The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump's gutting of the USPS is so outrageously brazen and treasonous I'm surprised there aren't Americans rioting on the streets over it. Its the most heinous move against democracy I've seen in recent years.
It’s very much a case of “the enemy’s enemy is your ally“ with the Lincoln Project. They’re creating a very strong platform for themselves and are going to earn a huge neo-lib following during this election. The machine they’re building to defeat Trump will be primed to get behind the GOP candidate in ‘24 and will likely destroy whatever Democrat candidate is put up. Biden is surely a one term President regardless of whether he plans to run again.
It’s very much a case of “the enemy’s enemy is your ally“ with the Lincoln Project. They’re creating a very strong platform for themselves and are going to earn a huge neo-lib following during this election. The machine they’re building to defeat Trump will be primed to get behind the GOP candidate in ‘24 and will likely destroy whatever Democrat candidate is put up. Biden is surely a one term President regardless of whether he plans to run again.

100%, and it won’t be difficult to turn on Biden when the time comes.

Surely no one thinks he actually really cares much about his brother. It's a tool, a means to an end. Someone find me some good examples of times when Trump actually displayed some genuine affection and sympathy for someone. The whole funeral at the WH thing is just another way for him to try and trigger the Dems, and so he can try and use it as a spotlight. Guarantee you it ll be partly televised with some incoherent eulogy at the end that's more campaign speech than eulogy.

I feel like a dick for thinking someone would use the death of a sibling that way, but it's hard to look at it any other way with his track record.
It’s very much a case of “the enemy’s enemy is your ally“ with the Lincoln Project. They’re creating a very strong platform for themselves and are going to earn a huge neo-lib following during this election. The machine they’re building to defeat Trump will be primed to get behind the GOP candidate in ‘24 and will likely destroy whatever Democrat candidate is put up. Biden is surely a one term President regardless of whether he plans to run again.
Probably so. To be fair, they have attacked many of the 'normal' Republicans (McConnell, Cruz, Graham, Rubio, Corbyn, Collins etc), but I don't think they might have a problem on switching sides when the time comes. As long as there won't be another Trump in 2024 (or some more refined version of Trump without the ugliness).

I hope that the Dems know this full well.
Probably so. To be fair, they have attacked many of the 'normal' Republicans (McConnell, Cruz, Graham, Rubio, Corbyn, Collins etc), but I don't think they might have a problem on switching sides when the time comes. As long as there won't be another Trump in 2024 (or some more refined version of Trump without the ugliness).

I hope that the Dems know this full well.

I have a suspicion that the LP is the radical democrats arms when they need to play dirty

I mean that video and accusation would end a democrat. Or most Republicans, or politicians in history or elsewhere. I simply cant understand how Trump is immune to the truth.

That's the f'ing head of the DHS!!! If he said jump for the last 20 years, the GOP asked how high.

But he comes out with the fact the President is too stupid and selfish to do the job, and crickets?
Surely no one thinks he actually really cares much about his brother. It's a tool, a means to an end. Someone find me some good examples of times when Trump actually displayed some genuine affection and sympathy for someone. The whole funeral at the WH thing is just another way for him to try and trigger the Dems, and so he can try and use it as a spotlight. Guarantee you it ll be partly televised with some incoherent eulogy at the end that's more campaign speech than eulogy.

I feel like a dick for thinking someone would use the death of a sibling that way, but it's hard to look at it any other way with his track record.

Why wouldn’t he care deeply about this massively important person in his life that I don’t actually remember him mentioning once in the entire 3.5 years he’s been in office?
Anderson Cooper destroys MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell over COVID-19 'snake oil' remedy

Cue circus music.
Definitely. The worst thing is that she probably would have made way more money on book deals and interviews than whatever it is he's promised her if she keeps her mouth shut. Or maybe he has some dirt on her as well.

My guess is it's this and/or something to do with Baron, the only Trump she probably doesn't want dead.

Edit: but to be clear, she is a complicit piece of shit.
Not sure how "she is a complicit piece of shit" can be interpreted as assuming she is not as bad as the rest of them......
Well the edit was after I’d posted, but the general vibe of her only sticking with him for the payout suggests she’s not as actively scummy.
A thing can be two things. She is sticking with him for the payout, but she is also actively scummy.
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