The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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My most burning question in this berder saga is, was it a typo, or does Trump actually think it's spelled hamberder. When I imagine Trump saying the word,I could well imagine so.
My most burning question in this berder saga is, was it a typo, or does Trump actually think it's spelled hamberder. When I imagine Trump saying the word,I could well imagine so.

I don't see how you could confuse "U" with E and D with G on your keyboard.
Plus both words sound kind of similar and you'd expect even Trump to detect two spelling mistakes in a short tweet.
I wonder how long those 800k employees who arnt getting paid eventually say fk this and rise up? It's all well and good digging in and saying "i want a wall" when it barely affects your daily life but so far a month of not being paid which is enough to seriously ruin someones lively hood.
I wonder how long those 800k employees who arnt getting paid eventually say fk this and rise up? It's all well and good digging in and saying "i want a wall" when it barely affects your daily life but so far a month of not being paid which is enough to seriously ruin someones lively hood.

You forget how ridiculously preposterous America is.
I wonder how long those 800k employees who arnt getting paid eventually say fk this and rise up? It's all well and good digging in and saying "i want a wall" when it barely affects your daily life but so far a month of not being paid which is enough to seriously ruin someones lively hood.
Yep, i am surprised by their behaviour. They should be furious and take on the streets.
I wonder how long those 800k employees who arnt getting paid eventually say fk this and rise up? It's all well and good digging in and saying "i want a wall" when it barely affects your daily life but so far a month of not being paid which is enough to seriously ruin someones lively hood.
It’s amazing just what Americans will put up with. If this had happened anywhere in Europe they would have downed tools and rioted by now. And it wouldn’t have happened again. It’s like any problem though, if you don’t tackle it then it’s likely to recur....which it has done over the years. More fool them for tolerating it.
This is one of those oddities I learned from watching The West Wing :)

The speaker invites the President to deliver news on the state of the Union.
That's so interesting. Can only imagine how pissed he 45 will be if he doesn't get to speak at his wankfest where he can spew over how great he thinks he's doing.

Aiding Bush’s effort was the fact that prominent Democrats had proposed tinkering with Social Security in the past. In his State of the Union address, Bush observed, “During the 1990s, my predecessor, President Clinton, spoke of increasing the retirement age. Former [Democratic] Senator John Breaux suggested discouraging early collection of Social Security benefits. The late [Democratic] Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan recommended changing the way benefits are calculated.” Bill Clinton and Joe Lieberman had even toyed with private accounts.

But Pelosi, then House minority leader, wouldn’t take the bait. She denied that Social Security was in crisis. And she refused to offer a plan for changing it. When a member of Congress askedwhen Democrats would offer their own proposals, she replied, “Never. Is never good enough for you?”

Pretty good read on Pelosi fighting Trump over the wall much like she did with W over Social Security
has anyone in human history ever had the piss taken out of them more than Donald Trump?

Yes you, me and everybody by Donald Trump. We can laugh all you want at his lunacy, idiocy, etc... but he is the president of US and is fecking the world over and laughing at it meanwhile
It’s amazing just what Americans will put up with. If this had happened anywhere in Europe they would have downed tools and rioted by now. And it wouldn’t have happened again. It’s like any problem though, if you don’t tackle it then it’s likely to recur....which it has done over the years. More fool them for tolerating it.

I'm thinking perhaps the US being so huge geographically sort of presents massive upheavals by the working class being dicked over by politics. That and the fact we know cops here will literally kill us.

I personally welcome a purge.
To be fair he's talking about all the amazing walls built to keep people out. The Great Wall, Hadrian's Wall, Theodosian Walls, Firewall, Wall's sausages, Wall Street, Wolf of Wall Street, Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Ziggy Played Guitar, Zippy Bungle and George. God that was a good show. A bit cagey now though when you watch it back. Lots of sexual comments. The point is that - and walls don't have to be made of wall stuff, you know - fences would work. But I can't call it a fence because the liberals will nitpick, it's not a wall because it's a fence. But it's a wall, a big wall. Not a fence. They say it's a wall when I say it's a fence, they can't stand it.
:lol::lol: Bravo!
I'm thinking perhaps the US being so huge geographically sort of presents massive upheavals by the working class being dicked over by politics. That and the fact we know cops here will literally kill us.

I personally welcome a purge.
You just need some good unions...if you’re not being paid then don’t work. If everything comes to a standstill they’ll soon find the money. If there are no border guards at the Mexican border that’s dangerous as per Trump’s classification. No border guards at airports.....dangerous again. Plus no-one can fly in or out of the country. Dems are very weak on workers’ rights. (I don’t expect Republican to care about workers’ rights). Time they improved.
Sorry if it has already been posted.

The only humanitarian crisis I can see is the one where children are being snatched from their parents and being locked in what amounts to a prison.

If he can make up shit then so can I; there's a Great Shortage of Dolphins in DC. Nobody knew how bad it was. Mushroom Head Trump is sucking the hearing juice out of children and making them deaf. We must shoot every puppy that we see in the face. The Lyin Dems will tell you that I told you to shoot puppies in the face but I never did. Deep State. Drain the Swamp. Insert nickname here.
The only humanitarian crisis I can see is the one where children are being snatched from their parents and being locked in what amounts to a prison.

If he can make up shit then so can I; there's a Great Shortage of Dolphins in DC. Nobody knew how bad it was. Mushroom Head Trump is sucking the hearing juice out of children and making them deaf. We must shoot every puppy that we see in the face. The Lyin Dems will tell you that I told you to shoot puppies in the face but I never did. Deep State. Drain the Swamp. Insert nickname here.
My most burning question in this berder saga is, was it a typo, or does Trump actually think it's spelled hamberder. When I imagine Trump saying the word,I could well imagine so.

At first look I went WTF. And then I looked again and the only typo is 'd' instead of 'g', which is an understandable typo for someone with fat fingers. 'E' instead of 'u' is not a typo; he is either illiterate or dyslexic as he thinks that hamburger is spelled as hamberger.
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I agree but I don’t think it’s for the point you are making. Conservatism isn’t being beaten by liberalism, it’s being consumed by fascism.

Fortunately there’s long been systems in place to contain fascism and fascism seems to attract characters who are stupid and do illegal things so conservatism is first being consumed by fascism and then failing because the people leading the charge are dumb and criminals.

Well said.
To be fair he's talking about all the amazing walls built to keep people out. The Great Wall, Hadrian's Wall, Theodosian Walls, Firewall, Wall's sausages, Wall Street, Wolf of Wall Street, Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Ziggy Played Guitar, Zippy Bungle and George. God that was a good show. A bit cagey now though when you watch it back. Lots of sexual comments. The point is that - and walls don't have to be made of wall stuff, you know - fences would work. But I can't call it a fence because the liberals will nitpick, it's not a wall because it's a fence. But it's a wall, a big wall. Not a fence. They say it's a wall when I say it's a fence, they can't stand it.

Trump and Guliani truly display incompetence like no one else.. It would be interesting to know what the game plan actually is when you let someone like Giuliani continue doing these interviews. He's a complete trainwreck and always, always does more harm than good. This must be the 42nd time he's backtracked on previous statements and made himself and everyone on Team McDonald look like complete idiots, with the added twist this time of basically saying out loud that people within the campaign probably did collude with Russia.

Which isn't exactly a tiny little hickup.
I’m watching a rerun of the Cuomo episode and I have no idea how he keeps his cool talking to Giuliani. I feel like I’ll develop an aneurysm listening to any more of him.
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