The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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To be fair the second sentence of that article is “Earlier, organisers cancelled an "overflow" event at Tulsa's 19,000-seat Bank of Oklahoma Center when the expected crowds failed to materialise.”
Yea I know, so why the headline that gives the impression the crowds turned up in droves spite of the concerns?
Honestly imagine being this subservient to anyone, let alone this fat meat potato.
Biden just sitting back and letting it all happen and implode seems like a good strategy now.

My college graduation had a bigger crowd than that.

Which is precisely the right move. Left to his own desperate devices, Trump will do much of Biden's work for him.
What I love most about this is he comes across as a loser as his base will see it that way too.

“Wait, what does it mean if donald can’t fill a stadium? does that mean he’s uncool?”
If that was the case then it would and should have happened a long time ago as he comes across as a loser almost every single day. Anyway his team has already pointed out who to blame for this low turnout, and its sure is not Trump.
Some pepper pellets were shot into a crowd. The cops were cornered with a few rednecks revving their engines like they were going to charge into protesters but nothing came of it. I don’t see any buildings on fire, so other than the bad optics of the lady being arrested it was not a bad day.

We also just had an earthquake after Donald departed; clearly the Gods were jumping for joy.

A big achievement to be fair. Finally he showed that he can actually drink a glass of water by using only one hand. In every other picture/video he has, it is using both hands to keep the glass.

Fully deserved applause.
Trump's inevitable downfall has started in the public eye. Everyone can finally see that he's a sick, mentally impaired shell. The next five months are going to be brutal for him.
he told the agency to slow down testing because "minor cases" inflate the numbers.

I mean, can you get any more malicious intent? He's perfectly happy keeping people in the dark about being infected, people that will pass it on to vulnerable people just through interacting day-to-day, because a number on a graph made him look bad. Far out.

'Donald Trump’s campaign has blamed “radical protesters’ for frightening away the president’s supporters from tonight’s rally in Tulsa.

“Sadly, protesters interfered with supporters, even blocking access to metal detectors, which prevented people from entering the rally. Radical protesters coupled with relentless onslaught from the media, attempted to frighten off the President’s supporters. We are proud of the thousands who stuck it out,” said campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh.' (Guardian)

It was actually TikTok kids :D
Oh man, the poor orange fecker just can't catch a break! :lol: Getting it from all angles.

Who is this Terence Williams guy, got his head up Trumps arse:

Yeah he's one major kiss ass who genuinely believes Trump is all for the common black person. I fear for his sanity when Trump gets dumped in November. He really is one of the more fanatical and deluded ones out there. Apparently most of his family are brainwashed too. Sad.
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