by the way - he did not).
I'd like to think he's a bit too much of an extreme case to tell us much about Trump's wider support.
O'Keefe Caught Trying to Bribe Protestors to Riot at Inauguration
O'Keef's last mugshot
Right wing fake newsman and agent provocateur James O’Keefe has been caught attempting to bribe protesters to riot at Trump’s inauguration. This time the sting was on him:
The counter-sting, carried out by The Undercurrent and Americans Take Action, a project of a previous target of provocateur James O’Keefe, managed to surreptitiously record elements of O’Keefe’s network offering huge sums of money to progressive activists if they would disrupt the ceremony and “put a stop to the inauguration” and the related proceedings to such a degree that donors to the clandestine effort would “turn on a TV and maybe not even see Trump.” To have riots blot out coverage of Trump, the donor offered “unlimited resources,” including to shut down bridges into D.C.
They’ve released a YouTube documentary of the sting.
IANAL, but this is very likely a felony:
Hope springs eternal that O’Keefe will finally end up in the slammer.
This should come as no surprise since unruly protestors have been a staple of Trump’s rallies and a common tactic of authoritarian strongmen throughout history. Nothing could amplify Trump’s “Law and Order” agenda more than violence at his inauguration. This bust puts liberal groups on the alert for agent provocateurs, but the danger remains that Trump associates could organize a violent disturbance at his inauguration using hired goons.
Gwennedd noted in a comment a few days ago that this was also reported in RawStory. She notes:
If this had gone through as O’Keefe had planned, then Trump would have had a reason to stop all planned protests anywhere and at any time. He may even have been able to take it to the next step...arresting organizers BEFORE any events even take place.
Wow, the rec list? I’m honored. Not sure this diary deserves it but this information must be spread far and wide. If it’s picked up by mainstream news then it may make Trump minions think twice about organizing violence.
Don't think I'm in the other camp, I just look for reasons to check my own thinking. I don't like recent developments one bit, but the underlying 'whys' is what I'm struggling to find confidence in. Hoping some more CIA leaks shine some light eventually...
Sorry, this reply from a Trump supporter just made me say "wow" out loud.
*happy dance*
Wonder if he'll tweet in response to the above. Very brave to bring a law suit against what will soon be the POTUS.A woman who accused President-elect Donald Trump of sexually inappropriate conduct will announce the filing of a lawsuit against Trump, civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred announced Tuesday.
The woman will hold a news conference Tuesday in Los Angeles, Calif., with Allred to announce the lawsuit.
Wonder if he'll tweet in response to the above. Very brave to bring a law suit against what will soon be the POTUS.
Yup, and the last woman to do this was absolutely petrified and then cancelled her press conference because of the numerous death threats she received from The Moron's beautiful supporters. I don't hold much hope in stuff like this, he's just too much of a slippery cnut.![]()
Washington Post
What are the odds that Trump will counter by saying that American prostitutes are the best in the world?