Red Defence
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What can you say.
Just Pelosi...the rest of Congress not being paid then?
What can you say.
A medium whopper menu with fries and drinks in Belgium costs 7€ each, cheeseburger with fries and a drink about 6€. That's 26€ or 30$. That's a massive price difference. You can easily find fresh ingredients for the same price.
That's the truth. Both give me the shits though.BK is bearable compared to the synthetic feces that McD is.
(Sec. 103) Extends the authority for the Senate National Security Working Group through 2020.
Provides appropriations to the House of Representatives for:
- Salaries and Expenses;
- House Leadership Offices;
- Members' Representational Allowances, including Members' Clerk Hire, Official Expenses of Members, and Official Mail;
- the Intern Allowance;
- Committee Employees;
- Salaries, Officers, and Employees; and
- Allowances and Expenses.
All true yes and and no shortage of a liquor store either.Ah but the difference is convenience and time usually. The lowest income areas of a city lack the easy access to good supermarkets that middle class have and the lower income populations don't have as much access to cars.
When I lived in low income areas the pattern was basically the large discount supermarket chains (like a Foodmaxx or Walmart) on the biggest boulevard in the neighborhood but that could be 6-8 miles from some residential neighborhoods. What would be closer to many neighborhoods were smaller ethnic markets at best (usually Hispanic or/and Asian depending on the area) and tonnes of fast food.
Just to give an example. One apartment I lived in a dangerous neighborhood would have taken at least 10 minutes by car to get to a good supermarket whereas I could walk to get fast food within 5 minutes. There was a small Hispanic convenience store near the fast food but it didn't have anything like fresh produce and meat. More just canned goods and packaged food shipped from out of state.
Oh and there was no farmers market in this area unlike the middle class neighborhood that had cheap local grown produce at weekly farmers markets.
But not at every location though, some if the fast food chains around me don't participate but there is always a coupon in the mail. At least you get some good stuff on a whopper.2 whoppers
2 cheeseburgers
4 fries
4 drinks
At burger King for $12
Feck me sideways, its Donald and not Denald. Hamberders
Lol!Maybe he is better at cooking junk food rather than being president.
But not at every location though, some if the fast food chains around me don't participate but there is always a coupon in the mail. At least you get some good stuff on a whopper.
I tried to do it and it auto corrected it to hamburger.He must have had a stroke while tweeting. No fecking auto correct can do that.
Lol!Maybe he is better at cooking junk food rather than being president.
Nice.Trump has sold more whoppers to his base than Burger King could dream of.
He wants to show everyone is a normal person, eating and paying the ordinary peoplefeck me. That i paid was a new low. You're potus and supposedly billionaire and you brag on treating your host junk food?
With that logic, I'm amazed they could muster the brain power to form coherent speech.Talked to some Donnie voters. They think the man is a Saint for doing what he did for those kids. *smashes head against an immovable object*
Talked to some of the mouth breathers then did yeh? You aren't infected are yeh?Talked to some Donnie voters. They think the man is a Saint for doing what he did for those kids. *smashes head against an immovable object*
There was about 36 burgers on each tray so he would have had at least 25 silver platters of burgers to hit that number, the table says no.
Why lie about this shit? The scrounge ordered fast food for an official white house engagement and everything was 2 for $5, some wendy fries and salads and dominos pizza. He spent less then a couple of grand, why brag? As someone else mentioned he "owns" a hotel down the street that could have easily put on a nice spread and if he wanted to blow his horn about helping businesses that sell American food the white house could have went to the numerous small restaurants around the area and passed some business their way instead of these behemoth companies selling shit food.
He is a disgrace of a human and the most cringeworthy mutherfecker I've ever seen.
could see Trump smashing that tray of 12 by himself
It looks like Lincoln is back there contemplating putting his head in that noose.
I crave a Big Mac now![]()
"We have pizzas, we have 300 hamburgers, many, many French fries, all of our favourite foods," Mr Trump said as he hosted the event in the State Dining Room on Monday.
"If it's American, I like it. It's all American stuff," he replied.
Any MAGA supporter is going to look at that and think that the menu choice is better than the usual highfalutin buffet you'd get at The White House.
Laughing at Trump is nice and all, but he's a canny operator. Convincing yourself otherwise is not really helpful.
He did not buy it just because its what he eats. He's extremely talented (whether its fully conscious or not) at tapping into the mentality of conservative working class America. Do you really doubt that his base are going to see these pictures and think its awesome? Seriously? It's a perfect piece of messaging that tells his base that Trump is one of them, and gives them a smug sense that the privileged are being brought down to the kind of level that they themselves have to live at.
If your regular family meal was a McDonalds or a KFC because you're poor and work long hours, can you not see the enjoyment you'd probably get from seeing the rich and famous getting served the same kind of food you're forced to live on? It's pure schadenfreude.
They taste good in Stuttgart, taste like burnt cardboard covered in condiments in the States.
Small Big Mac menu in Norway costs about $14.
No wonder they are all fat bastards over there.
Those Clemons kids are rich and famous?
Ain't no way he's hosting a WH dinner for heads of state or corporate donors with platters of lukewarm burgers and cold fries.
I was also told they tend to use peanut oil to cook versus whatever crap oils used in the States. @Blackwidow