The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I dont think so at all. Trump is barely coherent these days, and incapable of answering seemingly direct questions. His new approach is to just call a reporter nasty and move on. You cant really do that in a debate.

Similarly, while Biden obviously isn't a Harris or Bernie, he also isn't nearly as bad as clips highlighting mistake make him sound. His last two speeches have been good imo.

Plus if Trump gets attacked he will absolutley lose it.
This is America’s Fascist Collapse
And it’s Almost Too Late to Stop It

"See that pic above? Americans woke up to soldiers and fencing surrounding the White House. An op-ed in the New York Times calling for the use of domestic military force, aka, soldiers shooting people in the streets. Major cities under curfew. A phalanx of mysterious men in body armour carrying machine guns, only without badges, who wouldn’t respond to questions — like Trump’s new personal secret police. Or maybe SS.

Finally — finally — the general understanding seemed to dawn that this was fascism. Pundits and intellectuals used the word “fascism” for the first time. They were horrified and shocked. The idea seems to be, right about now, that America’s in danger of having a fascist collapse.


What the hell do you think the last four years have been?"
Been a fascist state longer than four years, it has just been shrouded in acceptable window dressing. Now that pretty facade is starting to fade.
I dont think so at all. Trump is barely coherent these days, and incapable of answering seemingly direct questions. His new approach is to just call a reporter nasty and move on. You cant really do that in a debate.

Similarly, while Biden obviously isn't a Harris or Bernie, he also isn't nearly as bad as clips highlighting mistake make him sound. His last two speeches have been good imo.

Plus if Trump gets attacked he will absolutley lose it.

Joe Biden used to be handy with his fists. I reckon he should just get Trump riled up and then chin the cnut on live TV. He'd win in a landslide.
Trump will crucify Biden in a live debate.

Completely disagree with this. Much as I didn’t want Biden as the candidate, he’s perfect to go toe to toe with Trump in a debate. The reason Trump survived his 2016 debates was because the others tried to maintain an air of superiority and decorum while Trump slithered in the mud. Biden is a fighter and will throw punches without restraint.

Trumps actually extremely bad at receiving attacks, he’s the stereotypical school bully. See how he rage reacts on Twitter and bear in mind that’s after several minutes of thought and stewing. On stage he doesn’t have that, he’ll have to react instantly and in the full glare of the camera. Once Joe starts going to town on him, he’ll explode. Especially after 4 years of being treated in person like he’s god.
Completely disagree with this. Much as I didn’t want Biden as the candidate, he’s perfect to go toe to toe with Trump in a debate. The reason Trump survived his 2016 debates was because the others tried to maintain an air of superiority and decorum while Trump slithered in the mud. Biden is a fighter and will throw punches without restraint.

Trumps actually extremely bad at receiving attacks, he’s the stereotypical school bully. See how he rage reacts on Twitter and bear in mind that’s after several minutes of thought and stewing. On stage he doesn’t have that, he’ll have to react instantly and in the full glare of the camera. Once Joe starts going to town on him, he’ll explode.

Biden can barely remember his own name. There’s no chance he’s mentally equipped to handle someone that spews shite as effectively as trump.

If the debates have a defining role in the outcome of the election, Biden is fcuked.
Isn't it the case that Biden doesn't have to engage Trump as much as a previous challenger might have with a current president, given Trump's penchant for polarising so many. It could be the case that Biden just needs to look competent in comparison, which really shouldn't be that hard given recent events.
Isn't it the case that Biden doesn't have to engage Trump as much as a previous challenger might have with a current president, given Trump's penchant for polarising so many. It could be the case that Biden just needs to look competent in comparison, which really shouldn't be that hard given recent events.
not doing great so far
He could have destroyed uber moron Sarah Palin during the old debates; unfortunately, he was far too gentlemanly, while his eyes rolled around her boobs like a mountain-top rollercoaster.
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not doing great so far

That clip is from 2 months ago. This is kind of my point. He gave a great speech, just 6 days ago. Here, I'll do the work for you: That's a full 20 minute speech, where he sounds like empathetic, motivated and a leader.

I know folks don't like the man for various reasons, but implying he's a village idiot because of tiny selective clips is kind of unfair. You could do that with a huge range of public figures.
That clip is from 2 months ago. This is kind of my point. He gave a great speech, just 6 days ago. Here, I'll do the work for you: That's a full 20 minute speech, where he sounds like empathetic, motivated and a leader.

I know folks don't like the man for various reasons, but implying he's a village idiot because of tiny selective clips is kind of unfair. You could do that with a huge range of public figures.

He's 77 and looks old and fatigue. That's not selective. That just calling it as it is.
That clip is from 2 months ago. This is kind of my point. He gave a great speech, just 6 days ago. Here, I'll do the work for you: That's a full 20 minute speech, where he sounds like empathetic, motivated and a leader.

I know folks don't like the man for various reasons, but implying he's a village idiot because of tiny selective clips is kind of unfair. You could do that with a huge range of public figures.

If Trump gets pinned down or mis-states something, he bullshits and blusters and lies his way to his next sound bite. Biden will wait it out.

If Biden experiences the same, he frequently flounders. Trump will not wait. He’ll be that ugly vile creature that he is, mocking a stutter, highlighting a half second, ignoring the previous 3 minutes.

The Debates favour Trump. Massively. In my opinion of course.
Trump doesn't have to debate if he doesn't want.

He could just do his rallies for the rest of campaign season.

And then Biden will call him a pathetic coward who doesn't dare face him. A few days (minutes) of that and the debate will be back on.
He's 77 and looks old and fatigue. That's not selective. That just calling it as it is.
Sorry, I was referring to Sub_Tzu posting 'gaff' clips.
He is indeed old. But it is what it is. He can still be old and win.
If Trump gets pinned down or mis-states something, he bullshits and blusters and lies his way to his next sound bite. Biden will wait it out.

If Biden experiences the same, he frequently flounders. Trump will not wait. He’ll be that ugly vile creature that he is, mocking a stutter, highlighting a half second, ignoring the previous 3 minutes.

The Debates favour Trump. Massively. In my opinion of course.

Why would anyone want to vote for a vile bully? Unless they were the same of course.
Why would anyone want to vote for a vile bully? Unless they were the same of course.
The hope would be that he'd turn off the 13 undecideds still left out there.

His base will love it. Just watch that video a page back of Klepper interviewing them. But he can't win with just his base.
I dont really like old president. But against trump anything goes.

I see my 80 years grandma and think no way she can stand the stress of being president

There's a crazy amount of difference between different old people though. My mum is about 75 and can barely walk, yet I knew about a guy in his 90's who used to go on hundred km bike rides. It's definitely not an ideal situation, but I think after a career in Washington Biden can probably handle it.
He could have destroyed uber moron Sarah Palin during the old debates; unfortunately, he was far too gentlemanly, while his eyes rolled around her boobs like a mountain-top rollercoaster.
Mr. O'Biden!!!!! Every fecking time. The Republicans certainly send their worst.
If Trump gets pinned down or mis-states something, he bullshits and blusters and lies his way to his next sound bite. Biden will wait it out.

If Biden experiences the same, he frequently flounders. Trump will not wait. He’ll be that ugly vile creature that he is, mocking a stutter, highlighting a half second, ignoring the previous 3 minutes.

The Debates favour Trump. Massively. In my opinion of course.
This sounds likely, and possibly is the worst case scenario. I think it's hard to know before the first on is underway.

Hopefully Biden and his team does have a good strategy when it comes to handling Trump in a debate. I assume trying to confront him, force him to actually answer questions, arrest him when he doesn't and possibly try to force a complete meltdown might be good for Biden.

My hope is that if Biden goes moderate and simply avoids coming across as the massive thundercnut his opponent is, it'll be enough to win him those crucial votes in the swing states needed to win the election. There surely must be a lot of people out there, outside Trump's base but still Republican, who have some serious doubts about the guy. Hopefully many would rather see an interim period of Biden and simply wait for the Republicans to find a candidate who isn't quite as psycho as Trump.
My hope is that if Biden goes moderate and simply avoids coming across as the massive thundercnut his opponent is, it'll be enough to win him those crucial votes in the swing states needed to win the election.

That's literally the mistake that led to Trump winning both the Republican primaries and the general election in 2016.
If Trump gets pinned down or mis-states something, he bullshits and blusters and lies his way to his next sound bite. Biden will wait it out.

If Biden experiences the same, he frequently flounders. Trump will not wait. He’ll be that ugly vile creature that he is, mocking a stutter, highlighting a half second, ignoring the previous 3 minutes.

The Debates favour Trump. Massively. In my opinion of course.
Maybe but at this point the brashness and childish name calling of trump is wearing thin on on a lot of people he needs to vote for him. I doubt a lot of people who are motivated to vote in 20 that didn't turn up in 16 are marching for him. If he wants to be a cnut in the debates let him but that doesn't automatically make him the winner.
Hopefully many would rather see an interim period of Biden and simply wait for the Republicans to find a candidate who isn't quite as psycho as Trump.

I’d go as far as saying almost all Republicans would be happy with Biden, and almost all of his policies, if he was on the Red ticket. He’s hardly left wing.

America is a failure.
There's a crazy amount of difference between different old people though. My mum is about 75 and can barely walk, yet I knew about a guy in his 90's who used to go on hundred km bike rides. It's definitely not an ideal situation, but I think after a career in Washington Biden can probably handle it.

Off course, My grandma is sick, Bidden is healthy, but still it's human nature to slow down with age.

You're not as sharp, you can't work longer hour, you'll need your nap, you can't be expected to stand in the rain like a prime Obama, etc.

Not a dig at Biden but oh well
Off course, My grandma is sick, Bidden is healthy, but still it's human nature to slow down with age.

You're not as sharp, you can't work longer hour, you'll need your nap, you can't be expected to stand in the rain like a prime Obama, etc.

Not a dig at Biden but oh well

You're right. Hopefully having a US president who nods off during long meetings might actually stop them doing any more insane shit for a few years though. Here's hoping..
That's literally the mistake that led to Trump winning both the Republican primaries and the general election in 2016.
I'd argue that part of the issue also was the fact that his opponent was a much hated Hillary, the fact that she was a woman and that FBI announcement just before election day.

Not sure where Biden stands among the average American, Republicans and swing voters, but I imagine an old white man has a certain appeal among the group of people who normally go for a Republican.
That's like saying 'I'm popular with unpopular people'.
I think the scousers are fixing the polls again...

'Fox: We report, He plays golf'
The other thing working in Trump's favor when it comes to him vs Biden is the fact that any time Trump misspeaks, any time he goes from non-sequitur to non-sequitur, any time he rambles on inanely about a particular topic: well, that's just Donnie being Donnie. Nothing to see here. Whereas I don't think Biden has that luxury. His mistakes will be poured over, highlighted, and used against him. And, let's be honest, he's probably going to make a few cockups along the way as senescence slowly creeps in.

It's a shame because he seems like a pugnacious type of character who could really rile Trump up if he can hold it together.
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