The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Still hasn't been able to execute on his grand infrastructure project, now blaming the Democrats and all these investigations for holding it back. :lol:

Failing President.
Trump as said he will do nothing until Democrats stop these investigations. So business as usual.
Jeez, Pelosi rambling on like a drunk.

Over to 'Cryin' Chuck.

These feckers need to get their act together.

I’ve plonked this in here because I couldn’t find a suitable thread and it’s something I’ve also noticed. Just assumed I was latching on to folk who had been abusive or something, although they had never come across that way and were heavily followed posters. They were also ant-Trumpist.

Wondering if it’s anything to do with ze orange one. Jack Dorsey has been summoned to the WH to sort out Trump Twitter complaints. Wouldn’t be at all surprised to find Trump objects to them allowing people to criticise him on Twitter.
Watching the news with Trump was like an amusement for a little while because he was crazy and so different but now it's gone way way OTT.

His supporters lap it all though they really believe everything he says and there are so many of them
Pelosi is very effectively trolling him. He's good at playing victim but she somehow manages to bring him to rage.
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