The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Reality TV sound bites from the man who bankrupted a casino empire, is hiding his tax returns and dodged the draft. What a winner.
The purpose of these headlines is to make money, nothing else. If they wanted to impact voters the best way would be just ignore Trump completely. Don't give him any bandwidth and his deceptions don't enter the main stream. The media is complicit in this to make money.
So don't report anything he says that would end the career of most Democrats and let right wing media draw the narrative of a God man who can do no wrong???
It's foolish to ignore these things as they indicate a sick mind, especially when that person holds a position of great influence or is known to be easily influenced. Everyone should be aware of what is said by people in power because it leads to stuff like babies getting raped in cages, something this country seems to have moved on from and should be near the top of the list of important things that need sorting, fecking shameful.
What trump said might be unimportant to you but not for people whose families fought in those wars or the people who have a bit of respect for what millions lived through, fought and fought for. It is also good not to have a military licking the arse of a wannabe dictator so these bits of information are useful.
What media do you get your news from and which do you ignore because they only want money?
So don't report anything he says that would end the career of most Democrats and let right wing media draw the narrative of a God man who can do no wrong???
It's foolish to ignore these things as they indicate a sick mind, especially when that person holds a position of great influence or is known to be easily influenced. Everyone should be aware of what is said by people in power because it leads to stuff like babies getting raped in cages, something this country seems to have moved on from and should be near the top of the list of important things that need sorting, fecking shameful.
What trump said might be unimportant to you but not for people whose families fought in those wars or the people who have a bit of respect for what millions lived through, fought and fought for. It is also good not to have a military licking the arse of a wannabe dictator so these bits of information are useful.
What media do you get your news from and which do you ignore because they only want money?
The right wing media draw their narrative regardless. Reports of anonymous sources saying Trump called war veterans losers is not going to be believed by anyone unless there is proof or corroboration of actual people. The most substantive thing in the last months was the senate intelligence report, that is what should have been concentrated on but I have mainly heard about Trumps painting of BLM protesters as terrorist and democrat cities being lawless hell holes.

Ignoring him completely when he is President is not possible, so that is my bad but he should be ignored as much as possible to not give his lies and conspiracy theories bandwidth.
So don't report anything he says that would end the career of most Democrats and let right wing media draw the narrative of a God man who can do no wrong???
It's foolish to ignore these things as they indicate a sick mind, especially when that person holds a position of great influence or is known to be easily influenced. Everyone should be aware of what is said by people in power because it leads to stuff like babies getting raped in cages, something this country seems to have moved on from and should be near the top of the list of important things that need sorting, fecking shameful.
What trump said might be unimportant to you but not for people whose families fought in those wars or the people who have a bit of respect for what millions lived through, fought and fought for. It is also good not to have a military licking the arse of a wannabe dictator so these bits of information are useful.
What media do you get your news from and which do you ignore because they only want money?
I agree. Not saying anything is exactly how Reagan became a saint. (When Democrats didn't comment when he died, and the Republican eulogies dominated all the media.) It's clearly a bad strategy.
Thing is it is easy for Trump supporters to dismiss this Atlantic story. Anonymous sources and the fact it was 2 years, when Trump apparently made these comments
Lack of proper education (even just basic understanding of things) , apathy, wilful ignorance /lack of desire to research things, blind patriotism, etc. made this country ripe for abuse by politicians and while Trump abuses it the most, he didnt start it.
Perhaps, but maybe also we've heard so many times reporters and #resistance mob telling us how '[insert scandal] will be the end for Trump', yet nothing happens. Easy for people to be apathetic plus the country is still reeling from the BLM protests, the unrest and the Covid.
Not all ages are created equal. The man doesn’t take care of himself.

You are right. But seems to me he is as a strong as a cockroach, will survive everything. And also, age would not be the primarily reason why he is unfit for office
Lack of proper education (even just basic understanding of things) , apathy, wilful ignorance /lack of desire to research things, blind patriotism, etc. made this country ripe for abuse by politicians and while Trump abuses it the most, he didnt start it.
Its a problem in most countries. Part of it is the reasons you stated and the other part is a system where those with huge weath get to dictate economic and education policy leaving a lot of the middle to lower class so focused on day to day that politics becomes dirty and unappealing which leaves it to the rich and the cycle continues.
John McCain was a coward to not stand against Trump and the GOP even after he said what he said about him and specially what he did to his country. Someone will say he was a statesman, I think he was spineless. Now it seems he is a great guy but he was part of this GOP that bows to Trump. The same way Bush was a terrrible president and now it seems he is an intellectual for disagreeing against Trump
John McCain was a coward to not stand against Trump and the GOP even after he said what he said about him and specially what he did to his country. Someone will say he was a statesman, I think he was spineless

I took him till he was literally on deaths door to finally do it, but I love watching this moment.

I took him till he was literally on deaths door to finally do it, but I love watching this moment.

That even worse, because he had inside and knew what was right and never did till he didn't give a toss because he was dying
That even worse, because he had inside and knew what was right and never did till he didn't give a toss because he was dying


On a lighter note, this is like any of those Liverpool fan GIF's. Every time I look at it something else jumps out. This time it's turtle going from grinning to paralyzed in shock to retreating into his shell. :lol:


Fox News CONFIRMING the reports Trump has just held a press conference to deny. He's also Tweeted denials all day and had Jared and Kaleigh deny it in front of the press too.

Popcorn time bitches!


Fox News CONFIRMING the reports Trump has just held a press conference to deny. He's also Tweeted denials all day and had Jared and Kaleigh deny it in front of the press too.

Popcorn time bitches!

One of those top 5 things you d think will actually resonate and do legitimate damage... BUT... Well fkin teflon Don.

On a lighter note, this is like any of those Liverpool fan GIF's. Every time I look at it something else jumps out. This time it's turtle going from grinning to paralyzed in shock to retreating into his shell. :lol:
It's a good one for that! Like that guy all the way on the left in the middle, who seems to wake up from the noise and then asks his colleague what's going on.


Fox News CONFIRMING the reports Trump has just held a press conference to deny. He's also Tweeted denials all day and had Jared and Kaleigh deny it in front of the press too.

Popcorn time bitches!

The news channel won't carry it though?


Fox News CONFIRMING the reports Trump has just held a press conference to deny. He's also Tweeted denials all day and had Jared and Kaleigh deny it in front of the press too.

Popcorn time bitches!

It was a stupid war though.
Yes, but the people who died in it weren't suckers.

They certainly weren't heroes either, and I'd say many of those who returned did indeed feel like suckers afterwards.
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They certainly weren't heroes either, and I'd say many of those who returned did indeed feel like suckers afterwards.

Honestly, this is entirely moot. If you're the leader of your country you still don't call the people who died in WW1 suckers. I don't see the point in even arguing about this. If you want to start a WW1 thread, go ahead, I'm sure most of us will agree with you there.
Honestly, this is entirely moot. If you're the leader of your country you still don't call the people who died in WW1 suckers. I don't see the point in even arguing about this. If you want to start a WW1 thread, go ahead, I'm sure most of us will agree with you there.

Err...I'm referring to the Vietnam War (not WW1) as it's the conflict specifically mentioned in the tweet/post I replied to.
They are panicking in the WH.

First lady Melania Trump said the “story is not true.”
“This is not journalism – It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation,” she said.
They certainly weren't heroes either, and I'd say many of those who returned did indeed feel like suckers afterwards.
Big difference to feel like a sucker after being forced to fight in a war and being called a sucker by an outsider who managed to weasel his way out of military service.
Facts and policies are irrelevent in elections. Its a cult of personality now, and once someone chooses to be in one camp or the other then no matter what the facts are they're going to stick to there original choice. The alternative is to accept you were an idiot to be in that camp in the first place and no likes to admit they were wrong.
Trump will sweat over this, what the people like in the USA is God and their army. This will be tough for him to shake off.
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