The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Pelosi is very effectively trolling him. He's good at playing victim but she somehow manages to bring him to rage.

Anyone can bring him to rage. Absolutely anyone. Every single time someone says something disparaging about him or says anything he disagrees with he comes out in force with a raging Tweet full of personal insults or he gives a press conference or slams them at one of his rallies. He never forgets either, (or he does, but then it comes back to him again) hence his 30 year war with the owner of Vanity Fair over the tiny hands comment.

In the same way, if you praise him, his insecure ass loves it and he acts like he will do anythjng for people who big him up. I don't think the Dems have played on any of this enough, neither have the press. If anything, they have acted in an even dumber manner than he has, which is saying something.
WTF's 'achomlishments'? An alcoholic drink made by Noam Chomsky?
Today's 'the Daily' podcast from the NYT is absolutely insane. Goes through Trump's history with Deutsche Bank, well worth a listen. He absolutely rinsed them, 3 times, and when the finally got him dead to rights, he sues them for causing the financial crisis.

What the feck did I just stumble on to? Wow. These people are fecking insane. Also, Trump talking up treason charges for Page and co.. FML.

Wow. Just look at the replies. MAGA nuts having a party.

Trump being so brazen and bold. Does anyone trust anything that will come from this White House? Are we going to we (and hear) edited and manipulated evidence that totally exonerates Trump, yet magically implicates everyone else?

The world is dead.

Above the fecking Law!

I'm off to listen to their album. Peace!
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Just to reference the NYT podcast again, when Trump was on the hook to personally pay up $40m for defaulting on a loan to Deutsche Bank, he claimed not only that the financial crisis qualified as an act of God, but he then also sued DB for their part in the financial crisis, for $3bn.

That's the way he rolls.

I’ve plonked this in here because I couldn’t find a suitable thread and it’s something I’ve also noticed. Just assumed I was latching on to folk who had been abusive or something, although they had never come across that way and were heavily followed posters. They were also ant-Trumpist.

Wondering if it’s anything to do with ze orange one. Jack Dorsey has been summoned to the WH to sort out Trump Twitter complaints. Wouldn’t be at all surprised to find Trump objects to them allowing people to criticise him on Twitter.

The Krassensteins have been banned. Could well be related to this but I’m more than happy to turn a blind eye to it in this case.

This twit is fecking dangerous.
He wants all the GCHQ and MI6 data just before he comes on a state visit to the U.K.!
Well U.K. security, you know what to do now don’t you? Release any and all damaging data on Trump and bug every single place he’s going to be, including the bogs. The gloves need taking off. He’s not risking our operatives. :mad:

EDIT: On second thoughts cancel the State visit he and his family are so excited about
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I don't know if, outside OBL, have I ever wished such ill well towards a person. But I sincerely hope Trump loses everything, or that that he dies eating a big mac. The man is the most disgusting, insecure person to have existed.
I don't know if, outside OBL, have I ever wished such ill well towards a person. But I sincerely hope Trump loses everything, or that that he dies eating a big mac. The man is the most disgusting, insecure person to have existed.
How ironic it would be if his whole family had to end up begging for food stamps while he rots in prison.
A quick death is too good for him.

He has to witness his entire empire come crumbling down and his family lose everything before he croaks. He has to.
you believe trump is a puppet of putin. you believe high levels of government are controlled by foreign agents. you also believe that russians literally hacked the voting machines and changed totals. so how can you possibly think the southern district of new york is going to take down trump? the cognitive dissonance is incredible
you believe trump is a puppet of putin. you believe high levels of government are controlled by foreign agents. you also believe that russians literally hacked the voting machines and changed totals. so how can you possibly think the southern district of new york is going to take down trump? the cognitive dissonance is incredible
Where did I say I though that the SDNY was going to take down Trump? Off you go and find it for me please.
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