The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Guaranteed half of them cant even technically afford their boats. I know several like that who literally live paycheck to paycheck. A lot of them have second homes too they cant afford. Because of my job i see it and their financials all the time. No wonder they want to keep Trump as long as they believe he keeps them in a job- because losing it would be insta financial ruin.
Guaranteed half of them cant even technically afford their boats. I know several like that who literally live paycheck to paycheck. A lot of them have second homes too they cant afford. Because of my job i see it and their financials all the time. No wonder they want to keep Trump as long as they believe he keeps them in a job- because losing it would be insta financial ruin.

Isn't that what Trump is selling? That he'll keep the Fed's printers running and keep asset prices high while also ensuring shareholders and the really rich quadruple their net worth.
Not really, apparently. I looked through that Twitter discussion a bit yesterday, and apparently Dean had been hinting at this secret service background already in the 90s, iirc.

he's now gone back on the story that he was CIA, insisting he was a civilian in the comments :lol:

it is interesting that he was captured in 1974, since the US was bombing the countryside of laos with 8 bombs every minute for 5 years but that ended in 1973.
i wonder what the CIA was up to. maybe finding some half-burnt peasants for future target practice.
Election couldn't come at a worse time for Trump. US economy is still struggling very badly 29,224,546 total on continuing jobless programs +2,195,835 on the week before. BLS monthly nfp numbers are essentially propaganda. Underneath things are very, very bad.

Plus I think it's inevitable we see more Covid as we come in to the winter.

Combination of these two factors make it likely he'll be double digits behind by mid October. What I'm wondering is if it gets that bad does he drop out?
Election couldn't come at a worse time for Trump. US economy is still struggling very badly 29,224,546 total on continuing jobless programs +2,195,835 on the week before. BLS monthly nfp numbers are essentially propaganda. Underneath things are very, very bad.

Plus I think it's inevitable we see more Covid as we come in to the winter.

Combination of these two factors make it likely he'll be double digits behind by mid October. What I'm wondering is if it gets that bad does he drop out?
If he did drop out you can bet he would say that he never wanted a second term and he's too busy with his businesses to waste time being President, or some rubbish like that. But he'll probably stay until the end, call the election corrupt, stir up riots and then walk away to start his own media platform to rake in cash from idiots.
Considering what a weirdo he is I have no doubt that the pee tape is real.
Sorry if this was shared before:

Is there anything more Trump than sinking your boat by your own doing on a small lake:D
I love how the Trumpies try ro guilt trip people under that boat tweet saying, libs laugh while people are in danger, so intolerant.

Eat shite and perish, maga twats.
Election couldn't come at a worse time for Trump. US economy is still struggling very badly 29,224,546 total on continuing jobless programs +2,195,835 on the week before. BLS monthly nfp numbers are essentially propaganda. Underneath things are very, very bad.

Plus I think it's inevitable we see more Covid as we come in to the winter.

Combination of these two factors make it likely he'll be double digits behind by mid October. What I'm wondering is if it gets that bad does he drop out?

I'm wondering how he'll get 4 more years
I love how the Trumpies try ro guilt trip people under that boat tweet saying, libs laugh while people are in danger, so intolerant.

Eat shite and perish, maga twats.

I’ll make them a deal. I will stop laughing at the MAGA armada sinking if they acknowledge that black lives matter and are in danger every day from systemic racism.
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