Not sure if a similar tweet hasn't been posted earlier. Snowden and Assange are cowards to keep quiet.
Snowden has commented many times on this critical of Trump. Assange on the other hand is using Wikileaks for his personal motives.
Not sure if a similar tweet hasn't been posted earlier. Snowden and Assange are cowards to keep quiet.
This is why the Republicans are blindly walking into a minefield by trying to repeal Obamacare. The Dems have a tremendous opportunity to seize on this.
This is why the Republicans are blindly walking into a minefield by trying to repeal Obamacare. The Dems have a tremendous opportunity to seize on this.
I know but my point is a different one. Both accused Clinton of being a puppet of Goldman Sachs but both keep quiet when Trump brings on 6 GS guys. Both have no integrity whatsoever.They get lumped together but their motivations are very different. Snowden believes everyone has a right to privacy. Assange the exact opposite (apart from when he's the person being exposed, anyway)
Specifically on Trump's Goldman Sachs picks? If so I missed that, my bad. But Snowden is naive if not stupid to not have know prior to the election that Trump personifies business establishment including investment banking.Snowden has commented many times on this critical of Trump. Assange on the other hand is using Wikileaks for his personal motives.
A = Assange ?Just scrolled to "P" for donors and no Putin![]()
Oh aye the man seems to be a nutcase allright, but why does Putin seem to be religiously following the strategies set out in his book?
$2,700 is the maximum an individual's allowed to donate to a campaign, not sure about 400 and 800.I don't have a clue about any of these things but is it not a bit odd that there is an absolute tonne of contributions all exactly $2,700? Is there a reason for that or just coincidence??
Edit - $400, $800 and $2,700. Was there a set amount on his website you could pledge?
There's a Priscilla Hoekstra on there - I picked that name out because it seems fairly uncommon. Searched on Facebook for her and found what might be her page and she's sharing "Thank You Obama" videos and anti-Trump videos![]()
feck that guy asking the question. He only gave a shit about healthcare for others when he himself got sick. Typical fecking selfish republican.
$2,700 is the maximum an individual's allowed to donate to a campaign, not sure about 400 and 800.
I don't have a clue about any of these things but is it not a bit odd that there is an absolute tonne of contributions all exactly $2,700? Is there a reason for that or just coincidence??
Edit - $400, $800 and $2,700. Was there a set amount on his website you could pledge?
There's a Priscilla Hoekstra on there - I picked that name out because it seems fairly uncommon. Searched on Facebook for her and found what might be her page and she's sharing "Thank You Obama" videos and anti-Trump videos![]()
Season Yerasimides - surely a unique name? Had a look on her Facebook page and she's ridiculing both Trump and Clinton. It's definitely a bunch of fake names, laundering the money into his campaign.
Perhaps but at least he seems to have realised his error. Sort of.
Careful now. It looks as though you're getting sucked into the kind of pointless yet time-consuming distraction that could only be of interest to someone who should be studying for his exams instead.
It's the most you're allowed to donate to a candidate's campaign fund per election, so even if you broke it into smaller amounts like 1.7 and 1k it would still be your limit. Though after that you can still donate to PACs (and Super PACs, which can take unlimited contributions) and national parties.That makes sense, the maximum single donation I assume?
This is why the Republicans are blindly walking into a minefield by trying to repeal Obamacare. The Dems have a tremendous opportunity to seize on this.
It's the most you're allowed to donate to a candidate's campaign fund per election, so even if you broke it into smaller amounts like 1.7 and 1k it would still be your limit. Though after that you can still donate to PACs (and Super PACs, which can take unlimited contributions) and national parties.
"I'm anti-Trump. But in the spat between Trump and the intelligence agencies, I'm Team Trump all the way. He was elected. By 62 million people. Lying, assassinating, war-starting spooks are a law unto themselves. In a clash between the people's choice for leader and the most secretive, unaccountable form of power, with its history of toppling Third World governments and bumping off foreign politicians it doesn't like, a lot of the left is cheering the latter. Amazing."
Never heard of him. But even his z lists are getting cold feet.
It's quite a tribute to the totalitarian instincts of the left, isn't it?
A completely pointless thread of discussion. As if journos have some sort of insight as to what is going in inside the agencies.
Isn't that the point though?
Actually China is not that powerful as everybody try to paint, less nukes than France, their navy is a joke and probably UK has a stronger navy and besides having millions of soldiers - funny way to classify a country's military strength when Iraq was the "4th" largest army in the world and took US 1 or 2 weeks to run over them, so will be no war and China is digging their own hole anyway when they keep messing with Japan because soon or later the younger generation will say - feck it! and they will rebuilt their military power again with nukes and way better technology than China.Yes they do. And there are possibly ways of circumventing that through very careful application of influence and power and support for neighbouring threatened countries. Ultimately though, China is incredibly powerful economically and militarily and going in strong will lead to war or embarrasment.
Well they don't know and are presuming its some sort of institutional push back against Trump when in fact it could just be a few rogue insiders with an axe to grind. Cue the dramatic Greenwald proclaiming "deep state subversion".
Just had a look on The Donald subreddit and my mind was blown. I couldn't believe what I was reading.
Actually China is not that powerful as everybody try to paint, less nukes than France, their navy is a joke and probably UK has a stronger navy and besides having millions of soldiers - funny way to classify a country's military strength when Iraq was the "4th" largest army in the world and took US 1 or 2 weeks to run over them, so will be no war and China is digging their own hole anyway when they keep messing with Japan because soon or later the younger generation will say - feck it! and they will rebuilt their military power again with nukes and way better technology than China.
Actually China is not that powerful as everybody try to paint, less nukes than France, their navy is a joke and probably UK has a stronger navy and besides having millions of soldiers - funny way to classify a country's military strength when Iraq was the "4th" largest army in the world and took US 1 or 2 weeks to run over them, so will be no war and China is digging their own hole anyway when they keep messing with Japan because soon or later the younger generation will say - feck it! and they will rebuilt their military power again with nukes and way better technology than China.
I thought he was asleep.Ben Carson is funny.