The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I just love that he did the Tim Apple thing again :lol: I guess after a lifetime of slapping his name on all his business ventures, he just cannot comprehend that a company is not named after the CEO.

Im just waiting for him to attempt to get it right and call him Tim Cooking Apple
To think people actually worship this brain melting nonsense as "he talks like an average person"

This is what you expect from a homeless person suffering with an extreme mental illness to be screaming to no-one.

Its like watching a very bad stand up comedian. Veers wildly from topic to topic without ever actually finishing his story about the previous topic. The ability he has to focus on one thing whilst speaking is actually worse than my 5 year old son.
I think he needs another dementia test asap.........
Its like watching a very bad stand up comedian. Veers wildly from topic to topic without ever actually finishing his story about the previous topic. The ability he has to focus on one thing whilst speaking is actually worse than my 5 year old son.
I think he needs another dementia test asap.........
Person, woman, man, camera, TV

Is he able to do that? Aren't polling stations not on federal land, and elections controlled by the states? Ie, the states could just refuse?

I mean, he's Trump so he'll try to do what he wants regardless, but in a sense saying it so early should give the lawyers a chance to prevent it. Whereas if he'd just done it on the day, it would be too late.

Politically I still think this is really stupid, both for the above, and also the Democrats are now successfully making it look like he's trying to cheat with USPS - and he adds this on top? It's going to create more motivation for turnout imo.
Its like watching a very bad stand up comedian. Veers wildly from topic to topic without ever actually finishing his story about the previous topic. The ability he has to focus on one thing whilst speaking is actually worse than my 5 year old son.
I think he needs another dementia test asap.........
Exactly my thought. Shitty impro standup, that stuff made no sense at all.
Is he able to do that? Aren't polling stations not on federal land, and elections controlled by the states? Ie, the states could just refuse?

I mean, he's Trump so he'll try to do what he wants regardless, but in a sense saying it so early should give the lawyers a chance to prevent it. Whereas if he'd just done it on the day, it would be too late.

Politically I still think this is really stupid, both for the above, and also the Democrats are now successfully making it look like he's trying to cheat with USPS - and he adds this on top? It's going to create more motivation for turnout imo.

The terrified cynic in me (I've named him Bob) thinks this is just the first step. The next one is Trump floating the idea of sending in the national guard to "protect the integrity of the election" or some bs like that. What the last 4 years have shown us is that the constitution is a shitty piece of toilet paper when it comes to defining a limiting the power of the presidency and where it does do so Trump try's to plow right through it.
The terrified cynic in me (I've named him Bob) thinks this is just the first step. The next one is Trump floating the idea of sending in the national guard to "protect the integrity of the election" or some bs like that. What the last 4 years have shown us is that the constitution is a shitty piece of toilet paper when it comes to defining a limiting the power of the presidency and where it does do so Trump try's to plow right through it.
He has a real authoritarity on the subject on one (red) phone call away.
If that’s the case then we should expect to see Biden in the hospital/morgue soon after a “mysterious” poisoning.
Nah, the truly diabolical way to would be to arrange for him to be exposed to Covid.
The terrified cynic in me (I've named him Bob) thinks this is just the first step. The next one is Trump floating the idea of sending in the national guard to "protect the integrity of the election" or some bs like that. What the last 4 years have shown us is that the constitution is a shitty piece of toilet paper when it comes to defining a limiting the power of the presidency and where it does do so Trump try's to plow right through it.
This is what I've been worrying about since they first deployed that new federal police. It's completely under the control of Trump's cronies and my concern is that they'll find a pretext to make it interfere with the elections - like confiscating mail-in ballots because 'they are obviously fraudulent' (but only in Democratic counties of swing states, because 'they don't have the manpower to do it everywhere'). I know elections aren't under federal authority, but the federal policy interpreted defending federal buildings in Portland quite liberally as well. As far as I can tell, Trump and his hench(wo)men have been ratcheting up their threats about the elections this week, so I'm not quite feeling any better about this worry just yet.
The terrified cynic in me (I've named him Bob) thinks this is just the first step. The next one is Trump floating the idea of sending in the national guard to "protect the integrity of the election" or some bs like that. What the last 4 years have shown us is that the constitution is a shitty piece of toilet paper when it comes to defining a limiting the power of the presidency and where it does do so Trump try's to plow right through it.

I've worried about things like this before, but then the top minds of redcafe come in and say that this law or that constitution prevents Trump from doing this or that, despite the fact that recently Trump has been doing whatever the hell he wants. He knows he has a lot of support and they will stand by him regardless of what he does.
I've worried about things like this before, but then the top minds of redcafe come in and say that this law or that constitution prevents Trump from doing this or that, despite the fact that recently Trump has been doing whatever the hell he wants. He knows he has a lot of support and they will stand by him regardless of what he does.
Most people think he needs the military to create a mess, which is unlikely and would be difficult to pull off. Instead he has law enforcement agencies under his more direct control that are very militarized as well.
Most people think he needs the military to create a mess, which is unlikely and would be difficult to pull off. Instead he has law enforcement agencies under his more direct control that are very militarized as well.

And he has insane amounts of support amount LEA as well, the NYPD being one of the most notable among them. The police in America are basically a pseudo military as it is.
So far they haven't found the right message on Biden. Long may it continue

Now the attack ads really begin.

That's pretty lacklustre actually. Boilerplate stuff, nothing new. I had expected something much more brutal. Assuming that sort of thing, I was wondering if any other country in the west has political campaigns that are as vicious as in the US - but these ads are nothing like that.
Inevitable. He's going to try and rush through a vaccine. Surprised he hasn't even touted the Russian vaccine.
Both Bannon and Trump blaming 'deep state' today.

Everything is normal.
Just had a chat with one of my best mates in Atlanta, GA. He has been organising BLM marches in Macon, GA and Hamtramck, MI. He was a democrat Councillor in Hamtramck and a community organiser who worked to rejuvenate Detroit.

He's going to vote for Trump AGAIN! That's right, he voted for Trump 4 years ago and is going to do it again. All because he has a string of vape shops and he likes the low taxes.

As he put it, its a choice of voting with his heart or his pocket and he's going to choose his pocket.

This election is not straight forward.
Just had a chat with one of my best mates in Atlanta, GA. He has been organising BLM marches in Macon, GA and Hamtramck, MI. He was a democrat Councillor in Hamtramck and a community organiser who worked to rejuvenate Detroit.

He's going to vote for Trump AGAIN! That's right, he voted for Trump 4 years ago and is going to do it again. All because he has a string of vape shops and he likes the low taxes.

As he put it, its a choice of voting with his heart or his pocket and he's going to choose his pocket.

This election is not straight forward.

then at the end of the day all that is less important than money, which kinda makes him the quintessential Trump Republican.
then at the end of the day all that is less important than money, which kinda makes him the quintessential Trump Republican.
I think its also the American psyche as a whole. My friend is a person of colour who has faced countless instances of racism, but like you said its all less important than money. Your people really are an individualistic lot regardless of ethnicity.
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