The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but the attorney Barr wants to get in to replace Berman is apparently a fkin Deutsche Bank guy.
Part of Trump's plan to make America great again for the working class by putting top executives from the banking world in high places.

Nothing says stand up for Joe plumber like Deutsche Bank.
Hmmm.....the same Deutsche Bank that was still giving loans to Trump when every other lender knew he was toxic? :wenger:
This is all on senate Republicans. Trump is Trump and fck knows who took Barrs lunch money as a kid but the senate is the check and balance here and the GOP have abdicated its responsibility.

I just hope history will excoriate these traitors. We're watching in real time as an empire burns itself to the ground.
This is all on senate Republicans. Trump is Trump and fck knows who took Barrs lunch money as a kid but the senate is the check and balance here and the GOP have abdicated its responsibility.

I just hope history will excoriate these traitors. We're watching in real time as an empire burns itself to the ground.
You say it as if the senate Republicans are regretting any of this. They’re not just failing to condone it, they’re complicit because they’re either corrupt, compromised or drank the kool-aid.
You say it as if the senate Republicans are regretting any of this. They’re not just failing to condone it, they’re complicit because they’re either corrupt, compromised or drank the kool-aid.
Or all of the above, in many cases.
He looks photoshopped into the picture.
For all his (supposed) political convictions and his need to prolong his lucrative career(s), I get the impression that Farage can't stand being out of the limelight for very long.
There’s not. Nor has there ever been one.

Entry restrictions would be tough for you and I. Farage would have no problems.

This is from the gov.UK website:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions
Since 16 March, it is not possible for many British nationals to enter the USA if they have been in the UK, Ireland, Schengen zone, Iran or China within the previous 14 days.

US citizens and permanent residents of the USA, certain specified close family members and certain other limited categories of visas holders (such as UN staff and diplomats) are exempt. They will still be able to enter the USA, subject to normal entry requirements.

Those allowed entry to the USA must be prepared to self-isolate for up to 14 days after arrival.

I am assuming he falls under the "diplomat" exemption.
Yet another blow from a federal Judge. Guess Judges believe in Law and Order and not pampering to a man child in chief .
I should bloody well hope not. The man should be prosecuted.

Well we certainly don't want his ass, so he is not a us citizen or resident. I guess his status as Trump's bitch might qualify him as a close family member?
This is from the gov.UK website:

I am assuming he falls under the "diplomat" exemption.

Ta. I dont know why people think the UK has ever had a travel ban. We’ve never really banned anything. We just suggest and recommend shit. Then cross our fingers.

Farage would have had no problems with his Visa.
Attempt to fire powerful NY prosecutor appears to be latest move to protect Trump
The Trump administration's attempt to oust one of America's most powerful prosecutors raises fresh and glaring suspicions about its assault on the independence of the justice system and its respect for the rule of law that underpins constitutional governance.
The backbiting in American politics feels increasingly reminiscent of the power moves taken on floor of the Roman Senate or in the throne room of the Ottoman Empire. The only saving grace is that it's done through sacking and demotion rather than daggers or poison. But it's every bit as petty, vengeful and self-debasing.
Where’s the outcry from law respecting pols, on both sides?
It looks like the Repubs are abdicating or ignoring their responsibilities again.
They want that friendly prosecutor because barr knows the shit trump is in and his prospects of re election could look very slim closer to election day.
The guy they’re trying to oust was put in place by Trump was he not?

Sure I read he was a republican and Trump donor.
The guy they’re trying to oust was put in place by Trump was he not?

Sure I read he was a republican and Trump donor.

Not sure about his party affiliation, but he was put in place by a judge, not by trump. That is why he is arguing Barr can not remove him.
Not sure about his party affiliation, but he was put in place by a judge, not by trump. That is why he is arguing Barr can not remove him.

This is from the Fox News story I linked at the top of the page:

Berman, a Republican who contributed to the president’s election campaign, worked for the same law firm as Giuliani and was put in his job by the Trump administration. But as U.S. attorney, he won over some skeptics after he went after Trump allies.

He had recused himself from directly overseeing the Cohen investigation for reasons that were never disclosed.

Berman was appointed by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in January 2018, months after Bharara was fired after refusing to resign along with dozens of other federal prosecutors appointed by President Barack Obama.
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