The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I was just reading about viking pastoralists and the types of fodder they might have chosen to grow (dont judge me). I decided to quickly Google "barley" to refresh my memory on its uses and the search results were suprising. The search normally shows 3 videos as well as the links and one of the videos is a recent sermon by a man called Dave Barley who talks about the coming white nation of God in America. The video has 24 views. Every other link and video on the search page is about grains or beers yet a video of some guy talking about a white nation where trump isn't being attacked is top of the searches.
I just get lots of pearl barley recipes, says alot about me!
I was just reading about viking pastoralists and the types of fodder they might have chosen to grow (dont judge me). I decided to quickly Google "barley" to refresh my memory on its uses and the search results were suprising. The search normally shows 3 videos as well as the links and one of the videos is a recent sermon by a man called Dave Barley who talks about the coming white nation of God in America. The video has 24 views. Every other link and video on the search page is about grains or beers yet a video of some guy talking about a white nation where trump isn't being attacked is top of the searches.

Interesting. I wonder if this explains the rise of Qanon. All it takes as in innocent search for a decent quinoa recipe.....
Interesting. I wonder if this explains the rise of Qanon. All it takes as in innocent search for a decent quinoa recipe.....
Seriously though, I avoid any video or website that is race supremacist in any way and I use duckduckgo as well, yet of all the people in the world with the surname barley that the search could have mistakenly shown me, its a conspiracy theorist race supremacist that they show me.
Interesting. I wonder if this explains the rise of Qanon. All it takes as in innocent search for a decent quinoa recipe.....

I think people get into these conspiracy theories through social media. It has a lot to answer to rise of extremism in the last decade.

Please god I hope the stupid feck keep attacking the military. This won’t end well for him.

He will, and will be fine.

Bernard could never be this cool

I mean, he’s not exactly lying about a lot of high ranking people in America profiting off of war, is he? I would imagine a lot of politicians make money in some way or the other when the American war machine starts grinding. The thing about him pointing this out is that I’m almost sure he falls into the bracket of people that profit off of it as well in some way.
I mean, he’s not exactly lying about a lot of high ranking people in America profiting off of war, is he? I would imagine a lot of politicians make money in some way or the other when the American war machine starts grinding. The thing about him pointing this out is that I’m almost sure he falls into the bracket of people that profit off of it as well in some way.

Between actual military and the top corrupt brass, you don't survive long poking the later.
I mean, he’s not exactly lying about a lot of high ranking people in America profiting off of war, is he? I would imagine a lot of politicians make money in some way or the other when the American war machine starts grinding. The thing about him pointing this out is that I’m almost sure he falls into the bracket of people that profit off of it as well in some way.

The only time Republicans got animated against Trump was when he suggested pulling troops from Syria. Because those in congress and Senate are in deep with military industrial complex.including Trump who was given 430,000 for his campaign.
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I mean, he’s not exactly lying about a lot of high ranking people in America profiting off of war, is he? I would imagine a lot of politicians make money in some way or the other when the American war machine starts grinding. The thing about him pointing this out is that I’m almost sure he falls into the bracket of people that profit off of it as well in some way.

On the contrary, he's not a that trough and that's why he's angry about it.
I mean, he’s not exactly lying about a lot of high ranking people in America profiting off of war, is he? I would imagine a lot of politicians make money in some way or the other when the American war machine starts grinding. The thing about him pointing this out is that I’m almost sure he falls into the bracket of people that profit off of it as well in some way.
or maybe it's the one industry he doesn't have his grubby hands in!
Yeah, I didn't think they were blackface either.

I struggle to believe these two are not white, their facial skin tone is completely different to the rest of the body

Edit: there's also a third person that looks to be in blackface directly behind them

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