The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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His support is starting to dwindle and many more are openly coming out against him now. His re-election is definitely not as certain as it was a few months ago. His reaction to the protests and COVID-19 have definitely not only chipped away at his base and awoken many to his constant lies, but also forced many to speak out against him.

The perfect example. The pictures and videos show it was a huge crowd of peaceful protestors yesterday, yet as per usual Bunker Boy has to lie because it embarrasses him and makes him look weak because instead of addressing the issues he's resorted to building walls and fences around The White House and hiding inside. He looks weak and cowardly and that is not good in the eyes of a macho power obsessed voter base.
I don't understand how Democrats don't absolute slaughter Trump with his own Tweets - he is rife for torment up to the point of ridicule by simply pairing his own previous Tweets to his actions.

Pushed hard enough, he will say or do something he won't be able to wriggle out of.
I don't understand how Democrats don't absolute slaughter Trump with his own Tweets - he is rife for torment up to the point of ridicule by simply pairing his own previous Tweets to his actions.

Pushed hard enough, he will say or do something he won't be able to wriggle out of.

Unfortunately they need to realise they need to fight at his level because that is what riles him and makes him explode. They should be doing that and pushing his buttons all of the time.
I don't understand how Democrats don't absolute slaughter Trump with his own Tweets - he is rife for torment up to the point of ridicule by simply pairing his own previous Tweets to his actions.

Pushed hard enough, he will say or do something he won't be able to wriggle out of.

He isn't called Teflon Don for nothing. To list some examples he has:

1. Already been impeached
2. Lied about Stormy Daniels
3. Been caught talking about his sexual misconduct and grabbing women by the p***y
3. Mocked a disabled person on TV
4. Said that there are fine people amongst the right wing extremists
5. Already had at least 5 of his fixers imprisoned
6. Suggested that the nation use bleach to treat COVID-19
7. Said that the upturn in job numbers was a great day for George Floyd

and these are just some of the more high profile incidents during his presidency. It's more an indictment of the GOP than a reflection on Democrsats.
Unfortunately they need to realise they need to fight at his level because that is what riles him and makes him explode. They should be doing that and pushing his buttons all of the time.
Definitely. The second after a rally or tweet where he insults someone's appearance then the hair and makeup should be fair game. The world should know what's behind the bronzer and under the triple twist comb over.

His support is starting to dwindle and many more are openly coming out against him now. His re-election is definitely not as certain as it was a few months ago. His reaction to the protests and COVID-19 have definitely not only chipped away at his base and awoken many to his constant lies, but also forced many to speak out against him.

The perfect example. The pictures and videos show it was a huge crowd of peaceful protestors yesterday, yet as per usual Bunker Boy has to lie because it embarrasses him and makes him look weak because instead of addressing the issues he's resorted to building walls and fences around The White House and hiding inside. He looks weak and cowardly and that is not good in the eyes of a macho power obsessed voter base.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that's noticed the recent trend on his twitter comments just being generic spam anti-trump memes? It took about 8 comments down to find one that's relevant to what he's just posted - one that points out his lying. I'm not saying it's intentional, but it just makes his opponents on twitter look like mindless ranters and makes me think that his little Russian bots are behind it.

On another note I need more tin foil.
Unfortunately they need to realise they need to fight at his level because that is what riles him and makes him explode. They should be doing that and pushing his buttons all of the time.
He isn't called Teflon Don for nothing. To list some examples he has:

1. Already been impeached
2. Lied about Stormy Daniels
3. Been caught talking about his sexual misconduct and grabbing women by the p***y
3. Mocked a disabled person on TV
4. Said that there are fine people amongst the right wing extremists
5. Already had at least 5 of his fixers imprisoned
6. Suggested that the nation use bleach to treat COVID-19
7. Said that the upturn in job numbers was a great day for George Floyd

and these are just some of the more high profile incidents during his presidency. It's more an indictment of the GOP than a reflection on Democrsats.
To be honest, I should have made clear I meant fighting on his level on the puerile side of things. Character assassination, if you will. His Tweet matched to his action in his time of needing to come to the fore.

He Tweeted President Xi should go and speak to the protesters (2014) and all would be settled; he himself hid in a bunker and has fortified his castle. Hold that Tweet up for the world at large to see, run VT off the headline news he was in a bunker.

He Tweeted about the successful walk to the church; run an overlaying VT of of the news stating he had protesters tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets to get there.

He Tweets the protests have died down - run a video that factually shows the throng of bodies protesting on those same streets on the same day he tweeted what he did.

Just run through his Twitter account and slaughter him and then ask if this is the president you can trust. Repeatedly.

His rabid supporters will remain non-plussed, but with the right amount of buttons pressed, I'd put money on this guy self-combusting.
I wonder what the Estevan Bruins management would think having a QAnon supporting racist on their payroll?
Rather odd a Canadian is pimping Trump propaganda.
What a loon.

See his tweets have been multi reported and tags to ice hockey team, employer, RMP and even Trudeau :)

Can't even begin to understand the mindset of people who make comments like that ... don't know if keyboard warriors or just plain idiots. He may be a bit of both.
'Just got off the phone to Premier Whatisname. Great man! Great leader of his great country. He said I was amazing, after I loaned him $110bn. But he didn't say "Thank you, Mr President", so he's a twat from a shit country which I now want to bomb!'

He did this a few years back and there’s some reused footage but some of it is clearly new and recent as well.

fecking morons.
Murkowski struggling to support Trump in November.

Trump tweets back that he will endorse anyone with a pulse - good or bad - on Alaska’s primaries in 2022.
ABC said:
Protestors have gathered in front of Trump International Hotel, chanting “Throw him out!”
"Are they chanting 'Throw Kim out'?"
"Er...yes sir, Mr President."
To be honest, I should have made clear I meant fighting on his level on the puerile side of things. Character assassination, if you will. His Tweet matched to his action in his time of needing to come to the fore.

He Tweeted President Xi should go and speak to the protesters (2014) and all would be settled; he himself hid in a bunker and has fortified his castle. Hold that Tweet up for the world at large to see, run VT off the headline news he was in a bunker.

He Tweeted about the successful walk to the church; run an overlaying VT of of the news stating he had protesters tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets to get there.

He Tweets the protests have died down - run a video that factually shows the throng of bodies protesting on those same streets on the same day he tweeted what he did.

Just run through his Twitter account and slaughter him and then ask if this is the president you can trust. Repeatedly.

His rabid supporters will remain non-plussed, but with the right amount of buttons pressed, I'd put money on this guy self-combusting.

Right. They need to humiliate him. He is going to lose it. Even in the debate ( if there is one) Biden has to humiliate him. He is going to self destruct.
This is America’s Fascist Collapse
And it’s Almost Too Late to Stop It

"See that pic above? Americans woke up to soldiers and fencing surrounding the White House. An op-ed in the New York Times calling for the use of domestic military force, aka, soldiers shooting people in the streets. Major cities under curfew. A phalanx of mysterious men in body armour carrying machine guns, only without badges, who wouldn’t respond to questions — like Trump’s new personal secret police. Or maybe SS.

Finally — finally — the general understanding seemed to dawn that this was fascism. Pundits and intellectuals used the word “fascism” for the first time. They were horrified and shocked. The idea seems to be, right about now, that America’s in danger of having a fascist collapse.


What the hell do you think the last four years have been?"

Trump to (possibly) make historic speech and have his own MLK 'I have a dream' moment. He's obviously seen the light and has changed...


He's still a fascist cnut and the speech could be a fecking disaster and add more fuel to an already immensely out of control fire.

RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — South Dakota tourism officials say the number of ticket requests Friday for President Donald Trump’s planned appearance at a Mount Rushmore fireworks show were nearly four times the amount available in the lottery.

Officials said they received nearly 5,700 applications requesting nearly 29,000 tickets by midday on Friday, the first day of ticket sales, the Rapid City Journal reported. Maximum capacity for the July 3 event is 7,500 people in ticketed areas.

An executive order for his face to be added to Mount Rushmore incoming.
Sorry, what now? How can any publisher move ahead without classification clearance? I mean I want to see as much info as possible, but that sounds unbelievable.

My guess is that they’ve had their lawyers go over it and they believe they’ve satisfied all reasonable classification requests and they’re prepared for the legal action (which will probably never actually materialise anyway). I reckon all the stuff they’re trying to classify is completely benign and has no right being classified and could actually be considered misuse of the classification system which is what they would be confident arguing in court.

It’s a bit like the NDAs Trump has his government officials sign. They’re really not worth the paper they’re written on.
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