The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm fairly confident he had no idea, full stop.

I'm one of those boring fecks that argues that history is poorly taught in school, and that as a society we make poor decisions broadly for not knowing it (I know everyone has their own pet subject that they believe is lacking in society, but mine is history). Well, we're about to find out if its even necessary at all in order to make good decisions.
On the whole Trump being thick thing, I don't think this can be emphasised enough. I've met a couple of relatively thick politicians in my time and even they can give the illusion of having some smarts with the right preparation and a decent team behind them. Especially when they're working off a pre-prepared script, What's really staggering about this cretin is that with all the hundreds of hours of footage and page after page of transcripts from the hot air he has chuntered during this campaign (and over the course of his career) he has never once given the impression of being anything other than the sort of borderline learning disability blow-hard you might see propping up a bar, talking bollox at the TV during the news. A genuinely very stupid man. It's equal parts astonishing and terrifying he's ended up in this situation. You really do have to go back to Nazi Germany to think of another example of a whole nation so obviously losing their minds.
I really feel we are watching the slow rise of a nazi lite here. Trump is the catalyst for the rule book being thrown out the window and after this, almost anything goes. The genocide will occur on all sides through needless war and profiteering all because the authoritarian figures want our unquestionable adoration and not the betterment of humanity.
Will we ever evolve as a community from this mentality of fear and greed. To fear a terrorist attack is rational but my whole family could be wiped out by someone checking a phone text on the highway. That fear is in all of us and I myself am highly aware of a threat when I enter the cinema but I won't vote for a Trump or Putin figure based on that fear. I will vote for someone who represents a sensible, ethical and equal plan for our future. Republicans have not represented any of that for the last twenty five years and use every dirty trick at their disposal to press that jackboot on our necks and will continue to do that until the fools amongst us see the light.
Maybe republicans will go off the reservation with their hatred for liberals and institute The Purge the day before Election Day, I would be well on for it, let's make those three million people count;)

"Roy of the Rovers? Very smart man. Very. You see, he did something that other people didn't do, although some did. Nobody played the Lone Ranger like him. Nobody. Except Tonto."
This thread? A very intelligent thread, like most threads on Redcafe. Ten years before or twenty years before, what's in this thread would never have been thought possible. So this thread is a very important thing to do, especially at this time.
"My son has a Redcafe, and Redcafes are some of my best friends."
Is anyone else still waiting for that one moment, no matter how small when he finally gets in trouble and actually punished for something he has said or done? I can't remember a single time that has happened.

Hell, I'd be happy if just for once he didn't get his own ridiculous way.
They (insert corporations/government/rich/etc...) try to get away with as much as they possibly can. Always have always will. I just wonder/worry about what all this says? What can you actually get away with nowadays? What does it take to really piss of the people to the extent where the majority of them take a stand and attempt to hold you to account (e.g. Standing Rock/Flint water/Pussygate/NHSredbusgate/etc...)?

Recent history shown me that you get away with a hell of a lot, to what extent I don't even know anymore...
On the whole Trump being thick thing, I don't think this can be emphasised enough. I've met a couple of relatively thick politicians in my time and even they can give the illusion of having some smarts with the right preparation and a decent team behind them. Especially when they're working off a pre-prepared script, What's really staggering about this cretin is that with all the hundreds of hours of footage and page after page of transcripts from the hot air he has chuntered during this campaign (and over the course of his career) he has never once given the impression of being anything other than the sort of borderline learning disability blow-hard you might see propping up a bar, talking bollox at the TV during the news. A genuinely very stupid man. It's equal parts astonishing and terrifying he's ended up in this situation. You really do have to go back to Nazi Germany to think of another example of a whole nation so obviously losing their minds.

And Nazi Germany often was filled with fairly similar types of political figures: ie, manic ideologues who became popular but really weren't all that intelligent, and became more and more deluded as they become more and more surrounded in their own little bubbles.

Hitler himself was a far better public speaker and a lot more polished in that sense than Trump will ever be, and seemed to be a lot more committed to his ideology compared to Trump's ever-changing views, but he had a lack of understanding/interest on economic issues and made many tactical blunders which were costly during the war when people who knew what they were talking about recommended otherwise. He wasn't the only one.

I believe it was Ribbentrop who astounded officials after the war when IQ and other intelligence tests revealed he was genuinely just a bit of an idiot. Like...officials really, really didn't understand how such an unintelligent man became so high up in the Nazi regime. And there was Hess, who flew to some far off field in Scotland because of some noble (or something along those lines) he knew who he thought he could do a peace deal with. Which was utter lunacy. I believe Goering was another who became more and more of a liability as the war went on...again, despite his very high standing.
They (insert corporations/government/rich/etc...) try to get away with as much as they possibly can. Always have always will. I just wonder/worry about what all this says? What can you actually get away with nowadays? What does it take to really piss of the people to the extent where the majority of them take a stand and attempt to hold you to account (e.g. Standing Rock/Flint water/Pussygate/NHSredbusgate/etc...)?

Recent history shown me that you get away with a hell of a lot, to what extent I don't even know anymore...

Trump is the first step in people saying, 'We have had enough'. As ironic as it may seem.
You really do have to go back to Nazi Germany to think of another example of a whole nation so obviously losing their minds.

Not a comparable scenario imo. The Treaty of Versailles led to a deeply embittered nation which provided to be a fertile breeding ground for nationalism and rise of the Nazi's. I'd say the current US is the very flip side of the spectrum in your argument. It is coming off a successful era in economy and geopolitics.

The global economy is evening up. Countries like China and India are catching up in economic growth and the financial divide between the coastal and inland regions of the US are significant (similar to London vs other parts of UK). The people who did enjoy glorious times of youth, now find the show on the other foot. Globalization has soured and they find themselves not competitive anymore. Cause for resentment and rise of Trump. You can draw parallels, but at the opposite end.

He keeps delivering and is making some startling headlines. If Ford bends so easily, others will follow...
Megyn Kelly leaves Fox for NBC.
GOP reverses course on gutting ethics committee after Trump's intervention
Ford announces they will invest in Michigan instead of Mexico.

Those are three good news bits as a direct result of Trump.
We have had enough of the cnuts that we voted in? Yeah, well the people can feck off, the stupid cnuts.

people have been fed lies by politicians and the media for years.
Trump may well Not be the answer.

But you can be sure a genuine person will resonate with most people. Problem is will he/she be allowed to be heard by the corporate media.
Trump is the first step in people saying, 'We have had enough'. As ironic as it may seem.
I don't see it. Imo, this was a first class example of misdirection, people being placated by empty promises and rhetoric... instead of the change they hoped for, they will mostly get more of the same. Ironically like Obama before, and probably like Hillary too.
I don't see it. Imo, this was a first class example of misdirection, people being placated by empty promises and rhetoric... instead of the change they hoped for, they will mostly get more of the same. Ironically like Obama before, and probably like Hillary too.

Those who voted for Trump voted 'in your face' so to speak. They did not believe him as such. They could not stand the standard GOP politicians and could not trust Hillary a worse politician.

It was a protest vote. And don't forget all those people who stayed away.

What we will get, we do not know. But it was a huge wake up call for both parties.
Those who voted for Trump voted 'in your face' so to speak. They did not believe him as such. They could not stand the standard GOP politicians and could not trust Hillary a worse politician.

It was a protest vote. And don't forget all those people who stayed away.

What we will get, we do not know. But it was a huge wake up call for both parties.

He got almost all the people who voted for Romney. What was the protest about?
You can say that the protest vote pushed him over the line but his base votes were the GOP base...
With Megyn Kelly moving to NBC there will be a massive slump in old man tube sock sales in the red states.
They (insert corporations/government/rich/etc...) try to get away with as much as they possibly can. Always have always will. I just wonder/worry about what all this says? What can you actually get away with nowadays? What does it take to really piss of the people to the extent where the majority of them take a stand and attempt to hold you to account (e.g. Standing Rock/Flint water/Pussygate/NHSredbusgate/etc...)?

Recent history shown me that you get away with a hell of a lot, to what extent I don't even know anymore...
I'm convinced they could hold a press conference saying how they are consistently lying to the public and still get away with it. The public is incredibly passive.
They (insert corporations/government/rich/etc...) try to get away with as much as they possibly can. Always have always will. I just wonder/worry about what all this says? What can you actually get away with nowadays? What does it take to really piss of the people to the extent where the majority of them take a stand and attempt to hold you to account (e.g. Standing Rock/Flint water/Pussygate/NHSredbusgate/etc...)?

Recent history shown me that you get away with a hell of a lot, to what extent I don't even know anymore...

Gun control, it seems.
:lol: So funny to see the Moron Elect switch position and flip flop based purely on public opinion. He's such a wanker and a giant pussy. He has no convictions at all and is a coward. If he had any balls at all he would stand strong and do what he campaigned on, or at least try as hard as he could to do as much of it as he could. From evidence shown just yesterday, it's clear as soon as enough people complain, revolt, stomp their feet and get angry with him on Twitter he will change his position instantly and try to pretend he hadn't actually flip flopped.

Yet again many of us have been saying this for months, his sheer ignorance and lack of intelligence are going to cause far more problems than his greed and narcissism. However, all of those factors combined and added with his ridiculously thin skin make him possibly the most dangerous man to ever be elected President of the USA. I hope everyone is strapped in nice and tight because this is going to be one fecked up, bumpy ride.
The opposition should have one clear voice to speak out against Trump. Call out his lies. If not Hillary, they better get the next candidate in line asap. Waiting for 3+ years will not work this time around.

I'm sure Sanders, Warren, and Schumer will be more than loud enough if Drumpf strays any further.
I thought The New Yorker's take on the Congressional Ethics debacle was humorous and clever, although possibly imprecise (can't say I have a firm view on what went on there):
What’s most telling about Trump’s tweet, and the possible source of the congressmen’s confusion, is that Trump is not objecting to the idea of “weakening” the watchdogs; he is just annoyed that the congressional Republicans are doing it on what he considers to be his time. They don’t have their priorities straight. This is not an office that would ever go after him, so why are they wasting his political capital crippling it? In the world as seen from Trump Tower, that’s practically political embezzlement.
I'm sure Sanders, Warren, and Schumer will be more than loud enough if Drumpf strays any further.

Schumer? Nah, he'll just sit around for 6 years and then show up on NY's TVs in 2022 to talk about how he kept the Buffalo Bills from moving out of the state (like that would be a huge loss...)
I thought The New Yorker's take on the Congressional Ethics debacle was humorous and clever, although possibly imprecise (can't say I have a firm view on what went on there):

The press have had it in for Trump. Whatever he does is going to be second guessed and third guessed now. Whatever be the motive, Trump has voiced his displeasure on this. This is after Kellyanne Conway defending this step that there will be 'some form of ethics to replace it' before Trump's tweets. More and more the press does this, they are bound to get some things wrong and those will be used by Trump to further his agenda.

I think the press have to pick their battles to win against Trump. Any Trump news will get a lot of hits, so there is easy money to be made here, particularly negative news about Trump. More investigative journalism with hard hitting facts will do damage, but a rush to publish breaking news that are not reliable will further damage press credibility.
The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!

From you know who
The press have had it in for Trump. Whatever he does is going to be second guessed and third guessed now. Whatever be the motive, Trump has voiced his displeasure on this. This is after Kellyanne Conway defending this step that there will be 'some form of ethics to replace it' before Trump's tweets. More and more the press does this, they are bound to get some things wrong and those will be used by Trump to further his agenda.

I think the press have to pick their battles to win against Trump. Any Trump news will get a lot of hits, so there is easy money to be made here, particularly negative news about Trump. More investigative journalism with hard hitting facts will do damage, but a rush to publish breaking news that are not reliable will further damage press credibility.

Read his tweet. He said the office was unfair, but Congress has better things to do. He is for the scrapping but probably didn't like the publicity.
Besides, this is the New Yorker, a small very liberal magazine, it is not "the press". If CNN/NYT/WaPo/MSNBC were saying this, that would be different (though IMO still valid, they would be doing their basic jobs).
Whatever be the motive, Trump has voiced his displeasure on this

It's really quite simple, he saw the opposition to it from the public, he saw how unpopular it was and worked out it probably wasn't the best way to start off the New Year. @Raoul has said he could be malleable a few times and I think he could be right, be it from blackmail from someone like Putin or his criminal friends (he was seen partying with a known gangster on New Years Eve) or be it from swaying him due to public opinion.

It was obvious to many that he was only ever in this for himself and he really is going to upset everyone at some point or another. He's already laughed and mocked his own supporters at his acceptance rallies directly to their faces, now he's pissed off a few Republicans and gone against what KellyAnne Conway said AGAIN! as he did that a week or so ago too. She won't put up with that too many more times, she can't, and Republicans won't take being pissed around all the time either. It's also clear (if it was ever in doubt) that he has no loyalty whatsoever, and he doesn't care if his supporters are Republican, Democrats, Communist or even KKK members, as long as they support him, like him, and praise him. He won't care much at all where the support comes from, just as long as it is support and some of his policies could easily be influenced just because of that. That's not bad news really, especially when you consider that for most of his life he's been pretty Liberal on lots of issues, despite being a complete moron and spouting loads of right wing nonsense just to get votes before the election.

After stuff like this today I feel a bit better about it all as I can see his impeachment more likely than not, and also him actually putting through some actual decent changes because of how popular it will make him with the majority of the public, or him not following through on many of his campaign promises just because of how unpopular it would make him, his need for adulation from the people could see him backtrack and flip flop on many issues. We have already seen it with this, with locking Hillary up, the wall, mass deportations and much more.

Although maybe that could just be wishful thinking on my part.
The "Intelligence" briefing on so-called "Russian hacking" was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!

From you know who
Coming from the guy that has indefinitely delayed press conferences on Melania's immigration status, his conflicts of interest and I think maybe also his tax returns? :lol:

Also, is he genuinely questioning whether the US intelligence agencies can be classed as "intelligence"? Obviously there'll be some sympathetic to that view, but he's...good grief.
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