Red Defence
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It's a bit churlish to laugh at spelling mistakes but..... Whales
He’s corrected it now and set off on a bit of a rant.
It's a bit churlish to laugh at spelling mistakes but..... Whales
Faux and Friends already trying to walk back what he said.
Is 'the Donald', just a dumb fecker who managed to fool millions in the USA into voting him President, or is he a master of misdirection?
Tump's tweets you might believe, are almost designed to draw the fire of the media and his opponents and take the spotlight away from other things, if they continue to show him to be a 'dumb feck' so what, whose minds will it changed? Whenever as President he tweets something ridiculous and he takes the spotlight away from real issues, Climate change, trade war with China, brinksmanship with Iran, etc. so what... those who believe he is not a dumb fecker will not think any more or any less of him for that.
His way of winning the Presidency and they way he has run his administration via tweets, holding on to his core vote, etc. will all become text book 'must' reads for future scholars of Political Science.
Its all happening 'before your very eyes folks'!
It simply shows that half of the us populations arent exactly smart.
The level of feckwittery is very crude it's, it's not layered in some kind of sophisticated high security evilness. It's pure bigotry from his own mouth and still their fans love him.
It's time we face the reality, it's not trump, it's half of america. They're not being fooled, maybe this is how their views and their beliefs after all.
But she won't impeach.
1. Doing their job.
2. If impeached by the House and not convicted by the Senate, then he will go around the country claiming "total exoneration", but people will understand that REPUBLICANS have not found him guilty.
3. If, however, he's not impeached, then he will go around the country claiming "total exoneration", but then it will be seen that DEMOCRATS have not found him guilty. Big difference. Not only that, his claim that it was a witch hunt will resonate more.
Blah, blah, blah,” she said after a reporter recounted the OSC’s past findings.
“If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work,” Conway added. “Let me know when the jail sentence starts.”
There’s a small part of me that would love to see him get elected again with a democratic supermajority in the house and senate with turtle mcturtleface as impotent minority leader.
Trump and all his cronies in the executive branch impeached, convicted and sentenced.
Her job is not to worry about the senate. Her job is to act as an oversight of the executive.But it'd never fly in the Senate anyway. Whats' the point with that impeachment obsession, then?
But it'd never fly in the Senate anyway. Whats' the point with that impeachment obsession, then?
If Trump was to be impeached but not convicted in the Senate...
Who in the world is going to be, "I was skeptical about Trump, but after the Senate decided not convict him, he's right that it's a witch hunt"? Literally no one. Everyone's opinions on Trump is already set in stone. His fanbase don't even know their ass from their head so who cares what they say about it? I really don't get that logic from anyone who is against the impeachment process. It needs to happen because that's literally their job. If he can't get convicted, then so what? At least do it out of principle and show a little bit of backbone instead of being the pussies that epitomize the DNC.
If Trump was to be impeached but not convicted in the Senate...
Who in the world is going to be, "I was skeptical about Trump, but after the Senate decided not convict him, he's right that it's a witch hunt"? Literally no one. Everyone's opinions on Trump is already set in stone. His fanbase don't even know their ass from their head so who cares what they say about it? I really don't get that logic from anyone who is against the impeachment process. It needs to happen because that's literally their job. If he can't get convicted, then so what? At least do it out of principle and show a little bit of backbone instead of being the pussies that epitomize the DNC.
That kind of sounds like an impeachment processI actually agree with Pelosi on this.
Dot the i’s and cross the t’s procedurally. Weigh the administration down in legislation and testimonies. Fatigue them.
Meanwhile drip feed and spoon feed the public all the evidence you can that Trump and the republicans are nothing more than a criminal racket. Spend the next 18 months having nationally broadcast public hearings highlighting all criminal and morally bankrupt activities they have been up to.
Encourage the public to pressure their representatives to hold them accountable and when they don’t, encourage them to replace them with someone who will.
If it results in a majority in both houses of Congress it’s worth it. If Trump is still President somehow, impeach and convict. If he’s not, leave it to the DOJ to release the unredacted SCO Report and bring criminal charges to Trump and all his co-conspirators.
The essential thing though is that all of this is the side show. The main message has to be completely unrelated to Trump and completely positive.
Tractors don't even hook up on the internet. Quick, somebody create Trinder. For tractors.
Or a witch Hunt.That kind of sounds like an impeachment process![]()
Have you tried wording it another way?
BB : Do you believe that the sick should get seen by a doctor for free.
MIL :Yes
Comment: well Republicans are going to make them pay and if they are too poor to pay then they will die.
BB : Should the poor get food stamps.
MIL : Yes, Rebecca does.
Comment: Well the Republicans are going to take way food stamps for the poor...and take Rebecca’s away too.
BB : What about a subsidy on a house or an apartment if you can't make the rent even though you're working full time.
MIL : Yes
Comment: Well Republicans don’t. They are going to stop that.
And so on and so on.
That's just it. They'll agree with everything you say and still vote republican.I do this all the damn time with people. It’s insane the level of intellect that people can possess and still be voting against their own best interests.
You could snap your fingers, not change a single party policy, but change the colours and names of both parties and 50%+ of Republicans wouldn’t change their vote.
The world, and the populace in general, are broken.
Maybe that again needs different wording.I do this all the damn time with people. It’s insane the level of intellect that people can possess and still be voting against their own best interests.
You could snap your fingers, not change a single party policy, but change the colours and names of both parties and 50%+ of Republicans wouldn’t change their vote.
The world, and the populace in general, are broken.
There’s a small part of me that would love to see him get elected again with a democratic supermajority in the house and senate with turtle mcturtleface as impotent minority leader.
Trump and all his cronies in the executive branch impeached, convicted and sentenced.
It's like soddin' South Park.HOLD THE DATE! We will be having one of the biggest gatherings in the history of Washington, D.C., on July 4th. It will be called ‘A Salute To America’ and will be held at the Lincoln Memorial. Major fireworks display, entertainment and an address by your favorite President, me!
It's probably a lie.SHS is leaving the White House.
You nasty broSo I'll get to see more of Kellyanne?![]()
Well that’s some good news anyway. Off into oblivion I suppose.Now Huckerby-Sanders is leaving the White House. Not having a Press Conference in 94 days is ridiculous. I wonder which mug is going to take on that poisoned chalice. He'll probably stick Kellyanne Conway in there. She'd be perfect for deflecting all the bull crap.
Well that’s some good news anyway. Off into oblivion I suppose.
Well that’s some good news anyway. Off into oblivion I suppose.
They don’t have to be voted in then?Arkansas Governor according to Trump.
She's going home in plenty of time to give Chinese burns to trick or treat kids.
Arkansas Governor according to Trump.