The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The likes of Hannity, Coulter and Palin suddenly adoring Assange and Wikileaks makes you despair :rolleyes:

Things were completely different a few years back.

Back in 2010 Palin called "wikileaks a "shady organisation" and called for Assange to be "pursued with the same urgency as we pursue Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders".

Coulter said the leaks "harmed national seucirty". Hannity said "lives have been put in jeopardy" and "people may die".

Amazing how an election win makes them completely change their tunes on this.
The likes of Hannity, Coulter and Palin suddenly adoring Assange and Wikileaks makes you despair :rolleyes:

Things were completely different a few years back.

Back in 2010 Palin called "wikileaks a "shady organisation" and called for Assange to be "pursued with the same urgency as we pursue Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders".

Coulter said the leaks "harmed national seucirty". Hannity said "lives have been put in jeopardy" and "people may die".

Amazing how an election win makes them completely change their tunes on this.

No longer amazing. Par for the course with those sick people.
His situational support of Assange is just more proof that Hannity is a bottom feeder who will clutch on to anything that helps him push his narrative.
We open governments.

At the rate they are going, it might be time to call it quits and focus on something else. Julio Lasagne's cooking blog WickedLeeks for instance, for all your revolutionary insights into opening cans of tuna.
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
Only reason the hacking of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that the loss by the Dems was so big that they are totally embarrassed!12:03 pm · 7 Jan 2017

Gracious... presidential? Or like a petty child having a tantrum...

It's going to be an interesting few years

I think it would only take 2 influential people trolling him on twitter regularly for him to completely lose his sanity.
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan will need to be vigilant over the next few years. With the EU weakening as right wing groups and media push towards nationalism and Trump about to make his America to Putin's Russia what Blair's UK was to Bush's America, I think Putin will start throwing his weight around more and more and there's no way in hell Trump will make it any of his business to stop him.
Shit just keeps going, is this really just going to keep getting crazier and crazier? Won't sane heads prevail at some point?

Speaker Paul Ryan, After Passing Regulatory Rollback, Parties With Lobbyists at Fundraiser
JUST HOURS AFTER passing the very first bill of the new Congress on Wednesday — one designed to roll back a range of environmental and consumer regulations — House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., celebrated with a corporate lobbying firm at a fundraiser for his campaign committee.

The vote on the Midnight Rules Relief Act of 2017 took place at 4:48 p.m. on Wednesday. The fundraiser, at the offices of the BGR Group, a major lobbying firm, started at 7 p.m.
The world should just troll the feck out of him until someone has the balls and moral fortitude to impeach him.
Start at the inauguration, everyone turn their back on him until he gets to the steps of the capital then everyone leave the city as soon as possible.
Change the street and avenue names to Russian around DC, fifth ave and any trump property.
The Academy should nominate and vote for Alec Baldwins impression in some category.
Everyone in the country should watch Celebrity Apprentice, give it massive ratings until trump tweets about it success, then don't watch it again.
Bombard any social media message from him with questions about his hair, hands, face and hair.
Keep this lunatic occupied, support fair and truthful journalism where ever you find it and fight Pence and the rest of the hateful gop in the courts while holding up everything they try to do. They did it to a good man for eight years because of the color of his skin so we all should do the same. Can't be racist against an orange. They made it ok to disparage people who are not fluent English speakers, we can do it to trump. Dems to sue for tax returns would be a start and the fact that we are so close to the 20th without them should be illegal. Hire the top researchers to dissect every second of the lives of his cabinat picks, show them for the slime they are. Did I mention suing, every fecking chance we get. Now maybe the chance to bury the far right wing of the gop and expose their hypocrisy and cronyism so that the only republican left is Joe Manchin.
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At least Mattis seems to have some sense about him. Trump is trying to make an outright plutocracy it seems, what with him trying to appoint hedge fund managers and billionaires to run even the military.

It's looking more like a standard authoritarian patronage network, where the ruler surrounds himself with a network of elites to insulate his own power against potential challenges. The elites are given their roles under the implicit bargain that they protect him.
I can't understand how all this is being allowed relatively unquestioned? I mean, his appointments are some of the biggest criminals in the banking and oil sectors, completely unqualified to run a country but over qualified to embellish serious amounts of money or dish it all out to their rich friends and business partners. Then you have the outright lying about many serious situation, convincing people that the entire press is lying, and then you have family members involved in serious political briefings and business meetings. It really does seem as if the virtual cookie jar has just been opened and now everyone is in it for as much as they can get. I bet even the American public don't get the crumbs left at the bottom. Nothing, I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this transition has any professional feel about it, there is not one single feeling of it being a serious transition of a serious candidate wanting to change the country and make a serious difference. It all seems like an elaborate joke.

I find it quite ludicrous that all this is being allowed from the very top and nobody is able to do anything about it. Saying it is all bizarre is a huge understatement. If all this was going on in a third world country, then yeah, you could believe it and it would make sense, but it's not! The whole US public is being taken for a ride and half of them are going along willingly. It's so sad, so depressing and so very worrying. Let's not even mention or think about the G8. Feck me, this shit is loco!
It's looking more like a standard authoritarian patronage network, where the ruler surrounds himself with a network of elites to insulate his own power against potential challenges. The elites are given their roles under the implicit bargain that they protect him.
You have a point there. It would mirror what Putin has done in Russia.

If Mattis is the thorn in the side to this plan, then fair play to him.
Actually had someone tell me yesterday when I pointed out how shit this transition is progressing "who cares? It's what Trump wants and we want Trump"


That proves my point perfectly, and there's a very fitting quote from a very famous film to go with it......... "Stupid is as stupid does"
I can't understand how all this is being allowed relatively unquestioned? I mean, his appointments are some of the biggest criminals in the banking and oil sectors, completely unqualified to run a country but over qualified to embellish serious amounts of money or dish it all out to their rich friends and business partners. Then you have the outright lying about many serious situation, convincing people that the entire press is lying, and then you have family members involved in serious political briefings and business meetings. It really does seem as if the virtual cookie jar has just been opened and now everyone is in it for as much as they can get. I bet even the American public don't get the crumbs left at the bottom. Nothing, I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this transition has any professional feel about it, there is not one single feeling of it being a serious transition of a serious candidate wanting to change the country and make a serious difference. It all seems like an elaborate joke.

I find it quite ludicrous that all this is being allowed from the very top and nobody is able to do anything about it. Saying it is all bizarre is a huge understatement. If all this was going on in a third world country, then yeah, you could believe it and it would make sense, but it's not! The whole US public is being taken for a ride and half of them are going along willingly. It's so sad, so depressing and so very worrying. Let's not even mention or think about the G8. Feck me, this shit is loco!
Every Trump voter has played a pivotal part in the destruction of this country and make no mistake about it, Trump Inc. will decimate this republic. His cabinat picks have been nothing more than a jackboot kick in the face to seventy years of social progress. The denial of a massive foreign power influencing the election when everything positively points in that direction is treasonous. The sexual assaults, the theft, the racism, the bigotry, the falsehoods, the disrespect and the fecking lunacy of it all. feck YOU America, I hope those who voted for this suffer the most.
feck YOU America, I hope those who voted for this suffer the most.

I find it hard to say fek you America... I mean less than half of those who voted actually voted for trump and of course well under 50% of those eligible

As for if those who voted for him suffer... I sadly think it wouldn't be trump they would lash out at rather they would "double down" on Democrats, Muslims, Mexicans or whoever else he decides to focus the hate on (Chinese?)
I imagine it's quite difficult to keep a leash on a man nicknamed 'Mad Dog'. The more ructions within his own camp, the better.
Some of his supporters do come across as cnutish, I won't be shedding a tear for them either as they start to feel the effects of their vote. Be it genuine or protest vote...
I wish I could enjoy Trump coming back and biting his voters in the collective ass, but it means I get screwed too even though I didn't give him my vote.
Some of his supporters do come across as cnutish, I won't be shedding a tear for them either as they start to feel the effects of their vote. Be it genuine or protest vote...
It'll teach them to be more discerning with their votes next time. US politics will shift to the Left when they see how bad the visceral Right can be.
It'll teach them to be more discerning with their votes next time. US politics will shift to the Left when they see how bad the visceral Right can be.

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